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Everything posted by Akritis_1944

  1. Whilst I don't disagree with you about freedom of the press I also don't think Greece has much of a free press when it's run by a handful of wealthy individuals. I think Marinakis controls various media outlets which is why some of the match fixing stuff doesn't get any airtime. I'm playing devil's advocate here. Banging on about Marinakis being a heroin smuggler when he's a free man putting away 2 pound brizoles every night is ridiculous. If he's charged then he'll face those charges but I've not read/heard anything except what I see on social media.
  2. To prove his innocence? What is this Sharia Law?!. What a ridiculous statement. If you're so sure of his guilt start collecting proof and hand it to the media and the authorities. Go to the FBI. Got to Interpol. I'm not defending Marinakis as I haven't been following him or his issues, but if he's really involved in match fixing or even worse, running a criminal organisation I hope he's found out and has to face the full force of the law. However when he's still free and hasn't been charged with heroin trafficking or running a criminal empire then we can claim all sorts of bollocks (of which there's plenty on this site) but it's not up to us getting all high and mighty on a sports forum about his guilt. It's innocent until proven guilty. If you think it's inverse of that then go and arrest him yourself.
  3. I'm disappointed at such retrograde call ups of Kats, Tziolis and Vydra. These offer so little to the squad. Why call up these 3 players in particular as 1789 mentioned against the Faroes and for a friendly? It's illogical and it just proves how inept Karagounis has been. I wish he was never appointed as he has way too much influence. He's bias is a real negative force and he rewards his friends. Pick 1 of Tziolis or Kats if you must go down this path but not both! Also in hindsight I have changed my mind and don't think he should have excluded Holebas. If he is wrong about Holebas' motivation then it's on his head if he never plays again.
  4. Regardless of where Wolfsburg finished in the Bundesliga this season, if he does in fact go there then this is a backward move. Even if they play Champions League it's not the move he should make at this stage of his career. He's better off at Dortmund.
  5. If we select Ninis, Fetfa and Fortounis which I think should be in contention, you also need the "donkeys" to do the hard work as well. One of Taxi, Samaris and Kone. A Maniatis type of player to balance the attacking and creative players.
  6. I have said this previously but the flippant way many posters dismiss players based on a few seconds of highlights is annoying. Lazaros didn't get much match time in the second half of the season for Verona so that's a concern, but can anyone really say he's not good enough or skilful, or slow when we have guys like Vydra and Katsouranis still kicking around? Lazaros was one of the better players against the Magyars. Not sure what people are seeing. The guy can help this team. He's skillful direct play needs to be harnessed by the coach as he seems to play with out instruction at times. No doubts about his abilities though.
  7. His presence alone will lift his teammates. I really hope he's not done. He wasn't great at Milan.
  8. Australia won't get the WC any time soon. Too many interests within the country working against football (soccer).
  9. Keep us all updated, Pash. Minute by minute would be awesome.
  10. I know full well about the accuracy of Wikipedia. I contribute frequently on various subjects and have seen entries that are meant as pranks or to ridicule the subject. On a page like AEK FC's this would get vetted and checked regularly. There's a section on Meli being the owner so it's not just someone trying to provoke.
  11. Che is my new hero. Bravo re. Pes ta!
  12. Wikipedia lists him as the official owner of AEK. Is that not officially correct, then?
  13. I don't care for Holebas because I get the feeling that behind the scenes he's not interested in representing Hellas. So why keep up the charade that he will get back in to the team. His days as an international are probably over. Let's look to the future.
  14. I'm not sure what the hate for Lazaros is. The guy has the rare ability to take on players and draw 2 and 3 players on him. He wasn't that bad against the Hungarians and if he played a final ball instead of holding on to it he could have opened up space for a teammate. His dead ball delivery is levels above what we had with karagounis the last 2 years. The only concern is his lack of regular playing time with Hellas.
  15. Original Sydney, I can picture having a wank in the new stadiums bogs. Good stuff!
  16. The Faroe Islands aren't easy beats anymore. Germany only beat them 3 nil at home for the 2014 World Cup qualification. So forget about this idea that we "should" beat them by 5 or more. Just fuggin win. 1 nil or 2-1. Whatever.
  17. I agree with some of what SammyPAOK says but I would also have Klaus and Vellios. Vellios is playing in Denmark and the Faroese have players in the league so he would know what to expect.
  18. I haven't seen it. Guy at work said he walked out of it. I get all my film reviews from him, so I'm happy to accept his review as gospel. He's a Serb and because he's like my "brother" I value his opinion.
  19. Produced and directed by a Greek. I've heard the film is a saxlamara.
  20. I can't argue with a lot of what you said, John. The IMF has stated that the austerity measures tied to the bailouts were too harsh. There has to be a better way for both Greece and the creditors. I will add that there's a distinction between the EU and European Zone (EZ). The biggest mistake made not only by Greece but by Germany and the other players was joining the single currency. Greece has been a member of what's now the European Union for close to 35 years. We didn't need the euro then but probably need it more now.
  21. Different style of football. It's more physical in the Championship. Not saying he will gain a place on Leverkusen's roster but I'm sure it's a better environment for his game.
  22. Poor Samaras. What a wasted talent. Sitting in an air conditioned hotel suite in the Arabian desert sipping ice tea is relaxing but he will forever be spoken if with some regret.
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