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He may have money, but he's said wants the club debt-free so it can be rebuilt. AEK just asked to be relegated to Div3 (however they call it now). This way, in 2 years, can be back to Div.1, debt free and stronger.

Good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even though we are in the 3rd division, it's good news we are heading in the right direction, melissandiis is a successful businessman and knows how to run a club. I've bee reading we are building a new stadium, getting rid our debts and want to rebuild aek into a strong club like how we were before, even though this process should have been done later year it's better late then never.

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks Original

Tigris has an estimated empire of 3.7 bil
Now if this istrue he is by far the richest man in Greece.

60 mil is pocket change for someonee likee him. He is not exactly giving it away neither.

You can make a lot of money with modern stadiums with loyal and big fanbases like AEK.

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He is putting the money in for the stadium he has said this already.


As for people calling him a tightass for not splashing money on players, AEK has to show a profit for this year as they are on the London stock exchange.


Once we get back into Europe which will hopefully be next season then I am sure money will be going in for players.

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He got big companies like OPAP very very cheap because of dirty deals with Nea Demokratia, so don't tell me it's a bad thing that Syriza blocked it.

If he payed for it himself instead of trying to make another dirty deal for the stadium with government money it would have been build already.


Say what you want about Marinakis but he pays for Olympiakos players and debts and stadium with his own cash.

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Doesn't Oly owe $40 million to the Ethniki Bank of Greece as Marinakis wont make repayments? Ase mas re making out Marinakis is a saint...

As for the ref bashing where's the evidence fatboy said he had?  You don't find it strange that the day after Zografos got bashed Sarris and Marinakis went to see him at ther hospital? What right did Marinakis have going there?


We are ALL still waiting for fatboy to speak about the things he knows, yet its been nearly a year and nothing has been said.....


Take your red glasses off please.....

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We have had delay upon also by the Mayor (wanker) and the people of Syriza who have given us obstacle after obstacle surely you have seen that haven't you? We also had to get approval for extra land that we required for it also.


If the govt didn't make it difficult for us each time the stadium would be upon its way to being ready, but because there we people who don't want this to happen they make it harder and harder for AEK.


It's not far away from getting all the approvals required because in the end the land belongs to AEK and no one can stop them from building there.

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I know it was in the budget the oly fan commenting doesn't seem to know what he is talking about when asking why is Meli asking for financing, he isn't asking this was promised to us & he is simply collecting what was promised, nothing wrong with that at all as he has the balls to ask for it.


You talking about Dourou the putana? If so kala that xekoliara needs a brick to the face.


The one thing I laughed at was when Syriza actually had the nerve to ask AEK for a % of our stadium in order for them to approve it lol...


Our stadium isn't about AEK only, the museum that we plan to build is about Greek history which was said would generate over $20 euros a year in tourist visits, but I guess Syriza doesn't want the country making money xeftiles....


Syriza isn't a party to take Greece forward and it has shown lately with their all bark no bite statements, they will go down soon enough.... So all those malakes that voted for them and believed the things they said they would do have been slapped in the face, they should've just stuck with PASOK or ND, half of Syriza is ex PASOK so why would they think a difference would be made?

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Russia doesn't give a f*ck about us plain and simple, they only want us for the Gas resources so the Americans don't get in first.


As for Marinakis, we all want him to go down and he should've gone down already, wont get my hopes up until I actually see it happen.


We are one step away from the stadium grants, they have said Sept/Oct the bulldozers will go in and start, I will wait til then to see if that's the case.


In the end they can't stop AEK in no means from building, it is our land and we have gotten all the grants required so far. They can delay it as they have done time after time, but they can never stop it from happening.


What makes me laugh is how much fear do they have in them to not allow a team to build a stadium for F***s sake, its a joke.

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If you know the history of Melisanidis, in his first period as a president and as a businessman then you know he is a way bigger gangster then Marinakis.


The problem with AEK and PAO fans is this: Their presidents play the same game with the same dirty rules and moves as ours. But their presidents are losing the game :) Thats why Marinakis has to go but their dirty presidents can stay.

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So you have nothing credible to reply in regards to whats been talked about since your last well thought out reply? We like to have civilised in debt discussions on this side of the forum, you clearly dont have the brain capacity to participate so please jog on back to whatever arsehole you crawled out of boy.

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