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Greece Albania Result - No worries

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I have strong faith to our team. Although our group is difficult I think we will qualify to the finals. They need to take care of the players though. I can't believe they pay so much money to bring in foreign players and they don't give the right bonus to the people that made us proud. How are they suppose to perform from now on?

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Hi all, good wish from albania. We have won. I am sorry for you. I was in the green field and than I saw Rehhagel sad about that. Albania 2 vs 1 Greece.

The big champions who lost in a small country. We have fight with heart.

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Albania is a team ###### and 2nd rated players. Greece gave them the 2 goals. In the return leg you will loose 3 - 0.

You think by attacking players onthe field with bottles and coins, you can get your result. You are ###### and have no place in european soccer.

No racial comments please

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Albania is a team ###### and 2nd rated players. Greece gave them the 2 goals. In the return leg you will loose 3 - 0.

You think by attacking players onthe field with bottles and coins, you can get your result. You are ###### and have no place in european soccer.

No racial comments please

I feel soo sorry for you. Look at what you are saying. And then, elswhere in this forum u (greeks) keep saying that there is NO Discrimination against the Albanians.

Reading that post makes me feelso bad for you, because I see how blind you are.

Anyways, that team of "second hand players" BEAT u, and BEAT u badd.

U didn't give us any Goals. We GOT them. The first goal was NO WAY easy. And the Second one was a Great One, a EuroGoal, more than 30 meters away. It is called Profesionalism. Don't forget, we had many more chances. We deserved a PENALTY when your defender stoped the ball with his arm (very clear to see).

We played BETTER than You, and WON. Admit it.

Soo long neighbours, and better luck with the Turks.

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Ohh, and one more thing.

NOONE threw bottels on anything else in the field. NOONE. Where did you get tha information??? Give me JUST ONE SOURCE and I will say I'm sorry for that.

But look at what YOU are doing:

ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Albanian and Greek soccer fans clashed in central Athens early Sunday after Albania upset European champion Greece 2-1 in a World Cup qualifying game in Tirana hours earlier.

According to police, at least two cars driven by Albanians and heading to Omonia Square for celebrations were attacked by a group of Greeks, causing serious damage. Authorities said several people were treated for injuries at hospitals, while police detained several suspects for questioning.

But that is NOT all.

One dead after Albania-Greece clash

ATHENS, Sept 5 (Reuters) - One man died and seven were injured in clashes

On the island of Zakynthos, a Greek-American attacked three Albanians with a knife after the match was over, killing one and injuring two others, police said on Sunday.

In Athens, four Albanians and one Greek were knifed in street fights and taken to hospital, police added.



I will not comment on this.

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Congrats to you guys because you did play better than us but you are treating this game as if it were the final to the world cup. Greece and Albania are two small countries and its good for the game if both teams do well but I see many of the Albanian fans throwing it in our faces. In astoria, Albanian fans were driving around the Greek cafes shouting out F*** you greeks and tearing down greek flags. Meanwhile, during the Euro Cup tournament in NY which is the most diverse place on Earth. All the different nationalites got along with us win or lose and we all celebrated together. I mean show some class guys. The albanian fans came to the greek places here and brokes glasses and tables amongst other things all because of one single win. Well it takes more than one win guys so GROW UP and remember its just a game.

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Hey frappe, Exactly, it's just a game!

Let the people enjoy their win.

During the Euro2004, I was cheering for Greece too! and we had great times watching the games in bars with Greek friends here in Michigan. It was great!

However, remember, now U are the European Champions (are you not?) and for a small country, beating the European Champions is somethin to be excited about, isn't it?

But there's something else to be ashamed of. Read the above post...

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This is a football forum

It is not easy to keep it to football, I understand that

But dont see things from a one sided point of view.

Thos events you described are tragic. And only because the victim was of Albanian origin it does not mean the two sided did not contribute equaly to the problems which erupted last night in Greece.

The bottles on the field should not be a matter for discussion either.

Who are you trying to persuade when we all saw them!? :rolleyes:

But who is to blame whom? In Greek Fields it also happens all the time...

That simple

These are things we both have to uproot from our game.

Please return to a strictly football discussion

And I ask the same from all the Greeks who fel tempted to reply or have already done so...

It was just a football game guys

And for your information! ALL tema will play us as European Champions they 'd love to beat from now on!

We need to grow and mature a level and beat them regardless! ;)

May the rest of the course of this Group be as Exciting minus the violence... :tdown:

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People, try not to @#$% up with all the politics and all that crap when we're supposed to talk about football. Everybody knows that those fights in Greece or Albania between the fans, help nobody. It's a game and Albania won. I am glad about it and all the albanians are, and if Greece wins next match I'm sure they will be glad,too.

For those ########## who wanna talk s%$#! and don't want the fans of the winning team to celebrate (nomatter which team it is) I have just one thing to say: Go and learn how to behaive in a modern society and how to live respecting other people rights or go and ############ .

I was in Danforth yesterday (a "Greek city" in Toronto) celebrating with a lot of other Albanians, and guess what? Nothing happened, no fighting , no swearing, no breaking glasses , nothing at all.

Thanks for the post and thanks for sharing your reasonable apporach

But do try to refrain from calling other members names even if we all agree their approach is wrong

Welcome to the forum and sorry for the Edit but this is a tense situation we all need to work together to overcome and continue talking football together

The Admin

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We are the European champions. though. you can not change that. Let us all chill. i know you Albanians are exited but that doesnt mean you could invade are site. Congrads to your country for winning, and we will see you in Greece. Albania is a tough place to win in and i guess that was a contribution to your win. Congrads Albanians.

No mean to be harsh with the above words but that is just my opinion.

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Alb_gurl & Shqiponja, please remember you are guests here, among Greek hosts, and as such minding your manners is the appropriate thing to do no matter how proud and happy you may feel with this win. Show some CLASS and you will be served better in life.

Just a suggestion,

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To the albanian smart arse that denies any bottles thrown at our players. If you have a television set where ever you are and watched the game, then you need glasses my friend.

In the second half when tsartas was taking corner kicks, bottles and coins were being thrown at him. This was live on Alpha, I don't know that channel you were watching from.




I am sorry to the guys at phantis if i have used this forum as a politcal basis to make an anouncement concerning greece albanian game. I have spent the last 7 weeks in greece where i took my family to see the olympic games.

It was an fantastic period for greece and a proud moment for all greeks worldwide. people from all over the world came to athens and had greatest time and in all cases made comment how good was the greek filoxenia.

The word filoxenia is connected to all greeks. For thoughs people that do not understand this term, I suggest you get an dictionary and look it up.

This is the last time I concern myself with this topic and lets get on with soccer issues.

Because soccer is life...........................

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Green and the other person who talked b4 u; first of all you are out of subject and second don't u dare talking about us making all the mess. Everybody does stupid things including greeks. Don't forget that it was u guys who burned our flag the last game we played in Greece and after albanians did the same with yours , police bit the s%$#! out of them. If it's for bitting up people....trust me there would be no greek walking that north border of yours. R u saying that greek fans do not swear ? or get angry and all that s%$#!? shut up man don't act like u're from heaven in here.

and one more thing mr.green; immigrants are eating greek bread that's true...but nobody is getting that for free so skip that ..."...THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU MY FRIEND...." if u don't believe me ...come and ask your friends here in Canada b/c according to u, there are "some hands" feeding them 2. And as u said stop with this subject b/c it can go on and on forever.

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Green and the other person who talked b4 u; first of all you are out of subject and second don't u dare talking about us making all the mess. Everybody does stupid things including greeks. Don't forget that it was u guys who burned our flag the last game we played in Greece and after albanians did the same with yours , police bit the s%$#! out of them. If it's for bitting up people....trust me there would be no greek walking that north border of yours. R u saying that greek fans do not swear ? or get angry and all that s%$#!? shut up man don't act like u're from heaven in here.

and one more thing mr.green; immigrants are eating greek bread that's true...but nobody is getting that for free so skip that ..."...THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU MY FRIEND...." if u don't believe me ...come and ask your friends here in Canada b/c according to u, there are "some hands" feeding them 2. And as u said stop with this subject b/c it can go on and on forever.

lets drop the hand that feeds and immigration crap.

its not relevant. some people needed a better life so they came to greece- same with some greeks who leave for germany, USA, Canada, Australia.... thats really not important. I agree with eagle even greeks do stupid things, but we know these things can happen and booing anthems and flag burnings is just going to provoke them.

as for the incident with cops beating the albanians who burned the flag- if greek fans did this in albania the same thing would happen...

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yeah this was pretty much identical to the EURO 2004 russia game..... except the 2nd goal was cuz of poor goalkeeping...and we dominated more....albania got their win theyre happy - but i dont think this game would apply to all teams- few are as dtermined to play against greece as albanians ....but dont expect a result against georgia, they are probably going to win you 2-1....

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During the EURO 2004, as Greece was beating the powers of France, Czech Republic and Portugal, I was saying to my friends that the more Greece climbs the steps of success, fame and euphoria, the easier it will be to beat them in ALbania - and sweeter too. Easier in the sense that Albania will be playing as underdogs against the Euro Champs. Psychologically, Albanian players will be at a better advantage.

As EURO champs, you're expected to win every game, especially against the lesser teams (despite the fact the Greece never won in Albania).

Greece fell victim of their own strategies. They started every EURO game as underdogs, and won most of them. While I congratulate Greece on that fantastic achievement, I wasn't too sure if the game played by Zagorakis, Karagounis and Co. was of World Class or EURO Champs stuff. Fantastic defense, yes, but nothing more too it. Now you have th EURO CHAMP label: every team will come at you with everything they got. And this is tough to withstand. Remember, there are some darn good teams in our group: Denmark, Ukraine, Turkey and Georgia at some point. It's not going to be an easy road. So, you'll need good luck besides playing better.

As for Albania, we're not expected to go anywhere in this group, though we beat the Champs. We're rightfully enjoying the moment

Good luck, and thanks for hosting

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Guest albanian4ever

ej flladi can you be more nice?????

and next time don't say that "we're just enjoying the moment"

hey wake up,everything is possible :D ..............

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