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I agree with Hollywood, I would love if they got Saviola but I guess he is too high profile to come to us but we can dream. If we did hypothetically get Saviola I would not care less where Konstandinou went lol

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I agree with Hollywood, I would love if they got Saviola but I guess he is too high profile to come to us but we can dream. If we did hypothetically get Saviola I would not care less where Konstandinou went lol

do you think any of us will :P

(with the exception of Bidis) :huh:

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pao has agreed with hamburg about romeo. the only difference there is, is that the player wants to sign for one year, but pao wants him for two.

there is also a rumour that malezani wants to get kosato (33!) from chievo.

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It looks as if we got Theothoridis from Paok what do you guys think of this?

http://www.contra.gr/story.62578.html (it is in Greek sorry for those who can't understand it)

Oh and some more on Romero


thats old news.....we knew we had signed him weeks ago....

as for Romeo.....i prefer he didnt come. we dont really need strikers....if we are going to spend big money it has to be on the right wing...we already have the 2 top goalscorers in greece from the last 2 seasons we know they can do it and we alredy signed mantzios we may as well give him a few shots.....just gettint it to the strikers is the problem, PAO management are idiots for not going to solve this problem first, bring us kiristainsen....

i just read Cossato is a forward......somebody tell me what the hell we are going to do with a 33 year old mediocre striker from Chievo??? If these transfers go through PAO management are just retarted and should be dragged away from the club. What are we going to do with 2 new strikers? We already have Gkekas and Papadopoulos who are better than both, not to mention Mantzios, Olisadebe and in emergency we already had Kritikos..... and also Cossato naturally is another favourite of Malesani...coaches pets in professional soccer......what a joke. if we get these guys we better not send away Papadopoulos or Gkekas.. all this attention to forwards and we think Sila can fill the huge whole in mdifield????

this transfer season is awful.....

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If we got Ksristiansen i would be over the moon as well as Romeo!!!

Like drakos stated we dnt need a striker however if we were to get one Romeo doesnt seem that bad...

His 27 years old and has played 5 caps for his country!!! he knows how to find the net which is most importantly....

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i just read Cossato is a forward......somebody tell me what the hell we are going to do with a 33 year old mediocre striker from Chievo??? If these transfers go through PAO management are just retarted and should be dragged away from the club. What are we going to do with 2 new strikers?

maybe malezani hopes to make a transfer like we did in the past with gogic.... B)
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Why dont we try and get this guy for our wing!!!!


i mean we were intrested in him last year why dnt we go for him this year since management r "prepared" to throw money around ;)

Also what r we doing to address our defence problem...

Like drakos said management are stupid for not focusing on our weakness ie. Dc, RW,DMC.... :blink:

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Bernardo Romeo is on the look-out for a new club after being told by Hamburg that he is surplus to requirements.

The Argentinian striker has been left out of Hamburg coach Thomas Doll's squad for next season and told he will be allowed to leave on a free transfer should he find a new club this summer.

That search appears to have ended in Greece, where Panathinaikos are close to reaching an agreement with the 27-year-old, who joined Hamburg for a club record 5.65million euros (AUS$9.1million) from San Lorenzo in Argentina three years ago.

"It's looking good. The deal is about 50% completed," he told Bild newspaper.


I like this transfer bc his 27, Argentinian, and this guy killed it for me on Championship manager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Trainanos Dellas is free and awesome player...........oh wait that would make too much sense for PAO to move for such a great signing....hey vardinogianni why not give the fans something back and sign an awesome player? no?

i dont get it.........howcome our transfers suck? seriously Ebede? Seric could be ok but could also very well be crap. Theodoridis is good depth adding but come on! we need a 3 really strong players and we arent doing s%$#! excpet for chasing that stupid ###### conceicao......

the one good thing we did was clean out the trash players like Maric and Konstantindis....

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Bla bla bla bla...what a crap transfer season....bla bla bla bla....why are we going for this guy..hes 33...hes 27 i dont want a striker...why dont we get dellas...when need a right winger....dont get sila..bla bla bla bla bla.....seric might be good but he might be bad (thats with any F***en player nothing is definite)....

How can this transfer season been so bad....when we have only signed theodoridis..and brought back 2 players from loan so far.....The Transfer market is still open.

Stop whinging......rumours rumours..and hes coming tomorrow to sign...is all we have been hearing...but that is just media.

Until the club announces a signing...with the usual 1 sentence on the pao site...nobody has been signed.

Sit back relax...and wait for pao to do their signings...there is no point in crying about names being branded around on papers and websites trying to attract viewers...lets just keep it real....

Disclaimer----This wasnt aimed at anyone specifically...just in general after reading through this topic. :)

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I agree with Kojak, stamatiste na klegeste san katines kai apla perimene na arxisei i season......

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Bla bla bla bla...what a crap transfer season....bla bla bla bla....why are we going for this guy..hes 33...hes 27 i dont want a striker...why dont we get dellas...when need a right winger....dont get sila..bla bla bla bla bla.....seric might be good but he might be bad (thats with any F***en player nothing is definite)....

How can this transfer season been so bad....when we have only signed theodoridis..and brought back 2 players from loan so far.....The Transfer market is still open.

Stop whinging......rumours rumours..and hes coming tomorrow to sign...is all we have been hearing...but that is just media.

Until the club announces a signing...with the usual 1 sentence on the pao site...nobody has been signed.

Sit back relax...and wait for pao to do their signings...there is no point in crying about names being branded around on papers and websites trying to attract viewers...lets just keep it real....

Disclaimer----This wasnt aimed at anyone specifically...just in general after reading through this topic. :)

i know its uncalled for how the fans of the team like to see the team grow instead of play s%$#! with s%$#! players.... im tired of seeing terrible players in the PAO jersey. Im tired of 0-0 draws with crappy teams. so its frustrating to hear that our team is not acting serious when it comes to strengthening it.

this is a forum, whats wrong with making your opinion known? after all that is the point of it.

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i know its uncalled for  how the fans of the team like to see the team grow instead of play s%$#! with s%$#! players.... im tired of seeing terrible players in the PAO jersey. Im tired of 0-0 draws with crappy teams. so its frustrating to hear that our team is not acting serious when it comes to strengthening it.

this is a forum, whats wrong with making your opinion known? after all that is the point of it.

exactly...and i was just expressing my opinion.

As we have not yet signed anybody...i find very hard to see whether our team will or will not be playing with s%$#! players this season....criticism of the transfer period can only be given when transfers have been completed...not with hypothetical reports from media...that pao stuffed this contract...or hes coming tomorrow no the next day ohh sorry they day after that.

What you hear is making you frustrating...thats fine...but you choose to hear it..as we have and some still do...listen to every johny with his insight in to paos transfers...or they who believe have inside info and write articles about players coming who pao hasnt even approached yet.

Aloisi i believe would have been a good signing for the team...however there appeared to be a problem with his knees...so the board....finally acting in a professional manner..did not go through with the transfer unlike other times eg.olisadebe, sanmartean, zutautas...etc.

Isnt that a positive change...to me it appears they have woken up a bit....though i will reserve my support or critcism... at the right time... i cant lambast or rubbish next seasons team...or the board who are planning the team...when the roster has yet to be completed.

One thing we might agree on is y it has taken so long to sign quality players.....

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I know we have been busy with the soap opera transfer season...

Between Aloisi, and Flavio who cares about the two BEST Greek backs, :gr:

Dellas and Kapsis :o

Is anyone bothered that gauros snatched Michalis?

The son of Anthimos, for .... 's sake!

Dellas is out there without a team, being courted by gauros as well!!! :angry:

Gia to onoma tou Yiarabi... :ph34r: :o :nono:

I do not want to hear that Morris is "good enough" and we do not need backs <_<

We need good players period.

ELEOS :angry:


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Takis would be crazy not to stay in Benfica...turn down Champions League for Gavros? double s%$#! deal.....(yes they are in CL too but not for long) as for Dellas we CANNOT let him go for FREE to OSFP. there is no reason not to offer him a contract, hes a monster, GREEK, experienced in ITALY even (HINT MALESANI) if he is free would it be possible to name a more perfect and realistic signing for PAO? we cannot let him go to OSFP without even making a move for him.

but i read in sportaction somewhere that malesani already has a dc ready to sign from italy...

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I'am sure you would have thought the same with Kapsis. Unfortunatly Dellas has recieved an offer from mighty Middlesborough, and some interest from Lazio so I'am sure he won't be coming. :hypocrite:

Fyssas is not in Benfica's plans period. As for Karagounakis, Mallorca is claiming that Olympiakos is the one holding up that move, interesting to see what plays out, boys.

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