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PAO transfer Speculation


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hi. this is the first time i write here. i am a maccabi haifa fan for years - bercovic, revivo and zuta played in haifa and giovanni rosso still...

from what i read u are pretty sure that rosso will come in january - i must tell u that i really hope he won't 'cause he is the best player we have now but u must to know few things about him. first, he manipulates mr. shum - shum loves him a lot so rosso know how to manipulates it on his behalf (these are things that u can see only during games when rosso used to play in the position he wanted at the same time. in the 15 min. he wanted to play near the striker and five min. later he decided that he now play in the left wing while he suppose to be on the right...).

second: he really doesn't play good in big games in europe - last year in the champions league he didn't have good games exapt for the the qualification game versus shtrum gratz.

as far as i know, maccabi haifa won't let him go 'cause he is a very importent player here - but i guess that if he will want to go and u will pay us...

a funny thing is that his wife is 7th month pragnent and they are waiting for there first born child- friends of giovanni say that he will not leave his wife alone here (she cannot fly) so he won't leave israel.

anyway - rosso loves israel a lot. he was asking last year to be an israeli citizen. he won't be crying if shum will not take him.

one last thing about him: he must play on right wing - he cannot, i repeat, he cannot play in central midfield - he realy suck there...

if u are looking for the guy who will give u passes to goals than bercovic is perfect but - he wan't be leaving england easilly - he just got a british passport and portsmoth is going to purchase him.

revivo? he just got back from galatasaray - didn't care for the money - just wanted to finish his career in "j league" israel :whistle:

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, well let me just start by saying im a huge pao fan and i would just like to know who pao are intrested this christmass....

ive been reading ur topics like everyday and i just wanted to get involved and i finnaly figured out how to register so plz excuse the way ive done this post coz its my first time!!!

alot of names have been tossed up in the air but is it alot of crap? ive heard Kallstorm the sweed, Kinky and i jst heard we bought Ilias Kotsios...



Who do you think pao should buy?

Who is pao intrested in?

who is pao gonna sell?

and finnaly what do u think of this rumours up upabove??

Lookin forward to ur replies gents and may i also say i thin evergreen speaks like a true pao and i respect him for his past comments :tup:

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Welcome man

Just one request. Normally I should merge this topic with the already existing one on the issue of January transfers. But since this is you salute to the rest of the users I leave it open for you...

Please include your transfer comments in the existing topic!

Enjoy the forum

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hmmmmm sorry bout that 2nd mouse dude, i didnt know like i said first time so please forgive me if i stuff things up....

my thoughts are the following:

since Newcastle are after Giorgios Seitaridis, i think pao should accept a fee of about 3m plus Dabizas to sweeten the deal, i mean one defender for another plus cash on top since his gonna b a superstar of the future i think we should get the most out of it plus dabizas is still good :tup: .... then i think pao should make a bid for rivaldo even though he wouldnt come its still worth to put a bid coz u neva know how things turn out all for the $$$, also i reckon we should get that defender who plays for arsenals reserve he would b the papa of our defense..... ohhh and we need a good play maker but im not quite sure who.....

what is everyone elses thoughts??

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according to one of the biggest newspapers in israel mr. zaec had a meeting yesterday with giovanni rosso in holland (we lost 4:0 to valencia in uefa...) and offered him to join pao for 3 years.

rosso is due to pass on the contract to maccabi haifa managment. rosso actually told his friends and players that he doesn't want to leave, that he loves haifa with all of his heart and that he cannot leave his wife here (they are waiting for a baby on january) and go to greece.

he will ask our managment to sign him for 3 more years. although he will earn less (half...) then what pao has offered.

i guess this is a good news to me and 2 u... :nw:

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Yo waddup everyone? this is my first post on phantis(but ive been following ur posts 4 quite sum time now) ,and even tho i live in belgium , im still a massive pao fan.

concerning january transfers, i dont think we should sell seitaridis as he has the potential to be a world class player,and even better ,hes greek!

we should instead get rid of clowns like maric,zutautas and epalle(even tho both of them put in decent performances against rangers)

we shud defo bring in kallstrom who first of all is young, and also a very creative and hardworking midfielder who cud help fill the gap left by karagounis(why dont me take him back on loan?)

what do u guys think?

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sorry alexo but reports r saying that kallstrom will b joining some french team dnt quite know who but his doing a medical.... as for Bruno Cheyrou i think he would make an excellent sighning and that we should really go for him n not make it a flip flop like we usually do with transfers e.g who remebers the time we were gonna sighn berkcamp?? anyways lets hope we get him!! does anyone else have an info on him has he played for france????

http://www.soccerage.com/en/13/s0379.html <<<----- thats the link :blink:

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true Hollywood , latest reports state the kallstrom is goin to rennes,tho many other teams are interested in him.

as 4 bruno cheyrou , things havent gone so well 4 him at liverpool, but after seeing him play in the champs league 4 lille a couple seasons back , i can say that he would be a very good acquisition 4 pao,especially as he would want to prove his doubters wrong.

and yes, he has played 4 france

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Alot of ppl on this forum have been saying Rosso is a definate PAO player ome jan, or that we should get him!

I'd like to know if these reports are true and if he would benefit us coming to PAO!

The Kinky affair has died down very quickly! I think PAO werent impressed with his physical state...Although Id like to know whats happened and if he is still training with us

Kallstrom looked like a good buy but I think another team will get their hands on him before us!

As for Seitaridis....PLZ DUN SELL HIM! We should build a team around him and players like him! Kotsios is coming in, a Greek player finally coming in...what are peoples thoughts on him...can he cut it or will he be another pitsos (lets hope not)

And i guess will just have to wait and see what happens with Cheryou.

as for PAO's Xmas shopping list...it should contain a defender, a playmaker and perhaps a winger (Rosso anyone?)...

By the way...Welcome Hollywood!

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I wouldn't rule it out yet. Money talks...We sent some people over there already who were rejected and sent home, but soccerage.com is saying that we're gonna go back in January and try once again. Plus Liverpool have also shown interest in Seitaridis(though I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want him to leave yet)...I'm talkin' maybe Biscan, Cheyrou + 1m for Seitaridi???

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Sadly, it could just be that PAO will use Seitaridis as bait to get their man, and that man may not be competent enough to fulfill the job that we do need, ie playmaker, defender.

Lets not hope this is the case in the next Transfer Window, bc we desperately need to hold onto Seitaridis instead of using him as bait.

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Alot of ppl on this forum have been saying Rosso is a definate PAO player ome jan, or that we should get him!

I'd like to know if these reports are true and if he would benefit us coming to PAO!

well - maccabi haifa's president is very mad - zaec met rosso in the hotel that maccabi haifa was staying few hours before the match versus valencia.

our president said: "pao managment is not acting like profeshionals. what kind of attitude is that? having a meeting with a player before a game? they will pay for this. if they want him so much why don't they ask us? maybe we will agree, probably not".

rosso, as i said earlier, mentioned that he doesn't want to leave after all...

u have the worst coach ever - ruinning 2 teams at once :ph34r:

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I've gotten to the point where this kind of rumours and pointing fingers at Shum and co. is so common that I don't even care anymore. It's like girls fighting in a schoolyard over who called who ugly...Just sign some fricking players and get on with the season for crying out loud

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we need good and CONSISTENT players. i think rivaldo is a waste of our time and hes only looking for money. Hes been awful lately and is getting old - we need a team player anyways. Rosso im not exited about, if hes so great why only PAO pursues him? i dont know who is available but lets stop going for the the damn crap type inconsistent players we always get...

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talking about defenders well ajax just transferd Petri Pasanen.

apparently his played for his country quite a few times and is at the age of 28 :huh: is this info true?? does anyone have any info about him and would he make a good buy for pao as a defender?? also liverpool have said they wont sell any players this christmass but if pao offer the right amount of $$$$$ then i reckon will see Bruno Cheyrou in the green but its still 30/70 at this stage!!

also has Ilias Kotsios played for greece?? and what position does he play?? what do u guys think of him cause at this stage he is our only buy?? :huh:

lets hope that we get good players and no bluddy haifa rejects coz like that hafia guy was saying b4 its stuffing up 2 teams!! we need more Greeeeek players!!! we are a team of athens not bethlahem!!! (dont mean any disrespect but thats how i feel)

thankz for the welcoming adonis glad to be here :rolleyes: lol

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Verpaskovskis is a good player for sure, but I don't think I'd turn down the Gunners for the Gavroi if I had half a brain...But they are making good moves, and with Georgato coming back, they may pose some more problems...

I really really like the idea of Pasanen coming to PAO. He's experienced, in his prime years, and has played a lot in the CL...can't hurt to have him come in...Kotsis is a central defender somewhat in a Minas Pittsos style but he'll just sit on the bench I can guarantee you that...

The idea that was mentioned about doing Seitaridi for Dabizas + 1m isn't a bad idea but who are you going to replace him with on the right? We'd be significantly weaker especially with a winger in front like Michaelsen who doesn't have the legs to play the entire wing...

BTW, Alexo, where in Belgium are you? I was born in Liege and lived in Rix-en-Sarr for 5 years...

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"The idea that was mentioned about doing Seitaridi for Dabizas + 1m isn't a bad idea but who are you going to replace him with on the right?" <<<<--------- thats why we have the 1m plus paos spending money we should get a nice player that playes on thr right but not sure who?? :huh:

Gents pao have been doing well as of late but i really do think we need atleast 3 more players n good players not crap like Kotsis what the hell is he gonna do on the bench im talking about well known players who are in their prime of around (26-28) who have played for their countrys who are actually good soccer nations e.g French,Italian and Spanish not lithuanian or israle or bluddy Whoop Whoop!!

dont sit here n tell me pao hasnt got the money?? because look at this link!!

http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/news/spo...date=03/12/2003 <<<<<--------- this better happen and players like cheyrou and others better come or ill be an unhappy pao supporter!!! :xxx:

Do you guys think im over reacting or not?? plus we need more greek players as were a team of athens not israle!! :hypocrite:

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o0o0o0o0o progress is being made but 1 question who are Ezequiel Gonzales and mariano Gonzales?? r they brothers or something?? does anyone have any info on them? what positions do they play?? how old r they?? have they played for argentina?? who are their previous clubs?? are they any good??

Someone plz feel me in coz i got no idea :huh:

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