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Player Ratings For all Games! (greek & abroad)


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I won't be very generous this time...

Galinovic 7 (didn't have much to do, Aris did not even miss a single chance!!!)

Morris 5 (some mistakes in the passing, but clearly out of position, but did well in his defending role)

Goumas 6 (probably the best player on the field along with Gonzo)

Lamoio 0 (a big zero!!!)

Wooter 5 (probably the best in the midfield. Ran a lot, market and he was in a movement all the time)

Gonzalez 6 (I think he was OK. He made some wrong passes but he was constantly looking to pass the ball through many people in one of our attackers)

Bides 1 (completely crap)

Basinas 2 (he was constantly waiting for the ball to go to his feet. If the pass wasn't good and precisely at his feet he was moaning!!!)

Palto 3 (I really like to see Konstadinou score a goal with his head from a set piece... He is more than 1.90 and he can't score with his head)

Hazogolis 3 (missed a penalty, missed some chances, couple of wrong ball controls, unable to score)


Olisadebe 3 (nothing speciall, however much better than his last performance)

Papadopoulos 3 (same as above)

Sanmartean 5 (created chances, looked dangerous, but kept the ball more than he should have in many Instances)...

Malezani 4

Good tactics but the subs were all over the place......

Bides got the penelty didnt he its not his fault the leading scorer in Greece missed...
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Mario 7 - quiet evening, was there when needed, loved his celebration at the goal

Kotsios 7 - very solid, continues to impress

Morris 9 - MVP , was a ROCK today

Goumas 6 - too slow for Okkas, nice assist to Mixalis

Munch 7 - played well as long as he had strength, the usual running

Wooter 7 - I liked him , his first half was very good, tired in the second

Bidis 6 - Had some good moments offensively, good job on Georgatos defensively

Basinas 8 - Finally , the old good Basinas, his best game this year with PAO

Equi 7 - had some good moments , played too far back

Gekas 4 - Had a great chance to score , otherwise pretty non-existent

Mixalis 8 - Great game, nice goal , worked his usual ass off


Pantelos 6 - did what he was brought in for, to help out defensively

Vyntra 5 - Nothing special, hardly noticed him

Maric - played only 6 minutes

Malezani 8 - Great setup, read the game well, brought in Vyntra and Pantelos when he saw that we had problems on the flanks. Catenaccio in full effect. 6-0 goal average in 7 games. Italian style !!!

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I will have to mainly disagree with both of you...

Morris wasn't the MVP clearly he missed the ball on two occasions allowing the kotes to get the ball close to our area. However he had a great match... Bides a 7? The guy was useless clearly the worst in the field along with Gekas (Xazogolis).

Gonzalez a 5? He was all over the place, passed marked, kept the ball won fouls, I think he is close of being MVP along with Michalaki!!!!

Anyway my ratings

Galinovic 7 (quite evening, not much to do, very solid when needed)

Munch :nw: 8 (for the time he played he was brilliant! The best player on the pitch!!! Everybody realised that his abscence costs dearly to PAO!!!)

Morris 8 (great game, quite calm, made two deadly mistakes)

Goumas 7 (very solid as always the captain was also playing out of position)

Kotsios 7 (again very solid same as Goumas)

Basinas 8 (he was all over the pitch, covering up some space, made the Tsarlatano (katsiki) dissapear in the first half)

Gonzalez 9 (I think he was brilliant. To all the football experts it is clear that he is playing much better when BEHIND Basinas. I give Malezani a lot of credit for that. He was the only coach that realised that Eki should control the game far from behind. Also he had a great run in the first half passing 5 Thrynos kotes and missing a tet-a-tet against the melos)

Bides 3 (a clear zero!!! He did not have much work to do in the first half because there were NO Oly players on the left side in the first half. He counter attacked twice ut in both instances he had very bad crosses)

Wooter 8 (simply brilliant!!!All over the place)

Xazogolis 2 (out of the game, nowhere to be seen....)

Palto 9 (fought hard missed couple of good chances, had a great ralli in the first half, very dangerous throughout. Even in the second half where the Kotes had possession there were 3 Kotopoula constantly sitting back guarding Michalaki)


LAMOIO 1 (crap but he was playing against the Kafeneio so his crappyness wasn't noticable :P )

Vyntra 5 (not bad generally)

Maric n/a

Malezani 7 (generally OK, he got the win and ANTE-GEIA!!!! :tup: )

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why is bidis (the user) interpritation of the game so different to everyone elses??

he said wooter was crap and bidis mvp?? whats going on

It is simple ... he loves Bidis so much he cannot see it objectively ... hence his nickname.

Bidis was mixing some good moments with crappy ones. I think he did well containing Georgatos, but offensively he could not get much going

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why is bidis (the user) interpritation of the game so different to everyone elses??

he said wooter was crap and bidis mvp?? whats going on

It is simple ... he loves Bidis so much he cannot see it objectively ... hence his nickname.

Bidis was mixing some good moments with crappy ones. I think he did well containing Georgatos, but offensively he could not get much going

WHen did I say Bides was MVp he played pretty good.. What the FUC## did Georgatos do on his side absolutely nothing.... The mVP of the match was Konstantinou by far.... Wooter was useless he couldnt even put a pass together.......and for Morris i have to agree with Pappou absolute s%$#! he couldnt even stand on his own too feet.............

Pappou have fun watching Bides for years to come.... You will be cheering for him like a shool girl..... What you dont like his gold shoes!!!!

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diafono me ton Papou gia ton Bidi...... re papou sorry kiolas alla kati poly sovaro prepei na sou exei kanei o bidis..... diavazo se oles tis efimerides oti itan one of the best player ki esy les crap kai zero...... panta auto kaneis kai im really surprise

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I won't be very generous this time...

Galinovic 7 (didn't have much to do, Aris did not even miss a single chance!!!)

Morris 5 (some mistakes in the passing, but clearly out of position, but did well in his defending role)

Goumas 6 (probably the best player on the field along with Gonzo)

Lamoio 0 (a big zero!!!)

Wooter 5 (probably the best in the midfield. Ran a lot, market and he was in a movement all the time)

Gonzalez 6 (I think he was OK. He made some wrong passes but he was constantly looking to pass the ball through many people in one of our attackers)

Bides 1 (completely crap)

Basinas 2 (he was constantly waiting for the ball to go to his feet. If the pass wasn't good and precisely at his feet he was moaning!!!)

Palto 3 (I really like to see Konstadinou score a goal with his head from a set piece... He is more than 1.90 and he can't score with his head)

Hazogolis 3 (missed a penalty, missed some chances, couple of wrong ball controls, unable to score)


Olisadebe 3 (nothing speciall, however much better than his last performance)

Papadopoulos 3 (same as above)

Sanmartean 5 (created chances, looked dangerous, but kept the ball more than he should have in many Instances)...

Malezani 4

Good tactics but the subs were all over the place......

Hey Pappou Konstantinou cant score with his Head from a set piece..... Eat your words... Thank god we have fans like yourself who support the team and have no clue about football.. Im sure there very thankful for taking your money!!!!!
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I cannot believe for the life of me how some here say

Moris played s%$#! when many people in the media

as well as PAO legends such as Vazexa all agree Moris

was one of the best.

Sure he may've done a couple of mistakes but for F*&^K sake

u think Bides was error free ... there were at least a few occassions

when he lost the ball trying to do fancy things with the ball or his passes

were skewed..

As for Wooter he too played well and ran his guts out - remember

he laid on the pass for Gekas's 1-on-1 in the 1st half and made some

good runs down that right side in the 2nd.

All in all I'm not trying to say 1 player was megatimes better than the

other - simply we should acknowledge the feats of the players efforts

when they are blatantly obvious.

Considering our xalia in the past few weeks I was happy with the

overall performance of ALL the players on Sunday kai makari na

synethisoun na paiksoun me to pathos kai energia tou proto imixrono.

Kala re paidia eimaste toso tifloi me ta prasina matia kai den

mporoume na vlepoume pioi einai ekseretiki kai pioi

aparadektoi ?

Fair dinkum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I cannot believe for the life of me how some here say

Moris played s%$#! when many people in the media

as well as PAO legends such as Vazexa all agree Moris

was one of the best.

Sure he may've done a couple of mistakes but for F*&^K sake

u think Bides was error free ... there were at least a few occassions

when he lost the ball trying to do fancy things with the ball or his passes

were skewed..

As for Wooter he too played well and ran his guts out - remember

he laid on the pass for Gekas's 1-on-1 in the 1st half and made some

good runs down that right side in the 2nd.

All in all I'm not trying to say 1 player was megatimes better than the

other - simply we should acknowledge the feats of the players efforts

when they are blatantly obvious.

Considering our xalia in the past few weeks I was happy with the

overall performance of ALL the players on Sunday kai makari na

synethisoun na paiksoun me to pathos kai energia tou proto imixrono.

Kala re paidia eimaste toso tifloi me ta prasina matia kai den

mporoume na vlepoume pioi einai ekseretiki kai pioi

aparadektoi ?

Fair dinkum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dnt worry bout Bidis (the user) his really bias when it comes to his boy friend "bidis" and is also blind acording to everyone elses statements about the game... he thinks his always right about everything n everyone in the forum r complete idiots...

i also heard morris and wooter played excellent yet bidis (user) doesnt think so coz acording to him bidis the player was mvp along with kostantinou... <------ the whole cyp thing again lol

jst ignore what he has to say coz its worthless

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Fast Greek have you seen the game? And where exactly did you read in the media that Bides performed well? All newspapers say that he was the worst along with Gekas!!!

And Bides: I didn't say Morris was crap!!! I said Morris wasn't the MVP!!! There is a huge difference!!! Morris had a great game overall!!! And Wooter? I mean you haven't got a clue about football whatsoever.... Wooter was close of being MVP!!!!

But in order for him to get a good rating by you he must swap passports and get a Cypriot passport...

Oso gia ton Konstadinou ASXETE, this was the first time he scored with a header and it wasn't even a CLEAR header!!! It wasn't a cross by somebody and a header by Michalaki... The cross came in the box, Goumas got the header and Michalaki just changed the route of the ball!!! Have you seen the match? Oh sorry I forgot, you got that Magic satellite where you can even watch games of PAO that are not actually broadcasted!!!!! :LOL:

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I agree with most of the comments elastonpappou made about the game. Especially the comments about equi. Finally a coach found a way to get the best out of him. Equi is playing much better behind basinas, he was organizing the game and he made some great passes from long distance

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I got one thing to say here. Bullshit aside, bidis may be an ok player, and honestly i dont have a problem with him. If sanmartean stays injury free i can assure you,, he will be playing 1st team football in front of bides.We need some1 on the flanks to do some slalom runs, and creative problems to other teams defence on their left and right sides.

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Fast Greek have you seen the game? And where exactly did you read in the media that Bides performed well? All newspapers say that he was the worst along with Gekas!!!

And Bides: I didn't say Morris was crap!!! I said Morris wasn't the MVP!!! There is a huge difference!!! Morris had a great game overall!!! And Wooter? I mean you haven't got a clue about football whatsoever.... Wooter was close of being MVP!!!!

But in order for him to get a good rating by you he must swap passports and get a Cypriot passport...

Oso gia ton Konstadinou ASXETE, this was the first time he scored with a header and it wasn't even a CLEAR header!!! It wasn't a cross by somebody and a header by Michalaki... The cross came in the box, Goumas got the header and Michalaki just changed the route of the ball!!! Have you seen the match? Oh sorry I forgot, you got that Magic satellite where you can even watch games of PAO that are not actually broadcasted!!!!! :LOL:

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I agree with most of the comments elastonpappou made about the game. Especially the comments about equi. Finally a coach found a way to get the best out of him. Equi is playing much better behind basinas, he was organizing the game and he made some great passes from long distance

i rememeber seeing him put a 50 yard ball direcly onto munch's foot....

bidis? do you know football?? how can u say wooter did badly?? he was one of the driving forces to our offesnses...definitly the best game ive seen him play

as for bidis, i thought he did well and it is evident that the kid has ALOT of talent and potential...he just needs alittle guidance and expereince and he will be a very good player...he just makes some immature unknowing mistakes...

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Who's out for the year? Bides? :huh:

Pappou ever since Bides came to pao u have been cutting him up.. Even on his best games.... Bias was there from the start.. Against Iraklis he got the penelty you gave him a zero... For me your opinion is like nothing because someone cannot take you seriously..... you hate being wrong and on many occasions you have been....

for all you Wooter lovers werent you guys saying that he was playing in Cyprus and he cant compete in Greece.. You guys are all a joke!!! Make up your mind.. I have stated from day one he his a good player... You have not seen his best game by far.. You think because he did a litle running against The Reds he deserves Mvp.. Then you guys should go see the nearset doctor.... I never said Bides was the best player i said Mihalaki is the saviour of the team.... 6 game winning goals.. Where would this team be without him.... Hey Hollywood... i think Maihali will sign with ergotelis because no one wants him..... He is not good enough to play abroad... LOL your a joke too.....

Pappou u must be in some lovers quirl did Bides steal your girlfriend or something!!!! Or is it his golden shoes!!!

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Pappou ever since Bides came to pao u have been cutting him up.. Even on his best games.... Bias was there from the start.. Against Iraklis he got the penelty you gave him a zero... For me your opinion is like nothing because someone cannot take you seriously..... you hate being wrong and on many occasions you have been....

for all you Wooter lovers werent you guys saying that he was playing in Cyprus and he cant compete in Greece.. You guys are all a joke!!! Make up your mind.. I have stated from day one he his a good player... You have not seen his best game by far.. You think because he did a litle running against The Reds he deserves Mvp.. Then you guys should go see the nearset doctor.... I never said Bides was the best player i said Mihalaki is the saviour of the team.... 6 game winning goals.. Where would this team be without him.... Hey Hollywood... i think Maihali will sign with ergotelis because no one wants him..... He is not good enough to play abroad... LOL your a joke too.....

Pappou u must be in some lovers quirl did Bides steal your girlfriend or something!!!! Or is it his golden shoes!!!

I think he was actually trying to ask if it was bides choc13 was reffering to
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Pappou ever since Bides came to pao u have been cutting him up.. Even on his best games.... Bias was there from the start.. Against Iraklis he got the penelty you gave him a zero... For me your opinion is like nothing because someone cannot take you seriously..... you hate being wrong and on many occasions you have been....

for all you Wooter lovers werent you guys saying that he was playing in Cyprus and he cant compete in Greece.. You guys are all a joke!!! Make up your mind.. I have stated from day one he his a good player... You have not seen his best game by far.. You think because he did a litle running against The Reds he deserves Mvp.. Then you guys should go see the nearset doctor.... I never said Bides was the best player i said Mihalaki is the saviour of the team.... 6 game winning goals.. Where would this team be without him.... Hey Hollywood... i think Maihali will sign with ergotelis because no one wants him..... He is not good enough to play abroad... LOL your a joke too.....

Pappou u must be in some lovers quirl did Bides steal your girlfriend or something!!!! Or is it his golden shoes!!!

nice come back bidis, u sure put me in line ;)

P.S i never said kostantinou was s%$#!, u only twist peoples words so u sound good i jst simply said his not gonna go to a super power team like u said e.g Real Madrid, Milian ect... he will end up at a team like porto, benfica, middle of the table italian team or english team e.g bolton......

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i finally downloaded the game and watched.......

Galinovic 8 - very solid, no stupid mistakes, nice celebrations....has gotten a lot better since coming here

Minx 7- good game typical minx......

Gkoumas- 7 solid

Morris 8- awesome.....a rock back there

Kotsios 6- did ok, no mistakes got the job done...

Bidis 5- not great, has some talent but is inconsistent- can make a nice move 1 second then be complete crap the next...he is veryslow at decisions ...

Wooter 8- fantastic, everywhere, making offense...what exactly did he do that was bad ?

Basinas 7- what got into him? he stopped sucking and started playing good again!!!

Eki 7- did very well......if he had scored that one where he passed 3 players would have been very sweet

Gkekas 5- pretty lousy.....Papa needs to get some starts to keep pressure on him- not ready for big games yet.....

Konstantinou 9- trella!!!!!

biggest pussy award: Georgatos, faked getting hit in the head after people threw toilet rolls at his feet...in the replay nothing showed him getting hit in the head.....also if he was hit you would have seen him flinch because its natural

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