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Pao vs Barcelona


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Congrats to PAO for a good showing. Your still tied for second place with Udinese drawing with Werder. :tup:

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maybe oli isnt better than the rest of the strikers

An injured Olisadebe is better than most strikers that have passed by at PAO these past few years. I don't think he needs to prove himself anymore, he won the league for PAO scoring twice in games PAO already considered were lost. He was part of the CL squad that did so well a few years ago. Him and Papadopoulos are the only strikers at PAO I consider to be European standard. The rest are technically ok, but they just don't have that little "extra". Again today they proved how NOT to score, they wasted some very big opportunities, very clumsy in front of the goal... As for Olisadebe this season, scoring two vital goals in CL qualifiers (and basically keeping you in Champions League) is not enough ?
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Any points against Barcelona is a positive result. Our defense played extremely well...particularly Morris and Darlas. We certainly had plenty of opportunities to put one away especially Mantzios in the first half which he kicked right at Valdes when he could have tucked the ball in the corner not to mention set pieces in which we usually excel. One final point...Conceicao sucks. He took horrible corner kicks, free kicks, and could not pass to any one into space. I don't know if you all have voted in the worst player poll but please do and cast it for this washed-up and over-paid hack!

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One final point...Conceicao sucks. He took horrible corner kicks, free kicks, and could not pass to any one into space. I don't know if you all have voted in the worst player poll but please do and cast it for this washed-up and over-paid hack!

We probably did not watch the same game, but I rate this game as Flavios best so far. He did a lot of hard work at midfield. Work that is not seen by people who have not played the game. He broke down a lot of Barcas attacks and helped control the midfield. He played smart.

MVP of the match was Darlas. This kid plays as if he is has been with PAO for years. Mantzios was a monster today, Morris cool as ice, and Biscan solid.

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wow...we tied barcelona....i would have never said it before the game..but like i said in my second to last previous post...this is soccer....it saddens me to see pao fans saying this payer sucks or that player sucks..

too bad most of the people who watch the game dont know a thing about soccer...

we tied BARCELONA......how many people.. not only gavroi thought that this was possible..

if u all think that we played like crap..u all suck...and if u blame any players for not showing up...i dont care what his name is.......then you all know nothing...

it takes ELEVEN PLAYERS to play soccer..believe me..if someone didnt play good tonight... the score would not have been 0 - 0....so all of you try to respect the fact that the kids played their heart out and nearly pulled off a impossibility....they pulled off a miracle but they nearly pulled off an impossibility.....

BARCELONA is the same BARCELONA that beat werder bremen in germany....

that was a month ago....

so to all those who say they havent played well lately.....let me know what u think PAO will do in germany...

we need 4 points....and we go on....

all of you can try and make me think otherwise but if any of u really think that any player didnt play well.... then you need to watch the game all over again...


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pao clearly was the better team today.....even biscan and conseicao stepped up today....everyone played well ...some better than others obviously but we still should have won todays game...after watching it the score should have been one nill pao, but ill take the point.....wow who would have thought we would not only get the points but almost the three

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A thousand apologies, Lalin. I didn't realize that was you out there on the pitch at OAKA tonight.

There is no need for ironic comments. I just wanted to state that football is not always about creating offensively. It is also about positioning and not allowing the opponent to create. Flavio did that well today, as the rest of the team. That is why we bought , hoping he can help out like he did today. I think he deserves some credit.
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What am I reading .... in here? :o

PAO played an awesome game today.

The best this year by far.

Running, marking, pressing, not sitting back, and winning many one on one battles against some amazing footballers.

Barca was NOT allowed to play better, because of PAO.

I am VERY pleased with the result.

even more pleased by the performances of many PAO players that were NOT expected.

Flavio and Biscan played football for the first time today, since signing their $$$$ contracts.

Our young Greeks were fantastic, Darlas :nw: , Matzios, :nw:

Vyntra :tup: had one of the best games of his life.

Morris, Galinovic, Seric, Gozo were all fighting.

Maybe Malesani was right after all, this team needed time.

I would not be surprised with any result vs AEK.

A huge task was accomplished today.

We need a win at home and a tie in Bremen.

8 points may be enough for second... ;)

PAO still unbeaten at home vs Spanish teams!!!

Real, Barca, La Coruna, Valencia, Sevilla...



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There is no need for ironic comments.

I agree wholeheartedly and in that spirit I will add that there is no need for blanket statements about the football aptitude of people who post on this site. Everybody is entitled to an opinion just as everybody else is entitled to disagree with it. Perhaps I am too harsh on Flavio (he has yet to live up to his price-tag) but you can defend him without insulting others. Agree to disagree.
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alright malages, one more bad word about this pao side go on, one more, i dare ya

This Pao side was FANTASTIC!!! OMG!!! what fools are slagging flavio off huh? so what if he made a few bad passes, not like he messed up at a crucial time. This squad played beyond belief, and not for one second were they intimidated, did they lose control, and not for one second did one player lose spirit.

This pao squad played with all the heart of a 50-year fan. they all gave and gave until the whistle. they all fully deserved the green shirt.

Toghelle, superb, Morris, Man of the match, Vyntra, didnt give RONALDIHNO an inch, Darlas, basically took the piss of barca, Biscan, for once cared and played to his hearts content, gonzales, led like a captain, Mantzios, super kid, Mario, absolutley super, Flavio, played the makalele roll brilliatly, everyone was brilliant, i cannot speak of this team more highly, THEY STOPED RONALDINHO, ETO'O, DECO, EVEN THAT WIZZ KID SUB!!! LETS F***IN THROW A PARTY!!!!

im getting a bit carried away

well done lads, pao's back

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I agree wholeheartedly and in that spirit I will add that there is no need for blanket statements about the football aptitude of people who post on this site. Everybody is entitled to an opinion just as everybody else is entitled to disagree with it. Perhaps I am too harsh on Flavio (he has yet to live up to his price-tag) but you can defend him without insulting others. Agree to disagree.

My apologies then. It was not my intention to insult you. I just think that Flavio deserves some credit today and I think that we all owe him that. Same goes for Vyntra. He has been my black sheep so far this year, but today he exceeded my expectations by far.

Once again, I did not mean to offend or insult.

At least we can agree that we are both happy , right? :tup: :tup:

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whata night..what a night....pao played amazingly..this is the team we all want to see...great work from everyone..just what i knew would help us with this game...heart, passio, hard work..we were on their backs at all times and did a wonderful job controlling the football match...great effort...flavio did a fantastic job tday , i dont care what anyone says, i have been saying it since signed these players..they need time to adapt to the team and that they will produce in big times like these....biscan, in the riht position, did incredibly..he strived against their arial game and was solid on the ground...vyntra...wow...he held of RONALDIHNO..he did a wonderful job today, very solid..showed great composure..as for darla..no words...absolutly amazing...plays like hes got the expereince of a 32 year old...wonderfully done..torgelle, well done but wha he did at the end dissapointed me...but it shows some great passion...manztioz...great work ethic...eki didnt have the best game, but his passion was enough for the whole team...malezani did a great job today..wonderfully done..showed fierce and passion and dint shy off and bbe scared with his tactics...he went strait for it...im very proud today...

where are the olympiakos fans who were waiting on our forum during the game for us to get scored on to start bashing us...

this pao, is and will be a great one...

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