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Everything posted by Akritis_1944

  1. Yes it is and it annoys me too. However we don't know the context that this photo was taken. He may have been mocking the symbol. Look at the goofy look on his face. His days for the Ethniki are probably over. He's out of form and hasn't done much for his club either. Best he fades away.
  2. I saw highlights of Venezuela v Colombia and Ronald Vargas played a big part on Venezuela's win. If he remains injury free he looks like he'll be very valuable in the GSL.
  3. At this moment our results are garbage. Real issues with coaching structures, players etc but things can change relatively quickly. This isn't months, but years in the making. I agree we have to take a long term view of things and if that means sacrificing the couple of qualification campaigns then I'm fine with that. we went from an average team in 2002 WC qualifying to topping Euro 2004. I don't really care for these stronger nations. When we draw them in future qualification. Croatia, Switzerland, Sweden, Russia, Denmark, Wales, Belgium, Ukraine, Slovakia, Bosnia and 20 other nations aren't our better. I'd even think England and Holland aren't the team everyone thinks they are. Regardless, dropping in the rankings and drawing stronger opposition is not the problem we need to address. We need to have a serious internal review and stop papering over massive chasms with temporary solutions.
  4. Qualifying for the 2018 World Cup should be our goal. That obviously depends on the right decisions based on coaching and squad selections. If we continue in this current zombie walk then Euro 2020 is the next realistic qualification goal.
  5. You think that the utter humiliation would do something to the pride of these players. Make them reevaluate their performances and at a minimum motivate them, I bet you they start getting all defensive the way Karagounis used to petulantly and sarcastically front the media. These guys have to realise that they've done nothing for a year and the public, fans and those that want the best for the Ethniki deserve answers. They need to roll up their sleaves against Poland or just retire. The campaign is over. They are playing for redemption now. Show it against Poland or do honourable thing and quit.
  6. I was explicitly refering to the meeting in early April. Arranged under the former government. As for next weeks meeting, I can't read the future.
  7. I never said that. But my original suggestion to you stands: Go watch baesball. Grab a watered down beer and stop thinking about things you will never grasp.
  8. Go follow baseball you dumbarse hack.
  9. You keep telling yourself that we are regressing to 2004 levels.
  10. Katsouranis needs to do the honourable thing and retire. Then we wouldn't be having these discussions about him being selected. His time has passed. He was a great player but you can't make a 36 yo challenge guys in their prime. The campaign is over but the real work actually begins now. Coaching positions. Playing rosters. Playing systems. All up for discussion if we ae to rebuild properly. I don't want to see 80 yo coaches over 30 yo players taking us to the 2018 WC qualifiers.
  11. Herr Sepp danced on that pitch. He loved it. He still loves it. Let's hope the pitch plays no role in the result.
  12. To pick up on the urban legend that Tsipras was courting "his Russian comrads". The meeting between Tsipras and Putin in Russia was scheduled under Samaras and the previous government. According to both Russia and Greek governments, no money/loans was requested nor discussed. Why let the facts get in the way of trolls trying to paint their distorted picture. Like I said, this is the type of bollocks you read on the comments section of British sites. Real shame we put up with it here as well.
  13. No making the round of 16 is not over-achieving. Anyone who thinks that doesn't understand the sport or the expectations from our group. We would have over achieved if we beat the Netherlands to make a semi.
  14. I can't see this pixie! OK, I don't expect Mourinho or a coach with his profile for a Greek team. I do expect a coach who's recently been in charge of an under 17 team to never be in serious consideration for a professional team in a better league. Anyway, it's not only Olympiakos who attract foreign coaches with reputations. Smaller clubs have been doing this for years. Aris, Asteras Tripoli, Ofi etc etc. There are better credentialed coaches in Greece than Igor Tudor. That's all I was saying.
  15. Igor Tudor? A nobody in the coaching world. Aim low I guess.
  16. Things never run smoothly. So in light of injuries, 3 managers, poor selections, losing to NI and FI at home, Katsouranis, Tziolis, Karagounis' ego trip and the general nauagio this qualifying campaign has been, we now find out that the chartered flight to the Faroe Islands couldn't land due to fog so was redirected to Copenhagen. The squad now might not arrive in the Faroes until the day before the match as a best case scenario. They need to now find training facilities in Denmark given this unscheduled stopover. If they can't leave today they may postpone the match until Sunday (apparently with UEFA's) blessing. This can only add to the tension and fatigue to the players. I still think we will win but too many hurdles have been placed on the path to qualification.
  17. ^ agreed. It really is unfortunate because Karagounis has let his loyalties and bias dictate his actions. The role of TD should have been a neutral appointment. Karagounis finished playing weeks ago and he lands this job? To our detriment I'm afraid.
  18. You have to laugh. The guy has no business as a National team player. We all know that. The player himself knows that but Karagounis is loyal to his kolitous. Same obviously for Vydra and Tziolis. If we fail to go to Euro 2016 surely that will end this embarrassing farce.
  19. I'd accept that lineup as long as Ninis and Karelis make an appearance at some stage and Kats/Tziolis play no part.
  20. ^ I'd take Kats at this age though. The last 4 years he's been balls.
  21. I'm sorry you were scammed and whomever was responsible needed a punch on the nose but you sound bitter and twisted. I live 3 kilometres from the Australian Parliament and yesterday I was scammed from a local Australian business. By your reckoning this shouldn't have happened here. I've caught plenty of taxis in Greece and visited the Acropolis but according to people like you, I must have been lucky as I wasn't scammed. Fancy referring to some village in the "middle of nowhere" as sucking! I assume you haven't returned since you were 13? As an "adult" looking back did you honestly expect your mother's village should have been the Principality of Monaco?! You're no different to what some of the Jewish-Americans refer to some in their community as self-hating Jews. Modern Greece and her society has many, many pressing issues and you offer nothing but miseria. I'm glad you live in the USA and I hope you have changed your name so that you're not considered as a representative of Greece. There are decent people in Greece as there are in North Korea or Turkey or Pakistan. You trade in offensive sterotypes which I can read on The Guardian or Telegraph's websites comment section. I don't want to read your petty gripes on a Greek forum. I hope you continue to post though, I'm not censoring you. Posters here should see how diaspora Greeks shouldn't act. Good day.
  22. Dissapointed about Gianniotas going to the Gauroi for a number of reasons. First, he left Asteras where i would have liked him to continue especially with Europa League guaranteed. The team would have used him. Secondly, going to Olympiakos is usually the death of Greek talent. Way too many examples to mention. Finally, i would have preferred him going to a club like AEK who won't have the pressures of competing in Europe. They are a young team who are ambitious and I like Ganniotas as a player so it woukd have been a good fit.
  23. Kalosorises re fidi mou! I must say I prefer your new name. Sounds grand!you make some very reasonable points.
  24. True about Russia. They probably have better football stadium infrastructure than Australia anyway.
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