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Athlitiki Kyriaki

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I don't know how many of you watched Athlitiki Kyriaki yesterday, but I did and was very dissapointed in what I saw. The first half hour was devoted to the riots at Nea Smyrni, which was quite understanding. After that I was hoping to see highlites of the games, but for the next 45 minutes all we saw was endless discussion and a constant repeats of the same highlites from the AEK - PAO game. Granted, this was the big game yesterday, but devoting 45 minutes to it was way too much. Eventually they devoted 10 minutes to he highlites of the remaining 6 games. Next time I'll just have to tape the show and forward through all the B.S. to the good stuff.

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I don't know how many of you watched Athlitiki Kyriaki yesterday, but I did and was very dissapointed in what I saw. The first half hour was devoted to the riots at Nea Smyrni, which was quite understanding. After that I was hoping to see highlites of the games, but for the next 45 minutes all we saw was endless discussion and a constant repeats of the same highlites from the AEK - PAO game. Granted, this was the big game yesterday, but devoting 45 minutes to it was way too much. Eventually they devoted 10 minutes to he highlites of the remaining 6 games. Next time I'll just have to tape the show and forward through all the B.Ss to the good stuff.

You know what amazes me folks, it's that don't Greeks know what happens around the world w/ covering sporting events?

It's a bunch of crap and I completely agree with you my friend. I've caught myself saying DAMN why don't they do this like they do it here in the US. I guess we're lucky that he have the oportunity to experience good broadcasting.

Now as far as the rioting I too thought that it was ridiculious, they need to lock all those S.O.B.'s up and fine their asses.. And I'm not talking about $50 euros, they need to pay 100% more than that. It's fools like that ruin great game atmosphere's.

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Well other than those riots, what disappointed me was Anna was again looking serious and not smiling.

On the last AK show 2weeks ago which showed a recap of 04, she finally gave smiles and laughs which made her look very pretty and blossom.

She should smile more often.


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I stopped watching Athlitiki Kyriaki because of the endless discussions. (ALPHA's "GOAL" program is no different, as I found out when I was in Greece in September.) Now when I want to see the Sunday highlights, I wait for PROINO MEGA to show them. They always show them just after midnight (ET) right after they read the headlines from the sports papers.

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The endless discussion on Athletiki Kyraki was awful and irrating. Yes the riots and AEK-PAO derby were newsworthy but talking about each for nearly a hour (along with seeing the same set of highlights 7 or 8 times) is pointless, I actually fell asleep ! -_- Anyway the question I want to ask is didn't Athletiki Kyraki (or one of the Greek Sattelite sports shows) show European Soccer (Serie A, La Liga, etc.) highlights?? I may have this mixed up with another sports show and/or Gol TV. Any help would be appreciated as I recently got the Greek Package and know little about the programming. :)

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Discussions are a big part of Greek culture.

Greeks are very involved in politics, news, culture, gossip, sports.

North Americans, and Australians, in the most part, in my experience, are quite unwilling to engage in serious issues, but rather stick to "small talk".

Greeks love exchanging opinions and engaging is serious conversations.

It is a characteristic that I actually like, even though we can get very opinionated and argumentative :P

This transcends to the media.

There are endless talk, and "round table", shows on Greek TV and radio.

Many times the shows can become boring and overdrawn.

AK is no exception. I too, would prefer more football and far less talk.

Unfortunately it is the other way around :tdown:

AK is too long and too slow, but it is only once a week, so I still look forward to it.

I will take that over Sport Center anytime :gr:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Good Athlitiki Kyriaki last Sunday. For half of the show they presented the 100 best goals of the A' Division since 1980. It brought back some memories. The only complaint I have is that they had the moving score ticker on the bottom of the screen taking some of the fun out of it, specially since I was taping it for my archive.

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