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Everything posted by Akritis_1944

  1. Good strikers goal. If Mandzukic scored that goal some guys would be jerking themselves stupid. I say he should get a call up against the Faroes as they play a similar style to their big brothers the Danes so Tolis should be well prepared and know what to expect.
  2. That's disappointing. I hope that feeling stays with these kids so they try harder.
  3. Original Sydney, be careful what you wish for. Fat boy would be up for that challenge.He'd pin you down and "tackle" you from behind. ????
  4. Paidia, I'm joking about Karnezis. My post was in reference to some (specifically a certain Canadian poster who likes to debate incessantly) who have never forgiven Karnezis for his poor WC. I honestly believe he's the best Greek goalkeeper in 30 years. Easily better than anyone since Sarganis. The guy was a major reason that Granada escaped relegation last year in La Liga. He had so much competition when he returned to Udinese that many experts were predicting him to be loaned out again or to be challenging for the 2nd GK spot but he's owned the number 1! He's deserving of the praise and speculation of a transfer to a bigger club.
  5. Getting so many cards is either a sign he's not fit/quick enough for that standard or that he's got a bad temperament. Now I don't think he's out of his depth so I have to question his attitude. Getting so many cautions is silly. I don't remember him being so combative in the Greek league.
  6. 10 million Euro? Nope not worth it. Have Inter seen the footage of him against Japan at the World Cup where he dived in to his own goal? If he didn't dive in to his goal then Japan wouldn't have scored.
  7. Whilst I do agree with your last point, I think you're a bit off on the previous points. First off Abromovich has held up trophies. He's just as prominent to Chelsea as Fat Boy is to Olympiakos. Secondly your examples of Real and Barca are not valid as Barca and Real aren't owned by an individual the way Chelsea and The Gavroi are. To quote Wikipedia: "Real Madrid is organised as a registered association. This means that Real Madrid is owned by its supporters who elect the club president. The club president cannot invest his own money into the club." So of course I don't expect some (unt in a Spanish suit holding up a silver ingot as they didn't put their hand in their pocket the way an Abromovich or Fat Boy Marin have.
  8. Any discussion that proposes XA as a viable alternative is not serious. If the electorate honestly believed that a bunch of illogical fascist thugs would some how improve the nation's standings and progress the quality of ordinary Greeks then Greece is doomed. We would be a pariah nation. Not even North Korea or Iran would acknowledge us. SYRIZA has been in power for less that 4 months. Yes they have mishandled the negotiations with the "troika" but they were largely elected to end this crippling austerity and renegotiate terms of the bailout. Tsipras and his government may well fall in a heap and we'll have elections very soon, but until there's some move to either leave the EZ, continue in a similar course to what's happened the last 5 years or try to implement proper reforms then we can't judge them. Bigoted anti-Hellene posters fill the comments sections on theguardian and other British news sites. We shouldn't canibalise ourselves on here as well. What I think should of happened very early on is that a coalition of all parties (probably excluding KKE and definitely the Golden Yawn fascists) should have been working in unity to move forward and out of this decayed society. I'm not sure how that would work given the polarised views amongst the parties but electing tainted ideologies won't solve the current economic and societal issues. I remain open minded on SYRIZA but I can see them failing.
  9. Who do you think pays the players?
  10. He even pulled out the statistics which showed that Katsou and Pirlo had the same career for their national teams. Legendary! If ever there was proof that statistics can be used to prove anything it was in this case.
  11. Don't forget that Cameron in the past at least has taken a hostile stance towards Greece. He's siding with FYROM in those early days was very provacative and quite undiplomatic. FOPOG? Offensive and historically inaccurate. I have an intense loathing of the Tories. Cameron is just another Tory twat wanker!
  12. Panos has been discussed before. He accepted a Greece under-16 call up previous and played 3 times I think. He has recently succumbed to pressure from know-nothing types like old silver bollocks Les Murray from SBS to declare himself for Australia. The kid's only 16. He has plenty of time before we see his worth. Interesting that he has a Wikipedia entry and there's no mention of his time with the junior Greece team. Also he's a colleague of Karnezis and Kone. He's tweeted pics of himself with Kone so they could swing him to choose Greece again. Either way it's way too premature to worry about.
  13. Warm salutations and a big welcome to La Mendel AKA "SammyPAOK". Amorgos your antennae must have been tingling.
  14. I agree with Reaper's post. Everything aside from Lazaros being lumped in with Katsu and Maniatis. Lazaros is a potential match winner. The other 2 will lose you matches.
  15. Kpaps is just unlucky. He'll back stronger than ever. The guy's a proper warrior.
  16. Exactly! Does this mean Katsu is now a lock for the June matches?
  17. Kala ta eipes re ausgreek. Patates in the pita is just carbs on carbs but it tastes amazing let's be honest.
  18. The Americans should seriously take a look at the definition of hypocrisy over the Xiros affair. It's amazing that they would be lecturing any nation especially a free "ally" on letting off convicted terrorists. In the USA it's OK if they sanctioned terrorism (via School of the Americas in Latin America) or the tacit sponsorship of the Colonels Coup of Greece or Argentina, Chile and associated terrorism associated with these Juntas. Xiros committed crimes he should serve his punishment but he's not going to enjoy any time away from prison in his current state.
  19. Seriously? Not a single Australian A-League club would come close to beating a Greek Super Liga team. I bet that even most Football League teams would beat the A-League plastic franchises. A few years ago Olympiakos had a walk in the park against Melbourne Victory (4-1). Same for AEK versus Sydney FC. 5-2 I think they won in Sydney. Let's not fall for the hype that the A-League is a world class competition because it's not.
  20. He should retire. Go back to Larissa and coach young kids.
  21. No way Vellios gets selected ahead of Mitro, Klaus, Giannou or Aravidis. He's playing in a low level league and he's not exactly banging them in. Aravidis is more deserving of a NT call up. He either steps up and scores 25 goals in Denmark and takes his game up to the next level or he just stays a professional footballer earning a pay cheque. This is the reality of where Vellios is at the moment.
  22. He's playing in Denmark on loan from Lierse. Looks like he will play in the Danish Cup final but let's put things in perspective: a few seasons ago he was scoring in the EPL and now he's on loan to a team in a league which is equivalent to about the Greek second division so he's not exactly setting Europe on fire. The good thing is he's playing and scoring though.
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