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Transfers Rumors, AEK


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whats the point in getting more short term solutions again for gods sake why do u think aek hasnt won a title for so long. santos did the some bloody thing last time and he wants to do it again. does milkarski folia and rabesandratana ring a bell or not?

but before i speculate i will wait to see it in practice as this could just be media hype just to get interest in ppl buying papers to read something worthwhile.

karagounis for loan yeh we get him top player we finsh top 2( for arguments sake) then he leaves back to inter and we dont have ayone to replace him and wil lfeel that loss in europe when we play. lets build on this current squad for the future. getting karagounis would be good for 2-3 yrs not 6mth loan.

as for keeper well i wont comment

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I find it difficult for Karagounis to come back to Greece. During the summer he had loan offers from Galatasaray, Anderlecht and Fiorentina and rejected both. It was also reported that Atalanta are going to make a bid for him.

I thinki it would be a backward step for Karagounis to come back to Greece because he would ultimately confirm his "failure" (although he hasn't gort chances) in proving himself abroad.

If AEK though did, get him, good luck to him. He was a good servant for PAO but our management burns all bridges with ex-players even if there was a chance and a will to return to Greece.

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If AEK Fans want him for Euro Games he would be ineligible because he has been on Inter's Euro Roster.

If the Atalanta rumour is correct, that would be great since he will get the playing time, in a highly competitive league. He needs game time under his belt so that he can be game ready for the National Team.

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hahaha mk21 yeah that would be the ultimate and to complete that trio get giovanni up front since we looking for strikers lol.

geez just cause national team playing next week and nothing to right for teams doesnt mean they should come out and speak s%$#!.

but on scorelive today had on front page from pae aek : pame gia haristeas ronaldinho kai adriano lol now there's a trio. nice joke

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look the only players AEK should be looking for to get is young and i mean young to develop

Eletheropoulos is a joke trust me we of OSFP know that he is a conceded bastard who will think of himself first and F*** the team over (which he has already done)

as for Karagounis i doubt he will come back and not to AEK no disrespect

he is a really good player but Inter as alot of talent but they don't ever mix the right talent together and i think he should be starting he only comes in as a sub

and there undeafted but 15 points out of first i hope they go undeafted throughout the year so i can laugh b/c that will be one of the blooper type stats lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

The rumors concerns only strikers like Gekas, Ogonsoto and. ..and...

But no rumor about a Goalkeeper...... although ...the Goalkeeper is the most important player in a team......

Look PAO with a good Goalkeeper they would have not lost the qualification in Norway and they would have been in the 1/8 finals of the CL now.....

We with a good Goalkeeper.., we would have advanced in the European Cup...several times to the next round in the past years....for that I m sure.....

And we would have not lost the Championship against Oly that year.....not far back ago.

That's simple and easy..... yet the board is not sensitive to this case....

We play now for years with bad (Xiotis) to average Goalkeepers (Mixailidis)....

The best we got was Lyberopoulos...and they have given him away.... though not a very good Goalkeeper as he has problems too with Centers / Crosses....

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There's been a shortage of keepers in Greece though, and a foreigner in our prie range ias almost certainly going to be in the Michailidis skill range.

I'd like to see Arabatzis get a chance..Worst case scenario he's just a little better than Chiotis. Ebede, Abaris and Sifakis would also be great solutions for us in the long term.

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here's an update of the last couple days.

Xaralabidis .. we pulled our offer...APEOL wants too much money

Gekkas .. we pulled our offer .. he didn't respond to the offer of 600,00 Euros over 1.5+2 years by todays deadline .. i think there is a german team involved which he is considering.

Todays' sportime says both AEK and PAO are interested in Anderson Lima of Xalkidona.

Let see what happens. Pantos it is necessary to get a left back above all else. With Tiortzopoulo out for the season we only have Georgea to play that position. Another postion we need to fill is the 10ari. Someone in the midfield to run the offense, distribute balss, etc.. Hopefully we will be able to get someone over the winter.

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well we have covered the left back position with stelio tziortsopoulos out for rest of yr. we'll see how this serbain player ends up playing hopefully his a ready made replacement.

as for the 10ari position i think we already have this player but isnt used that often. HIS NAME IS RUSEV and from when i saw him 1st few aek games he had the skill to dribble give throught balls and take dead ball chances. the game vs kerkira showed this for me but santos seems to not rate him as higlhy for some reason.

its clear we lacking in this department give the guy some more game time to prove his worth.

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Well, we got another player to cover one of the positions we were hurting in. Ivits' brother Vladan is now a memeber of AEK. I remeber we were trying to get him a few years ago but Partizan wanted too much money. He played for Gladbach this year but wasn't been used much. He is an 27 year old epitelikos mesos that Contra says "

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