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Transfer News and Rumors - Summer 2018


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Sending a player out on loan to them isn't a bad idea. Giannina should provide them a lot of playing time (especially if it's Poungouras, who would slot in well with their 3-5-2).

I'd take the 1.8mm for Rey. I think he will end up being worth much more, but we just have too many GK's. Lots of balls in the air right now though, who knows how this will all shake out.

Also a good move for Koulouris to go to Atromitos.

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Disagree pash.  I wouldn't sell him for 1.8.  We forget how difficult it is to find a good keeper.  Really we haven't signed any!  Rey was bought for 1.5 which I think was good business by us.  And given time I believe he would be a very good keeper.  The fact we "discovered" Paschalakis was luck.  The club never planned for this.

If it were up to me I'd keep Paschalakis and Rey and Glykos.  The only issue would be if they are happy to ride the bench or not.

After the end of 2018/2019 we will have a better picture of where we are at.  We will know for certain if Paschalakis can be our keeper for a long time.  Also we'll know what's happening with Glykos.  Ideally we can hold onto Rey until then even if we have to loan him out for the season.

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I guess we'll see soon enough!

Savvidis posted about a "Brazilian talent" yesterday which at least one site says is this guy. I figured it was him referring to Henrique, though:


-edit- I'm seeing him also now noted on the inPAOK site, which posted the following regarding foreign players. Apparently his age is a real asset in this case: https://inpaok.com/458793/o-zaba-ke-i-thesis-xenon/

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3 hours ago, pash said:

I guess we'll see soon enough!

Savvidis posted about a "Brazilian talent" yesterday which at least one site says is this guy. I figured it was him referring to Henrique, though:


-edit- I'm seeing him also now noted on the inPAOK site, which posted the following regarding foreign players. Apparently his age is a real asset in this case: https://inpaok.com/458793/o-zaba-ke-i-thesis-xenon/

I hope this is true as he sounds and looks decent. 11 caps for Brazil's U20's as well 

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Apparently he's just posted a goodbye to his current club. If this all works out, then good on the club for keeping this under the radar.

I read 5mm was what we paid. That would be an insane price for us.

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News is starting to pour out now. These are from inPAOK, as my various feeds aren't updating at a steady rate (and I refuse to read stuff by that scumbag over at paok24):

Campos has a big offer from Turkey, which might be why we decided to splurge on Jaba: https://inpaok.com/459147/polite-o-tzalma/

Jaba apparently clocks in as the world's third fastest player (strange + dubious stat to claim, considering it was for one particular instance): https://inpaok.com/459135/to-idietero-rekor-tou-zaba/ <-- this could explain why we aren't moving on Mak, as well

InPAOK is the third site I've seen claiming 5mm is the price tag: https://inpaok.com/458988/tinazi-tin-banka-ston-aera-o-ivan/

The player himself, went to Germany earlier today (where he signed a new contract with his managers) and should be on his way to Greece as we speak.

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From what I read Leo Jaba will cost 5 mil to start with, and depending on how many games he plays it could go up to 7 mil. That's according to rumors on some sites. We will pay 4 mil to Grozny and 1 mil to Corinthians, since they retain 20% of any resale price.

As a result of the Jaba deal it was decided to sell Campos to the Turkish team. Not sure how much they will pay us, but he will get a 3 mil contract for 3 years. 

Rumors/Fake News also claim that Pukki is almost a done deal. It could possibly be the case considering that other fake news claim that Conde will sign with some team in Saudi Arabia.

Somewhere I read that the Israeli team paid the buyout price for Sabo and that he is no longer a property of PAOK. Still need to see an official confirmation on this.   

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I would bet on Conde making the move to us. As far as I've heard, Pukki hasn't responded to our "ultimatum" ... right? I say let the other teams have him. He is going to draw out the process until August if he can.

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I cannot believe I am going to say it, but I am actually sad to see Djalma leaving. He is so much different than every other winger we have. I would love for him to stay, but I guess it's for everyone's benefit to go. Good luck to him!

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Yeah, I like the guy. He has a rare combination of strength and dribbling ability. Great at forcing errors upon opposing players.


-edit- haha Savvidis is so excited. He posted 2245 SKG, presumably the time Jabo's plane lands in Thessaloniki

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Djalma is a big loss.  So much for trying to hang onto our core players.  Then again if the offer from the Turks is real it's hard to compete with that.

Djalma is a ταύρος.  Imagine having to man mark him with his high work rate and just the way he generally bullies himself into space.  I'd much rather be marking say a Limnios.

With Djalma and Mak both gone (I wish we signed Mak and am surprised we didn't) we'll essentially be playing with new wingers.

As for the 5 million dollar kid, the story is almost surreal.  Kind of bizarre.  For a club like PAOK who's highest transfer fee is barely 2 million to spend 5 million on an unknown kid seems kind of strange.  Does Savvidis have dirty money to wash ?  Then again maybe this kid is MUCH better than everyone in our squad ?  He'll have to be if you're paying that sort of money.  Right now I don't like this move.

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If we were Porto or Benfica it would be another day at work to spend 5 million for an allegedly Brazilian wonderkid.

If Savvidis is in the mood to spend such money, good for us. And obviously this kid is supposed to play a couple years for us and then sell them for way more, right? I am more concerned to find an amazing midfielder. Savvidis has to show his money for that transfer. Since we already got Khacheridi this is the other position we need to spend some real money. And then of course for Prijovic's replacement if he end up going.

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I get what you're saying my sweet banana hammock. But, a few thoughts:

  • We were just saying that we can't keep buying players in their early 30s who we won't be able to sell for any cash - with Campos, we got two cups and 800k out of the player. It's not terrible business.
  • Campos was looking for a long-term contract, and I doubt we would have extended him past another year (and certainly not for the 1mm/year + bonuses he's reportedly getting in Turkey)
  • We don't know yet how Lucescu will handle the wingers situation. But there's plenty of continuity still there. Ideally, younger players like Limnios will continue to improve and make a case for being a starter, right?
  • There are many types of play styles; Campos brought something new and interesting so it's natural to continue wanting that. But we got past Stoch, then we got past Mak, and we'll get over Campos now too. It's up to the coach to figure out what combination of players will do the job vs any particular team.


As for the kid - I have no idea how he'll turn out. His stats aren't terrible, and he seems to be able to run and dribble. The fact that he's been part of Brazil's U20 since he was 18 (though hasn't been called up in 2018) hopefully is a good sign.


BTW, reading now that Pukki is back on.

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I too am disappointed we are losing Djalma. A really solid player with great work rate. A physical beast too. But as someone else pointed out we got a really good 2 years out of him and we're not prepared to offer a 31 year old 1Mil a season (unless it's Wernbloom ?

But if this Jaba kid is worth 4-5 mil, you'd have to assume he is a star/has ridiculous potential for us to sell him for 15-20mil one day. 
I too find it unusual that that we would splash out 5 mil out of the blue for a player. Is this a statement of intent from Savvidis that he wants Champions league qualification/A real sustained run at the title? Hard to know without having seen this kid play, but if this is true then the financial commitment is defs there from Savvidis. (not that i ever doubted his financial commitment to PAOK but this would be taking it to a new level) 


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My best guess is that Savvidis is jumping the gun.  In the same way as when we got Huub and Stoch and various other signings over the years.  In the same way that we hired Stanojevic last season.  What happened this season was all due to Lucescu.  Hopefully I'm wrong.  We'll know once he plays ... you can't hide on the pitch.

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I still think a long-term Stoch would have been great, had we had the administration and coach around the team. Stoch wasn't the problem, it was Huub being on vacation mode + Tzavellas + all the other drama around those teams.

Jaba signed for FIVE years: https://inpaok.com/459579/zaba-pentaetias-ston-paok-pic/


-edit- I'm also seeing that Conde is going to Saudi Arabia (rumor), just as Blackhawk said.

Also: Deligiannidis has been announced on loan by OFI. I really hope they use him as an attacking midfielder

Small rumors here and there about Warda, reportedly some Italian and Spanish teams are interested

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Official announcement on Leo Jaba will be made tomorrow due to some paperwork issues according to KFNS.
In other fake news it is reported that the actual price for Jaba's purchase was around 2 mil. Now who is telling the truth I don't know.

In the meantime little Savvidis posted on instagram a pic of Jaba with PAOK jersey and number 98.

Lucescu decided that Chatziisaias will not travel with the team to Holland and suggested that he should be loaned.

Also it is reported that Pukki is on his way to Thessaloniki with his agent to close the deal. I believe Conde deal is off the table. 

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Lucescu is going to announce the first set of people who will travel to the Netherlands by EOD today, right?

-edit- looks like it was just announced. Will post it in the preseason thread.

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