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I do one of the two OLDEST occupations in the history of Mankind....

The first is Prostitution and the second is...... quiz for you.... The only hint I can give you is that I am not a hooker!!!! :P

u work in a bank!

u yourself have stated that in the past

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bidis uz refer the players as "LOng live The Greek Cypriots that play in Greece"

hOW CAN U associate the word Greek with cypreous. Over all these years uz wanted to be called cyprian  NOT GREEK and now uz wanna be called greek cypriei. Give me a break. Its 1 or the other.im born in australia to greek parents,,,,,does that make me a greek australian ??????????????????????????????????NO ,,,,,,...my parents have greek blood and were born in greece. That makes me greek,,,not australian,,,,,not greek australian,,,,i look greek,,i dont look australian,,i dont look greek australian.





Great post choc I agree with you 100%!!!! :tup: :nw:
I lived in Greece and Cyprus my friend I served my Country in the army.. I have been to Leoforos many of times.. Mr Pappou.. Yeah I live in Canada but I follow soccer religiously.. Im not bias I tell it how it is.. I dont cut up Ethnic backgrounds. I sit here in this forum people bad mouthing the Greek Cypriots for what because there trying to prove themselves.. You rate Bides as crap when he played 30 seconds.. Give me a break you have never seen this guy play... But my friend you will see him play up and close when he plays every Sunday for the Greens.. His worth will be proven on the field... and to choc you probably dont even know where Greece is MATE!!!!!!!
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:) :) yes i have been to greece :)

i am a member of greenwebfans,,,,,,in abelokipoi. Their club is directyl across ftom the leoforos stadium,,,right near the police station. Ive sat in 13, ive sat in gate 7,,,,and i was in the tirade of ,misiles that were exchanged with the gays at the airport when we returned from the 5-0 thrashing of manchester whilst the gays were on their way to sociedad. They kanonisid to attack us as we came out of customs. No need to get personal mate.Bring on the football and lets put all these malak,ies behind us...

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Bides and Wooter both showed there class today.. Know the team has players that can create And hold the ball... Like I said before as you can read in my earlier posts..Wooter and Bides will be starting and Gonzalez and Basinas will be winking fron the stands.. I no Basinas was suspended but he is going to have to work for his place in the middle.. Ela Mihalaki u should take more free kicks..7 and counting!!

Hey Pappou Mr Wooter is only good enough to start for Anorthosis HA HA before you starting shooting your mouth watch the players first then talk.. These to guys will be playing a lot of football for the Greens and thank God cause I was getting sick and tired of the useless midfielders we had....

kyriakos excellent game Munch played well tooo!! Mihalaki eisai trella!!

Bides 3 assist in two games.... I cant imagine how they will play if the field was actually dry and with fans...

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1) Galinovic 6: not very busy..almost screwed up in one instance..defenders cleared the danger.

2) Vyntra 5: average game, didn't go forward too much, doesn't need to now he has Bides infront of him. Screwed up with OFI's goal, was tryint o be fancy and got the ball stolen ftom his feet.

3)Munch 7: put in a couple good crosses but lacked and understanding with Wooter which is natural. The will co-op better once they get to know each others game in time.

4)Morris 5: Made a couple of schoolboy errors. i don't know what's happend to him this season. seems to have lost his confidence and clear mind he had last season.

5) Kirgiakos 9: what a champ! scored 2 goals. The 2nd was a little pearler!! Didn't lose a single challenge whilst putting Machlas out of the game.

6) Andric 7: possibly his best game for PAO so far. Nice assist for Michalaki's goal. Was solid, commiting few mistakes. Didn't carry the ball much and would immeditely play it to our wingers.

7) Maric 7: same as Adric. capped it of with a nice easy tap in for our 4th.

8) Wooter 7,5: was a constant threat for OFI, tried many things which didn't come off but it was refreshing able to see one of our midfielders run at the opposition. I can see why he was hyped in Cyprus.

9) Kostantinou 7,5: another good game capped with a nice goal. worked very hard again and is obviously in his best ever League form for PAO.

10) Bides 7,5: played a nice simple game today not trying to over do things. Set up Kiriakos' back heal with a low thunderbolt.

11) Papadopoulos 5: The kid is badly out of form and must be rested before he completely burns out. He's been playing 15 months straight without much of a break and it's being showing the last month. He's just a shadow of himself in the last 6-7 games.

12) Konstantinides 5: just seeing his face makes my blood boil. Never knows what to do with the ball. When he think he does he feck's up with a bad pass.

13) Roubakis 6: was played at right side midfield after Wooter was pushed forward. Was solid and faultless.

14) Bykowski 6,5: what can you say about this little guy. 4 goals in 6 games and hasn't set a foot wrong. Good on him!!!

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Galinovic 6 (did not have much to do)

Munch 7 (I think he had a good game as always :nw: . He didn't go forward much because fo Wooter)

Kyriakos 9 (ARXODAS!!! :nw: Simple as that!!! FORZA MILAN!!!, the 2nd NESTA!!!)

Moris 5 (Again very average game with loads of mistakes. Skazni wake up and bring RENE!!!)

Vyntra 7 (He had a good game)

Wooter 8 (For his 1st game I was impressed. And Bides read before you post stuff, I never said that for Wooter I said it for Charalabidi!!! If you look at one previous post you will see that I considered Wooter to be a big name transfer)

Andric 7 (He played well, covered space etc)

Maric 8 (I will say it again for those who are unable to understand. Quality wise Maric is one of our best players. The guy hasn't played a lot, had 2 massive injuries, and Skazni usually puts him in the wrong position. He is simply NOT a defensive midfielder).

Bides 7 (Again for 1st game he was good. Lets wait and see)

Papadopoulos 6 (out of form needs to play a bit on the left to recover from Skazni's stupidity!!!)

Palto 8 (brilliant he is going for the first scorer this year. I actually see PAO renewing his contract -less money of course)



Bikowski 8 (I like him a lot. I think it will be a mistake letting him go)

Rubakis (came on late, but seemed OK)

Skazni - 3

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Maric 8 (I will say it again for those who are unable to understand. Quality wise Maric is one of our best players. The guy hasn't played a lot, had 2 massive injuries, and Skazni usually puts him in the wrong position. He is simply NOT a defensive midfielder).

ela re pappou- what is this? you call bidis crap before he gets here and now Maric is a great player????? hes completley worthless...Maric is the shittiest player next to konstantinidis. even konstantinidis on a good day is better than maric. It doesnt matter what position or previous injuries- that doesnt affect your passing ability, incredible AWFUL touch, and terrible decisions. And hes been with the teams 11 frequently for months now, whats the excuse for not adapting to his position? its not a radical change from what he played before.
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I don't agree with you... Maric was part of the Croatian team in its good years, he shows few great footbal skills throughout a match (you can see that this guy looks as if ONCE he was a great player), and also he is very good defensively... How can you even compare the LAMOIO with this guy......

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because i tear my hair out everytime he touches with the ball, he THINKS hes half talented and makes so many stupid pointless crap passes, dribble attmepts- and sucks at defense. he does show a little experience in his motion and positioning - but makes no use of it and hurts the team. Remember with Xalkidona what crap he was doing? stupid fouls, playing with the ball on defense (which lucky for us Galinovic was good and the posts were kind that day) and just a total POS. every game he plays like this.

i am sick of once good players...if Maric is PAO caliber than PAO has dropped the bar significantly......he is simply s%$#!- and konstantinidis is down there but i seen signs of a good football player in lamogio but SIGNS mean nothing when you perform 9/10 games like a peice of garbage is it???????? He has had a fair chance, and sucks. You were right about him not being in position, usually he plays his best football and is on the most use on the BENCH. especially with Anderson, Wooter, Bidis he will lose his spot and hopefully leave in the summer.

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maric could not even play in the lower class of the greek second division he stinks... they should do house clean sanmarteran, zututaous, demba, and the rest of the use les players should be shipped off to where ever they came from...

When did he play for croatia 12 years ago.. Zuotatus was the captain of Lithuiania too big deal!!!!

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vs Ionikos

1. Galinovic 6 : was decent didn't set a foot wrong. Not very busy.

2. Vyntra 3: his crossing was horrific

3. Kotsios 3: tried to make himself dangerous but is not a left back.

4. Morris 5: made good ground to catch an Ionikos player before he put a shot in. Not busy as Ionikos played with counter attack.

5. Goumas : same as Morris

6. Basinas 3: absolute crap, not on single decent delivary from corners and free kicks.

7. Maric 3: couldnt make a decent pass

8. Bides 6,5: was the only player that fought for ever ball that tried to make something happen. had a good shot blocked. criminal of scasny to sub him.

9. Konstantinou 6: also fought hard but had no support

10. Wooter 4: was not in the game 100%, didn't manage to help at all.

11. Papadopoulos 3: He continues to be out of form and can't help at all.

12. Skacel 4 : apart from 1 shot that went wide, i didn't hear his name again.

13. Bykowski 5: came in late , did not get any service at all so wasnt able to make himself dangerous.

14. Roubakis 5: came in late, don't know why since he's a defender. has to ask Scasny about that one.

Scasny 0: is worthy of execution. We were so predictable (again).

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Being very generous...

Galinovic 6 (not much to do)

Kotsios 3 (out of position, out of form)

Goumas 7 (solid as always)

Morris 6 (much better than other times)

Vyntra 3 (bad game, bad crosses ,bad marking, bad passing)

Bides 2 (Simply crap, too much dribling no 'ousia' whatsoever)

Basinas / Mattheus 3 (simply crap!!!)

Maric 4 (crap!)

Wooter 4 (crap!)

Papadopoulos 3 (to kapsame to paidi!!!)

Michalaki 6 (tried but too much kaminada!!!)


Skatchel 0 (he competes with the LAMOIO head to head!!!)

Roubakis 3 (not needed, came very late)

Bikwoski 5 (very very late, couldn't do much)

Skazni N/A !!!!! The guy needs to be shot!!!

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Go get your head checked Pappou I rate you a zero for blindness and thats being polite......I watched the game and I have read every report and the player that did a thing the whole game the only one that was running was Bides everyone else was brutal...you are lost I thought u were a character but know I realized you have issues...I couldnt care the whole team was crap no one had heart except for one!!!

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