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Leveque's doctor found scar tissue in his leg and he is now going to get surgery (with a recovery time of three months). Unbelievable.

As noted in the Xanthi thread, it sounds like Leovac's well and truly done with PAOK. Hopefully we get some cash for him when the transfer window opens. Who knows what brought this on; he's been atrocious this season.

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So we’ve gone from having two left backs at the start of the season to none.  Leveque could go down as one of our worst signings in recent years.  Leovac has never been truly convincing.  I would say he’s been adequate with spells where he’s been quite decent but also spells where he’s been very average.  I can see Lucescu playing Vieirinha as left back for the foreseeable future.

We also need to find a better backup or rotation striker for Prijovic.

Edited by Bananas
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Strange things are happening at PAOK. Looks like some of the players figured out that there will be changes ahead (lowering the budget) and are taking preemptive measures.

Leovac figured out he has no future with the team. I also think Zambrano might be on the way out as well. I am also questioning the alleged injury to Prijovic.

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PAOK has posted 2 separate articles detailing the Prijovic injury/scans he has had(which revealed he has indeed done some damage, still not known how long he'll be out for which ill admit is a little strange) I find it hard to believe he would be faking. Unless he has had a falling out with the club, which again I feel they wouldn't have given it much or any attention on their official channels if that was the case. 

Gotta stop assuming the worst in everything blackhawk, sometimes the world can be a lovely place :) 

Edited by paokarag4
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Ok now im hearing talks of a potential player mutiny on Lucescu, so scratch the above post

Apologies blackhawk you are once again correct, and the world and particularly PAOK is a dark, cold and horrible place where there are no happy ever afters :sad:


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17 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

Strange things are happening at PAOK. Looks like some of the players figured out that there will be changes ahead (lowering the budget) and are taking preemptive measures.

Leovac figured out he has no future with the team. I also think Zambrano might be on the way out as well. I am also questioning the alleged injury to Prijovic.

Budget ?  Who cares about budget.  Just give me my “metagrafi” fix every 6 months.

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Vieirinha out for 8-10 days. El Kaddouri is out for 6-8 weeks. Should return early February, by which point hopefully he'll actually be good.

Great opportunity for Pelkas to cement a spot as our #10. Hopefully Deligiannidis gets plenty of time as LB, as well.

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22 hours ago, pash said:

Vieirinha out for 8-10 days. El Kaddouri is out for 6-8 weeks. Should return early February, by which point hopefully he'll actually be good.

Great opportunity for Pelkas to cement a spot as our #10. Hopefully Deligiannidis gets plenty of time as LB, as well.

Vierinha is a big loss for the game on Sunday. I doubt Deligiannidis will get the start. More likely we will see Crespo in that position. Also I don't like Pelkas as #10. Would prefer Biseswar there.

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Vieirinha might be a game time decision. Would rather have him. Crespo, meanwhile, has been garbage each time he's played there. If he gets the start, we may as well play a 3-5-2.

As for Pelkas - if he plays like he has been lately, then he should get time. Frankly, El Kaddouri should be a central midfielder. He's only slightly better as the #10 than Shakhov is (which is to say, not very good).

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I have a quick question that popped up while I was on Instagram last night.  How are guys like Klaus (Israel), Henrique (Azerbaijan) and others watching PAOK matches on NOVA while not in Greece?  They all post pics/video of their TVs while watching and I got curious?  Is Nova available in Europe, but not in the states?

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NOVA is not available via satellite in the US because the satellite footprint where it broadcasts from does not reach North America. It does reach Europe and Middle East, but the only way to subscribe to them is through "grey market" providers. The other way is through IPTV using streaming boxes with KODI installations, but they are cracking down on those boxes lately.

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Now that we have disposed of Panathinaikos there is a string of games that we can't and should not drop any points. Basically until the game with Olympiakos (mid-February) we need to win all our games because it is very doubtful that Olympiakos and AEK will drop any points except for the game between each other.

Those games are:

Platanias - PAOK (12/16)
PAOK - Levadeiakos  (1/6)
Kerkyra - PAOK  (1/11)
PAOK - Apollon  (1/14)
Panaitolikos - PAOK  (1/21)
PAS Giannina - PAOK (1/28)
PAOK - Larisa (2/4)
Lamia - PAOK (2/11)

After these games we have four games that I believe will determine if we win the championship or not:

PAOK - Olympiakos  (2/18)
Tripoli - PAOK  (2/25)
PAOK - AEK (3/4)
Atromitos - PAOK (3/11

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PAOK EISAI therefore PAOK YOU ARE:1eye:.

Written and spoken English is still very bad in Greece. The parents pay a lot for courses (frontistirio) to learn English but it's a disaster if you don't speak Greek and the Greeks can not or don't want to speak English. Everybody in Greece expect others to speak Greek as Greece is the centre of the universe....

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Wait, are the quotes from the Boston Thanatos literally being written in English? I don't follow the team in most social media (and definitely don't read comments) so had no idea. That's...pretty amazing.

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Now I know why Mak scored that red card. It was to celebrate his 100th appearance in an official game for PAOK. He is player #113 to reach this joyous occasion.

Αναλυτικά η λίστα με όσους βρίσκονται στο Club 100:

1 Γιώργος Κούδας 1963 1984 602
2 Κώστας Ιωσηφίδης 1971 1985 493
3 Σταύρος Σαράφης 1967 1981 422
4 Αρίσταρχος Φουντουκίδης 1966 1978 391
5 Δημήτρης Σαλπιγγίδης 1999 2015 358
6 Γιάννης Γούναρης 1970 1982 352
7 Κούλης Αποστολίδης 1963 1979 344
8 Γιώργος Τουρσουνίδης 1988 2000 340
9 Γιώργος Σκαρτάδος 1982 1992 340
10 Λέανδρος Συμεωνίδης 1954 1969 324
11 Γιάννης Δαμανάκης 1976 1985 311
12 Γιάννης Νικολαΐδης 1958 1968 306
13 Νίκος Αλαβάντας 1977 1990 301
14 Στέφανος Αθανασιάδης 2006 2017 295
15 Γιώργος Κωστίκος 1977 1986 291
16 Χρήστος Τερζανίδης 1968 1977 285
17 Νέτο Γκουερίνο 1974 1984 285
18 Παναγιώτης Κερμανίδης 1973 1981 284
19 Κώστας Λαγωνίδης 1987 1999 282
20 Γιάννης Γιακουμής 1960 1970 281
21 Ιγνάτιος Μουρατίδης 1959 1970 276
22 Μλάντεν Φορτούλα 1975 1984 276
23 Στέφανος Μπορμπόκης 1985 1996 274
24 Φιλώτας Πέλλιος 1972 1984 271
25 Γιώργος Χασιώτης 1953 1964 268
26 Γιάννης Αναστασιάδης 1988 1997 262
27 Κώστας Μαλιούφας 1983 1995 258
28 Αντώνης Κεμανίδης 1953 1963 256
29 Παντελής Κωνσταντινίδης 1998 2009 244
30 Θόδωρος Ζαγοράκης 1992 2007 239
31 Νίκος Μιχόπουλος 1992 2000 234
32 Θωμάς Σίγγας 1978 1989 228
33 Δημήτρης Καπετανόπουλος 1992 1999 228
34 Στέλιος Μαλεζάς 2003 228
35 Δημήτρης Παρίδης 1968 1977 227
36 Άλβες Λίνο 2008 2014 220
37 Αλέξανδρος Αλεξίου 1990 1997 220
38 Αχιλλέας Ασλανίδης 1968 1976 219
39 Κυριάκος Αλεξανδρίδης 1979 1989 211
40 Δημήτρης Ραπτόπουλος 1958 1965 208
41 Απόστολος Βασιλειάδης 1960 1968 207
42 Άγγελος Αναστασίαδης 1973 1981 205
43 Παύλος Παπαδόπουλος 1962 1974 203
44 Παντελής Καφές 1996 2003 203
45 Διονύσης Χασιώτης 1999 2007 200
46 Βασίλης Βασιλάκος 1979 1987 197
47 Απόστολος Πρόγιος 1954 1963 193
48 Γιώργος Γεωργιάδης 1999 2008 190
49 Αχιλλέας Ζαφειρίου 1994 2000 184
50 Κώστας Ορφανός 1975 1987 177
51 Ζήσης Βρύζας 1996 2008 169
52 Παναγιώτης Γλύκος 2008 165
53 Απόστολος Τσουρέλας 1971 1989 162
54 Γιασουμής Γιασεμάκης 2001 2007 161
55 Κώστας Κιουρτζής 1954 1962 161
56 Χαράλαμπος Κουϊρουκίδης 1953 1960 158
57 Ανέστης Αφεντουλίδης 1965 1970 158
58 Εργκούς Κάτσε 2010 158
59 Γιάννης Γκιτσιούδης 1985 1992 157
60 Βάσιλης Λάζος 1967 1975 157
61 Ιφεάνι Ουντέζε 2000 2006 154
62 Πάμπλο Γκαρσία 2008 2014 153
63 Στέλιος Κίτσιου 2011 148
64 Λευτέρης Παπαδάκης 1945 1957 148
65 Αναστάσιος Κατσαμπής 1998 2002 146
66 Ιωακείμ Χάβος 1992 1997 146
67 Αριστείδης Καρασαββίδης 1984 1995 145
68 Αιμίλιος Θεοφανίδης 1965 1970 145
69 Κυριάκος Τοχούρογλου 2000 2008 144
70 Γιώργος Φωτάκης 2009 2013 142
71 Γιάννης Ψαρράς 1981 1988 142
72 Αντελίνο Βιεϊρίνια 2008 141
73 Χρήστος Δημόπουλος 1980 1985 141
74 Χρήστος Γιεντζής 1953 1969 141
75 Δημήτρης Καλογιάννης 1951 1959 137
76 Γιώργος Μακρής 1962 1971 137
77 Δημήτρης Πετρίδης 1955 1963 135
78 Βασίλης Γεωργόπουλος 1980 1984 134
79 Παράσχος Ζουμπούλης 1994 1998 134
80 Βλάντιμιρ Ίβιτς 2008 2012 133
81 Σλάντιαν Σπάσιτς 2000 2005 133
82 Μιχάλης Λεοντιάδης 1987 1993 131
83 Αρμάν Γκι Φουτσίνι 2000 2006 131
84 Σωτήρης Μπαλάφας 2005 2012 131
85 Κώστας Φραντζέσκος 1996 2000 131
86 Γιώργος Μητσιμπόνας 1989 1992 130
87 Δημήτρης Μήτογλου 1986 1992 129
88 Νίκος Καραγεωργίου 1986 1991 128
89 Λουκάς Καραδήμος 1999 2005 127
90 Γιαννάκης Οκκάς 2000 2003 126
91 Απόστολος Σαββουλίδης 1966 1974 125
92 Κώστας Χαλκιάς 2008 2012 125
93 Αντώνης Γιουκούδης 1993 1997 125
94 Γιώργος Χαβανίδης 1954 1961 123
95 Μίροσλαβ Σνάουτσνερ 2007 2012 122
96 Χαράλαμπος Μπανιώτης 1977 1988 122
97 Κώστας Οικονομίδης 1991 1995 120
98 Κοστίν Λαζάρ 2011 2014 120
99 Μιγκέλ Βίτορ 2013 2016 116
100 Γιώργος Τζαβέλλας 2013 2016 116
101 Θεόδωρος Αποστολίδης 1978 1984 115
102 Νίκος Φρούσος 1999 2003 115
103 Γιώτης Εγκωμίτης 2000 2006 113
104 Μαγκντί Τολμπά 1989 1993 112
105 Πάμπλο Κοντρέρας 2008 2012 111
106 Αλέξανδρος Τζιόλης 2013 2016 111
107 Μαργαρίτης Γιαννέλος 1954 1965 109
108 Δημήτρης Πέλκας 2012 108
109 Νότης Τσίντογλου 1951 1959 108
110 Μπρούνο Τσιρίλο 2009 2012 103
111 Τζο Νάγκμπε 1997 2000 102
112 Ντάνιελ Φερνάντες 2003 2008 100
113 Ρόμπερτ Μακ 2014 100


Edited by Dutch Eagle
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