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we play aek on sunday at 19:00

if we win this one it is a massive step towards the title...we have a much better squad than aek and are in much better form but as always, its a derby and anything can happen...

great news for us is the both gilberto and ninis will be completely fit for the game

projected lineup for pao is tzorvas, spyro, vyntra, sarriegi, kante, katsouranis, silva, karagounis, leto, salpi and cisse

aek will play heavy in midfield so we need kats kara and silva to have monster games...aek will be playing this game for the tie so i think we will see them try to play a very closed off game...

we need to be very careful with djebbour and sccoco and we need to use possesion in the midfield the spread them and allow our attacking players to run at them...they will have alot of trouble with our speed between leto, salpi and cisse...

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Pao123: that's a very nice offer. I don't have the need any more, but I remember the days when I was desperate for PAO games and I could not find any way to watch. So, a tip of the hat to you my friend.

As for the game against AEK, I am nervous about it, mainly because I see the same kind of complacency we show time and again when we play them. Time and again AEK finds ways to frustrate us and shave points off games we are all dead sure we'll take with ease.

AEK is no small team. They have more than one player who can take a game on their own on their best day. Scoco, Tzibour, Blanko are three players who can dominate any opponent when in form

They've had their up an downs, and have been mostly down, but this does not guarantee they will be down tomorrow. Their coach is still the most successful in Greece and their pride is unquestionable. Their position in the table is misleading because besides their few bad games they lost some through bad luck, and they have been butchered more than any other team by the refs.

I hope we don't underestimating AEK because we'll be talking about Nioblias' inabillity to win big games too on Monday. Our players must take the field as if it is the one that determines the title. If they sit back and expect that "the goal will come" we can find ourselves into "hole-digging" mode.

I see a tough 2-1 win.

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also, i can post downloads of basically any panathinaikos game a day or two after the game is played for anyone that is interested in watching the game after the fact..just let me know if anyone is interested..

How? Youtube or torrents or ... ?
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How? Youtube or torrents or ... ?

i get them uploaded on rapidshare..if you have an account with rapidshare you can dowload an unlimited amount of what you want but w/o an account you have to wait about 15 mins between downloads..one match is put up in about 5-6 sections so without an account it takes alittle time to dowload a game but thats what i do..i really love football so i download all the games even if i watched them..(which i nearly always do..its been a long time since ive missed a game and i dont live in greece full time) i like to rewatch them..seeing the game a second time lets you really disect the team better...im not sure about the AEK games but im sure i can find them if you are interested...
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I have good news and bad news...

The good news.. Pao will win... I believe that no matter what.. n the end.. we will come out on top... with our home support...and 50k louder then ever.. somehow we will prevail

The bad new...

I forgot my glasses at the office and I dont have access to them til monday. So im gonna wach this one all squinty eyed :(

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About half hour before the game. Ninis, Roukavina, Gabriel are injured and will sit this one out. Paok won with some dificulty yesterday and Olympiakos is winning in Nea Smyrh 1-0 75' (looking as horrible as in any other game), so they are both within 5 points from first place so we should not give them any hope by winning and keeping our distance.

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