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Anorthosis v. Panathinaikos


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In a way, I'm glad I had to work and couldn't watch/listen to the game. Wow! 3-1 :angry:

Congrats to Anorthosi. I don't care if they didn't play well. PAO would be ecstatic if we got the same result playing this way against a bigger team.

I was kind of apprehensive about this game, because Anorthosi had several good results, and when I heard many PAO statements ("We'll win in Cyprus") I expected a screwup. Tsk. Very disappointing given the budget this year.... How much did Ano spend? <_<

So, at best we could go to the UEFA, though I don't see how with 0 points and our main challengers are ahead of us.

Hey, maybe we can sneak and take the cup this season :whistle:

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Wow, what a result! :o

Congrats to Anorthosis! :)

Anorthosis claim Greek double on glory night

Cypriot titleholders Anorthosis Famagusta FC celebrated the nation's independence day in style by beating Group B rivals Panathinaikos FC in Nicosia for their country's first win in the UEFA Champions League group stage.

Full article on uefa.com.

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Well, I wore my Panathinaikos hat to work today, and even though no one knows what 'Panathinaikos' is, I felt confident that it would bring good luck to the team. I worked late, and avoided all contact with the internet so I can watch the game on tape delay and enjoy it.

Well, I am sure it's not news by now that this was a disappointment. Congratulations to Anorthosis. They were lucky on the first goal, but they were able on the other two.

Our team had the ball all the time, but they had no idea what to do with it. It was kind of sad to watch them bounce around without ever knowing what to do. This must be the 10th year in a row that the team has learned how to pass the ball well between the center backs, but does not manage to master another facet of the game.

The sad thing is, I can't even be upset about this kind of game. I am glad we lost to Anorthosi and not another team. It's a little consolation price I devised so I don't break my expensive computer.

Where should I start, and what's the point of even analyzing anything. I have been writing every transfer season that we need tall players. We don't get any. We turn the ball around, we lob it in the opponent's area and we don't win any headers (I did not count but I think we might won a couple non-threatening ones), and when another team lobs it in our box they can just be guaranteed to score once every five tries or so.

I do need to get a couple of things off my chest though, so I hope you excuse me:

What the heck was Sariegi thinking when he scored? He was not even under pressure. It was a throw-in for crying out loud! And what was Galinovic doing letting this go by in his near post?

Why does Sariegi always look like he does not know where he is on the pitch, and like he does not know where anyone else is? (Titus already answered this one).

What is Christodoulopoulos doing on the pitch? He looked like he had memorized a script and was trying to remember the lines.

Anorthosis is not a super team but they get the job done. Panathinaikos looks like a bunch of old ladies out for a picnic in the pastures.

We have lost all the meaningful games so far and we lost them for two reasons. Because our defense stinks, and because we can't score when it matters.

Maybe now we can focus on the superlegue although at this rate we'll be happy to come third. I am afraid that one new CB in January won't make much of a difference.

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I 'm not into war cries and illusions of grandeur so I 'll briefly say what I saw tonight:

1) Anorthosi play horrible football (hoofball as I labeled it earlier) and never deserved 3 goals for the second time in a row - same happened against OSFP. BUT:

2) Anorthosi played like a typical mediocre SL side - with the exception of a brilliant Savio. HTC should know by now how to handle this kind of game. I 'm not a manager and just like I feel that people who are not qualified cannot tell how to do my job, I also feel that HTC knows what to do better than I do. But, on the other hand, just like every time I do a poor job I accept criticism he should too. This was unacceptable. I hope he's trying to build a squad and has predicted all this. Otherwise, this is an unnecessary embarassment.

3) When Cleyton looks like your top quality player you know something is wrong.

4) Sarriegi's howler had nothing to do with him being a bad CB (which is true of course). It was a combination of poor defending and bad luck. But this is what happens when someone who should be a backup is charged with a crucial role in a CL game. We should have bought better CBs - this much is obvious.

5) This is a badly designed squad. Too many decent players that just can't make a difference.

6) When you don't have the player(s) that will make a difference you go for solidarity. But, nope, HTC doesn't like that apparently.

7) This could have been 1-3 if we had scored first but the bottom line would remain the same.

8) PAO's name in Europe is not what it used to be and this is obvious on the players' faces - PAO and opposition. Good players but not CL calibre, at least not yet. Even the refs treat us differently.

9) Lazaros has no business starting a CL game - he just isn't good enough at this stage and imho opinion he 'll never be.

10) Too much talking on the pitch. This is always a bad sign. Mark my words: the dressing room is not as friendly a place as they present it.

e do u need glasses?? What game were you watching anorthosis played there game and scored three goals!!! Panathnaikos to score first they have to great a chance to score first?? The greens played horrible anorthosis held and countered its plain and simple get over it and move on!! Greens will be back again but don't cut up a team like anirthosis who have not lost at home this year!! I don't even remember one chance panathnaikos had to score I think it was that shot nikolaou almost scored in its own net!!! Anyhow bravo anorthosis and psila to kefali prasine lae!!
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e do u need glasses?? What game were you watching anorthosis played there game and scored three goals!!! Panathnaikos to score first they have to great a chance to score first?? The greens played horrible anorthosis held and countered its plain and simple get over it and move on!! Greens will be back again but don't cut up a team like anirthosis who have not lost at home this year!! I don't even remember one chance panathnaikos had to score I think it was that shot nikolaou almost scored in its own net!!! Anyhow bravo anorthosis and psila to kefali prasine lae!!

Thank God for guys with excellent vision such as yours, my friend. Anorthosis' game is a "sit back and pray for a lucky goal" strategy. Same thing against OSFP: game started with an owngoal and then they put 9 players behind the ball and scored on the counter. I 'm not taking anything away from them - PAO did the same for years in the CL, only with a little more class. Last night, PAO did not deserve to win because they played horribly. But Anorthosis did not play football but hoofball yesterday and have been doing that since the first leg against OSFP. When Lazaros headed the ball a few seconds before half-time, there were 6 (!) guys in white next to or behind Bequai. I can give you my glasses to check it out. Ask Werder who had huge possession and a lot of chances and still failed to score. Congrats and everything, I fully understand your delight but don't give me the "they played their game" routine. I 'm an old man who needs glasses, remember. And with age comes not only poor eyesight but an intolerance towards nonsense with too many exclamation marks. And I still think that if PAO scored first (with zero chances, just like Anorthosi who scored with neither chances nor possession) it would have been a different game and we would probably discuss about Anorthosis' luck that had to end at some point.

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This is the sort of blinkered view that I'm talking about when I say the fans are to blame for not demanding more... apart from the penalty that was gifted to PAO what other moment should have been a goal? Before the game I said that PAO had shown nothing to suggest that they could win in Cyprus, and this game has further reinforced that. Ano had a terrible game by their standards and still won comfortably. What did PAO do in this game, or in any game this season, to suggest that they could have won this game 1-3?

You are entitled to your opinion, my friend, but you should read other peoples' views more carefuly before you start with the agressive arguments from authority. I clearly said that if PAO scored first (a lucky goal like the Ano one) it would have been a different game and a 1-3 would have been more than possible. If you can't see that Ano could have never avoided that if they had to come out and attack, you probably need to blink yourself.

So using "hoofball" as a derogatory analysis shows that you're just bitter. If it's such an inferior tactic why didn't "great" teams like PAO and Olympiakos deal with it easily?

I 'm never bitter about football games and the like. And the answer should be more than obvious to a great analyst like your good self who has predicted more or less everything: because luck is a crucial element of football. Had it been Barca or Inter or Man Uted in PAO's place they would have won the game because they are top class and hoofball doesn't work against them most of the time. But even a creative side like Werder failed to score through the windows of the bus that Temuri parked in front of goal. And playing like that is an inferior tactic regardless of who adopts it - including PAO who used to do it in Europe a few years back when they had no other option. If you can play football you play football - esp against mediocre sides like PAO or OSFP. When you need to resort to anti-football and luck (i.e. an owngoal out of nothing that will allow you to sit back) to beat these teams, that has to say sthing about your quality. And the same applies to OSFP and PAO who couldn't face the challenge. Two bad teams last night (you should have heard the English commentators) but one of them didn't think that it was a disgrace to employ those tactics. And it wasn't - PAO and OSFP are silly to think that they can do significantly better than Ano on the creative side. Props to Temuri for seeing that clearly and taking the games.

He's trying to go for solidarity, but a manager needs time and support to instil that. You guys have already turned on him for goodness sake.

Surely, you are not refering to me. I am always pro-manager because it's unfair to judge anybody's work before you give it a fair trial. HTC is a good manager and, as I said in my post, he must have sthing in mind. I just don't know what it is. And, no, you don't go for solidarity when you change the defence in every game. And the same applies to the attacking midfielder trio.

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You are entitled to your opinion, my friend, but you should read other peoples' views more carefuly before you start with the agressive arguments from authority.

I wasn't being aggressive re. Sorry if that's how it came across. It's difficult to convey "tone" in written posts. I strongly disagree with you but I'm not being aggressive.

I clearly said that if PAO scored first (a lucky goal like the Ano one) it would have been a different game and a 1-3 would have been more than possible. If you can't see that Ano could have never avoided that if they had to come out and attack, you probably need to blink yourself.

I disagree. PAO did nothing to suggest that they would have kicked on if they'd taken the lead. When PAO pulled a goal back the momentum was with the greens and I honestly can't remember PAO having another shot after that. The players weren't moving the ball around well enough to score 3 regardless of who had taken the lead.

... a great analyst like your good self who has predicted more or less everything...

I know I'm great aren't I?

Had it been Barca or Inter or Man Uted in PAO's place they would have won the game because they are top class and hoofball doesn't work against them most of the time.

What does that say about PAO's level then? And although Ano would get battered by Barca, Inter or Man Utd they wouldn't play "hoofball" in those games. That was the tactic employed because Greek teams can't handle the aerial ball. It's a problem that's plagued our game for years. Having said that, Bolton play "hoofball" and last year they KO'd A.Madrid & Sporting from the UEFA Cup, and have caused endless misery to world class teams like Arsenal for years. They didn't play "hoofball" i.e. aimless long balls, they play a tactical direct game, just like Ano. It's the opposition's job to deal with it.

But even a creative side like Werder failed to score through the windows of the bus that Temuri parked in front of goal. And playing like that is an inferior tactic regardless of who adopts it - including PAO who used to do it in Europe a few years back when they had no other option.

This is ignorant re file. Defending is an art. You think it's just about keeping players behind the ball? Centre-backs have to cover full backs, full backs have to keep wingers on their weaker foot, holding midfielders have to track the runners in to the box, the back line has to maintain its shape and move as a unit while not dropping too deep when under pressure, crosses have to be dealt with and so does the first bounce of those clearances, possession is also key, and the forwards have to force opposing defenders to distribute the ball to the preferred channel, etc. If all this was easy all teams would do it, i.e. why are we all panicking about PAO going out? After all, all the team has to do is "park a bus" in front of the goal away to Weder and Inter, get 0-0 draws and then beat Weder and Ano at home. Easy huh? Don't think so.

If you can play football you play football - esp against mediocre sides like PAO or OSFP. When you need to resort to anti-football and luck (i.e. an owngoal out of nothing that will allow you to sit back) to beat these teams, that has to say sthing about your quality.

Since when has an opponent's weaknesses been characterised as "luck"? All goals come from mistakes... The goal PAO scored was just as bad. So yes Ano benefited from a ridiculous o.g. but they also scored another 2. In other words, Ano have now scored 3 goals at home to Oly, PAO, Trabzon, and Rapid Wienna... It's just a lucky pattern though eh?

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its definitly not all goals came from luck......Anorthosis deserves credit.......that 2nd goal was fantastc. I see some great crosses from Ano players. Its hard to beleive, but in reality they are better than the ones at PAO. I know ours are better paid and pampered, shown potential....

But whats potential and a name, when you never step up and perform?

Enough excuses about Anorthosis was lucky. This definitley was not a 3-1 game, but it was an Anorthosis win. They played good defense and scored when it counted. We didnt create a single shot 2nd half.

That Sarieggui own goal, goes down as one of the worst I have ever seen. How, you can receive a soft throw in, and place it on goal is hopeless. Seriously, he was ALL ALONE and in acres of space , I mean come on how the hell can you not pay attention that much where you cant redirect a header out into the MASSIVE amount of space where the goal line is. I think Jose deserves to be fined for that - that killed our chances, and being a m#$%!s should be a finable offense.

This game was a PAO suicide. We are OUT of the Champions League. Mentally we cant recover from this, and our defense is I really beleive one of the bottom 3 in the entire 32 Champions League teams, if not the very bottom. PAO is working for Anorthosis, hopefully fans will make OAKA loud and we can scratch points off of Werder for Anorthosis to take over 2nd!

This is the worst defensive line, I have ever seen in PAO, that I can ever even remember as PAO fan. I dont remember a season where I could say PAO was the worst defense in the Champions League. I dont remember a season where you could COMFORTABLY say that AEK , OSFP, and PAOK have far better back line than PAO.

If its not secure in the back, dont expect it to happen in the front. Its 150% the managements fault, this is the cost of arrogance, of being a total jackass. Offense begins in the backline, great defense HELPS put goals in too. It helps the tone, the morale, the posession, and distribution. We have zero.

I think honestly, anything less than 2 CB and a RB/LB this winter is a total joke from the management. The highest Season tickets ever, are going to go from one of the lowest ever next year unless they get their act together!

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I think Jose deserves to be fined for that - that killed our chances, and being a m#$%!s should be a finable offense.


This game was a PAO suicide. We are OUT of the Champions League.... PAO is working for Anorthosis, hopefully fans will make OAKA loud and we can scratch points off of Werder for Anorthosis to take over 2nd!

Don't be silly re. If you take 4 points off of Weder you're right back in it.

I think honestly, anything less than 2 CB and a RB/LB this winter is a total joke from the management.

Much more than that is needed. The problem is finding real quality players to buy in the January transfer window. Most top players will be dedicated to their clubs in EU competition. I've already said, I'd like to see Seitaridis, Tavlaridis, Aloneftis, Sosin and D'Alessandro. All except the latter could probably be bought in January but I doubt that will happen to be honest.

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Don't be silly re. If you take 4 points off of Weder you're right back in it.

Much more than that is needed. The problem is finding real quality players to buy in the January transfer window. Most top players will be dedicated to their clubs in EU competition. I've already said, I'd like to see Seitaridis, Tavlaridis, Aloneftis, Sosin and D'Alessandro. All except the latter could probably be bought in January but I doubt that will happen to be honest.

im sorry man. Id bet my life savings PAO will not progress, I am usually optimistic, but this is just a fact. We are out. The chance of getting any points in Germany is very small. Even in OAKA, the chance of 3 points realistically is not good is as likley as us not losing in Germany.

I feel like Ive seen the game (of PAO) long enough, and this defense, simply cannot hold up in 4 European games, to the point of getting the team enough points to progress. Werder tied Inter in Milan...thats something we cant do. Not to mention, Bremen anialiated Bayern 5-2 - and it could have been more. Our defense can not come close to providing stability for the team over 90 mins to the point where we can win. Like I say - with this back line every game is a Derby - and a derby we all know is simply unpredictable and uncontrollable. If you play enough games where you cant control anything about what the other team does (defensivley) your bound to lose or not take points from at LEAST some. I think it will be too many dropped points to come to be able to mathematically qualify, and the same for the Protathlima. The amount of points we are going to drop in october and november/december, is going to be too many (added up) where come next may we will not be in control of our own title race, and hence lose it once again, after the mistakes in the first half added up ultimately to what costs the team.

Seitaridis and Sosin would be dream signigns....Sosin would complete a lot as a point forward that we need. Salpiggidis cannot play with tall players. Hes 1 meter tall. Sousa is slow. Sosin is in great form, and even if hes a 1-2 year solution.......I say go for him. Polish strikers do fanatstic in PAO anyways. Tavlaridis would be welcome too. Alokleftis I dont think hed go after just signing in Omonoia, and to be honest we dont need him. Were overloaded with right wingers and attackers, we have too many.

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Deserving win for Anorthosis, PAO was just not in it. What went wrong is something I'm still pondering but you could tell from the own-goal that this was a game where PAO would be lucky to escape with a draw. It was not to happen and they probably are out of both the CL and UEFA.

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:LOL:  :LOL:  :LOL:

Don't be silly re. If you take 4 points off of Weder you're right back in it.

Much more than that is needed. The problem is finding real quality players to buy in the January transfer window. Most top players will be dedicated to their clubs in EU competition. I've already said, I'd like to see Seitaridis, Tavlaridis, Aloneftis, Sosin and D'Alessandro. All except the latter could probably be bought in January but I doubt that will happen to be honest.

im sorry man. Id bet my life savings PAO will not progress, I am usually optimistic, but this is just a fact. We are out. The chance of getting any points in Germany is very small. Even in OAKA, the chance of 3 points realistically is not good is as likley as us not losing in Germany.

I feel like Ive seen the game (of PAO) long enough, and this defense, simply cannot hold up in 4 European games, to the point of getting the team enough points to progress. Werder tied Inter in Milan...thats something we cant do. Not to mention, Bremen anialiated Bayern 5-2 - and it could have been more. Our defense can not come close to providing stability for the team over 90 mins to the point where we can win. Like I say - with this back line every game is a Derby - and a derby we all know is simply unpredictable and uncontrollable. If you play enough games where you cant control anything about what the other team does (defensivley) your bound to lose or not take points from at LEAST some. I think it will be too many dropped points to come to be able to mathematically qualify, and the same for the Protathlima. The amount of points we are going to drop in october and november/december, is going to be too many (added up) where come next may we will not be in control of our own title race, and hence lose it once again, after the mistakes in the first half added up ultimately to what costs the team.

Seitaridis and Sosin would be dream signigns....Sosin would complete a lot as a point forward that we need. Salpiggidis cannot play with tall players. Hes 1 meter tall. Sousa is slow. Sosin is in great form, and even if hes a 1-2 year solution.......I say go for him. Polish strikers do fanatstic in PAO anyways. Tavlaridis would be welcome too. Alokleftis I dont think hed go after just signing in Omonoia, and to be honest we dont need him. Were overloaded with right wingers and attackers, we have too many.

Aloneftis is a left winger. He's a traditional left winger that likes to get the ball down to hug the touch and run at the full backs. That's something that PAO lack. If PAO want to play 4-4-2, who would play on the left? You need a player like him. He also gets many goals and he's a big game player so he'd def make an impact. It's a no-lose situation imo.
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I am a PAO fan for may years and a Cypriot so I am really happy with the results that Anorthosis have been achieving over the last few years.

As happy as I was with Anorthosis's success last night it was upsetting to see such a woeful performence by PAO. There was nothing to praise in it.

The team needs a major overhaul the players for me seemed second rate. They lacked heart and drive. The management also lacked bravery, play Ninis for christ sake he cant do worse then the players last night.

Clubs like PAO don't just represent the political entity that is Greece when they play in europe but Greek fans around the world whether they be in Cyprus, Australia or anywhere else. They look to clubs like PAO to fly the flag.

The Pao team of around 2001 whilst never good enough to win the Champions league at least were a solid and skillfull team.

Bravo Ano

Shame PAO

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Congratulations to our cypriot brothers, may they keep going like this (exept in oaka).

Once again Gilberto dissapoints us. Sariegi, Vyntra just are not for this level. Other than his terrible mistake Sarriegi is also slow.. Maybe they should give Siontis a chance. I bet the kid can do a lot better.

Maybe it's time for Tzorvas too.

Ivanchitz was able to make some crosses when he entered the field but it was too late. He should have started in the game. Maybe ninis instead of moon?

P.S. Listening to those cypriot commentators I felt a bit jealous that we don't have commentators like those (not "know it all" and not fanatic about the game like they describe a war scene. Low profile commentators like older times we miss in Greece.

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I think Lazaros and Moon should not be regulars in the 11.

Ninis - Ivan on the wings..its just far more threatening to other teams....Salpiggidis cant play point forward- only for some rare games, but when the middle is clogged liek vs Ano - it will never work.

What ever happened to Rukavina?

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Zenon: Good post, and welcome to our forum (nice nickname btw)


P.S. Listening to those cypriot commentators I felt a bit jealous that we don't have commentators like those (not "know it all" and not fanatic about the game like they describe a war scene. Low profile commentators like older times we miss in Greece.

100% agree! It was so nice to hear the cypriot commentators, it kind of puts the whole Greek football in perspective. Our teams are sub-par, our league is a joke, the governing body is loughable, our mangers are mediocre, and even our commentators are bad.

If anything, I hope this is the beginning of a golden age for Cypriot football. I only hope our leagues (Greek and Cypriot) gets improved so we can compete in Europe on a consistent basis.

As for PAO, I trully think that this is a transitional period we are going through. Wild swings in performance are not unusual for such teams. It's a brand spanking new team in terms of players, coaches, and management. It's bound to have it's up and downs. I don't think there is any reason to overreact and fire everyone whenever we lose a game.

I noticed a sincere effort this year to improve the club. I can't complain that the effort is not there any more.

Management is young and obviously made a few mistakes this transfer season. HTC is also new so making mistakes is not out of the ordinary. About half the players are also new and we can't expect all of them to shine from the start.

I hope the fans give it a little time and show some patience. Despite the few bitter reactions (justifiable) by our fans, it seems like most are measured and mature in their criticism, and this can be our strength going forward.

Drakos: I would not be upset to see Moon playing as a RB. Heck, we have tried for four years to convert Vintra to a RB, why don't we give Moon a chance. He is strong, he is fast, and he is ten times more skilled with the ball. I see him lurking in the back and having three to four runs and crosses per game, and it would be much more than we have gotten from either Vintra or Nilsson.

Going forward, I'd like to see this lineup myself:






I'd like to see Petropoulos, Roukavina, Cleyton, Ninis, Christodoulopoulos, and Gabriel get extensive playing time too. Without being too harsh, I'd like Gouma, Nilsson, Mantzio, Tziolis, Vintra be the real "backup" plan. I should qualify all this by saying it's all speculative. HTC has the players all day long, and he has their test and blood work too.

I don't mind calling this a re-building year if we get to try out our most promising signings. I would not mind winning the double in the process either :P

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Thank God for guys with excellent vision such as yours, my friend. Anorthosis' game is a "sit back and pray for a lucky goal" strategy. Same thing against OSFP: game started with an owngoal and then they put 9 players behind the ball and scored on the counter. I 'm not taking anything away from them - PAO did the same for years in the CL, only with a little more class. Last night, PAO did not deserve to win because they played horribly. But Anorthosis did not play football but hoofball yesterday and have been doing that since the first leg against OSFP. When Lazaros headed the ball a few seconds before half-time, there were 6 (!) guys in white next to or behind Bequai. I can give you my glasses to check it out. Ask Werder who had huge possession and a lot of chances and still failed to score. Congrats and everything, I fully understand your delight but don't give me the "they played their game" routine. I 'm an old man who needs glasses, remember. And with age comes not only poor eyesight but an intolerance towards nonsense with too many exclamation marks. And I still think that if PAO scored first (with zero chances, just like Anorthosi who scored with neither chances nor possession) it would have been a different game and we would probably discuss about Anorthosis' luck that had to end at some point.

And if my grandmother had ............ she would be my pappou!!!!! Anyhow Olympiakos got there assess kicked in Larnaca i dont know what game u were watching// Final score was 3-0 Everyone in Greece saw that game No complimenets hear for a poor Olympaikos team that day!!!
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Whatever, man... When you learn how to argue I 'll be happy to argue with you.


A couple of points only:

This is ignorant re file. Defending is an art. You think it's just about keeping players behind the ball? Centre-backs have to cover full backs, full backs have to keep wingers on their weaker foot, holding midfielders have to track the runners in to the box, the back line has to maintain its shape and move as a unit while not dropping too deep when under pressure, crosses have to be dealt with and so does the first bounce of those clearances, possession is also key, and the forwards have to force opposing defenders to distribute the ball to the preferred channel, etc. If all this was easy all teams would do it, i.e. why are we all panicking about PAO going out? After all, all the team has to do is "park a bus" in front of the goal away to Weder and Inter, get 0-0 draws and then beat Weder and Ano at home. Easy huh? Don't think so.

First of all, focusing on arguments without the derogative comments is traditional netiquette. I 'm not offended or anything (I 've been running a blog for years and learned not to mind these comments) but I just thought I should bring it up. Anyway, so long as you back it up, so that we can discuss, say whatever you like. Secondly, and most importantly, defending is the easiest thing in football by far. It does, of course, require, careful planning, discipline etc but is definitely not an "art". Total football is an art: you know how to defend and attack well at the same time you are a quality side. The bus parking tactics are well-known when weak teams face stronger teams and the man who said it was no other than the -apparently ignorant- Jose Murinho after a match against the spurs, if my memory serves me correctly. It is a very particular football-killing strategy that every expert like yourself should be aware of. And I provided evidence to back my comment up. And I 'm pretty sure that with another lineup and 9 players behind the ball PAO would defend better. Not well enough, because they don't have the discipline and solidarity that Ano, for example, have, but definitely better. The closer you get to your goal, the less space you have to cover. Elementary, dear Dude.

PS: I 'm glad you are confident, man, but watch it: too much undeserved confidence can have the opposite effects than those intended.

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The Cypriots have just shown that Greek Soccer has stalled and has now declined.

Good on Cyprus for what they have done to all the Greek teams.

With all the corruption that has plagued the Greek League, EPO, and the Refs Greece will be going no where in terms of football.

One idea i have (i know its really left field) is we scrap The Greek Super League and replace it with the Aegean Premier League.

Imagine teams like:




AEK Larnaca

Playing against:








The standard of football would rise dramatically.

i know there is no chance of it happening but this would benefit both Greece and Cyprus.

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my friend years ago the top team in Cyprus use to play on the Greek league so I say let's combine them it will be great for football and great for both countries as more competition will arise and more interest I'm all for it but I don't think it will happening anytime soon!!!

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The Cypriots have just shown that Greek Soccer has stalled and has now declined.

Good on Cyprus for what they have done to all the Greek teams.

With all the corruption that has plagued the Greek League, EPO, and the Refs Greece will be going no where in terms of football.

One idea i have (i know its really left field) is we scrap The Greek Super League and replace it with the Aegean Premier League.

Imagine teams like:




AEK Larnaca

Playing against:








The standard of football would rise dramatically.

i know there is no chance of it happening but this would benefit both Greece and Cyprus.

Aegean Superleague? Lol....then why would Cypriot teams be in it? It would be more like PAO, OSFP, Aris, Naxos FC, Izmirspor, and of course Rhodos United :P :LOL:

I think a more accurate name would be Panhellenic league...;)

But anyways. Im against joingin leagues with Cyprus. They are a different country technically, and they are also very far away. Also, if/when there is a freed Cyprus, it would mean letting some bastard Turkish settler teams play in Greece, which I say absolutley not, never. There are ways to improve from within. At the moment Greece has a tough league. We cant compete outside of Greece at the moment, but that comes and goes. I mean seriously last year our small teams eliminated teams from First divsion Spain, England and France......Arguably the top leagues in Europe.....And we were talking about Aris, AEL, and Panionios doing this...and OSFP of all teams got to the next round of the CL ......And this year absolutley nothing goes right for us, when last year you could say we had a good showing in Europe as a League.

Id be more interested in creating clubs that can hold their own in other regions of Greece besides Athens, Saloniki, Crete, Larisa and Xanthi and the north....

i wish somebody would invest in Kalamata :tup: Even Patras, should have a respectable football team by the size of their city....

I really dont see why the league cant make loosen the standards of existing Superleague teams to branch out, aka MOVE.

For example: A team like Aigaleo (back when it used to be respectable in A katigoria could move - keep same organization, rename the club, but take its standing and staff/squad into a new city, that has more promise for fans and to build a bigger franchise. Its just a thought. The idea kind of sucks, for the few fans these teams have will be simply in an outrage. But it would be better on the whole for Greek soccer.

Even Levadiakos, who is out in the xorafia but has a pretty respectble team, but in all honestly has what future in Livadia. They cant GROW even if they have a good squad this year (theyre not amazing, but there not utter rubbish, they havent lost yet in Superleague for example, and capable of making a tough game for PAO sunday)

Move them to a bigger city.....Patras......Panaxaikh is crap. Nobody cares about them. Move a NEW team in there, one thats in the SuperLeague, using that new Panpeloponisiako stadium - make a NEW brand and get peoples interest...or maybe just merge with Panaxaikh and upgrade the name- use the football skills of Livadiakos, and the stadium market potential of Patras.......

and I say maybe its time to "help" Giannina get in the top catgeory. Thats a big region thats uncovered by the Superleague, and that has fanatic supporters but in the last years has had miserable luck at promotion even though they seemed to be league leaders the last few years in B ethniki till the end.

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