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Transfer News and Rumors - Summer 2018


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Contracts expiring are Malezas, Azevedo and Mak.  Malezas is a tricky one.  He’s a leader and been great for the club but maybe it’s time to move on.  Then again maybe he can play one more season.

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Azevedo from what I saw he was all right.  Not bad but we want great players, not just all right.  In Matos and Vieirinha we have the two best full backs in Greece.  I’d rather get Giannoulis from Atromito and give him game time.  It’s been great to see Pelkas one of our boys become a proper first team player.

Malezas I think we should renew even he doesn’t play much.

Mak I hope we sign.  I’m hoping he can find that form from two seasons ago when he was killing it.  It will be interesting to see what happens with wingers next season with Mystakidis, Henrique, Warda still to come back. Mystakidis is going to struggle to get game time.

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Yeah, we have a lot of wingers out there

On loan: Mistakidis, Henrique, Warda, Jairo, Lamprou

With the squad: Limnios, Campos

To say nothing of El Kaddouri, Pelkas, Biseswar, and Vieirinha


If we qualify for the group stage of either competition, I can see us holding more than we did this year. Jairo is definitely a goner, no reason to keep him. I love Mak but if I had to choose between him and Mistakidis, I'd choose #27. Warda, for me, is an attacking midfielder and will really only find room if Pelkas is sold. And what of Lamprou?? Can he play up the middle?


I actually hope Deligiannidis will be loaned out somewhere where he can play in his real position. So much potential, not being put to use.

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Mak staying at PAOK depends on Zenit. if they want to unload him and PAOK can get him cheap he will stay. Savvidis likes him. If that happens I see Henrique being sold.

We will also need to clean up the goalie situation. If we get Zivkovic from Xanthi, then Rey and Glykos are gone. Our goalie trio should be Paschalakis, Zivkovic, Siabanis.

As far as players such as Moulen, El Kaddouri, Mauricio, I expect them to have a much better upcoming season.

Finally  I think we need to clean up all the various loans. Somewhre I read that we have over 20 loaned players. Players such as Sabo, Jairo, Chatziisaia, Kitsiou, Kace, Leovac,  really have no chance of making the top squad. 

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Το καλό της υπόθεσης είναι ότι έχουμε πολύ δυνατό κορμό. Όλοι μας φοβούνται και όλοι μας χρίζουν φαβορί για το νέο πρωτάθλημα. Ο Ολυμπιακός που θα πάει για Ουέφα δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να ρίξει τα λεφτά του παρελθόντος.

Η ΑΕΚ που θέλει να μας πείσει ότι είναι δίκαια πρωταθλήτρια ίσως διώξει τον προπονητή της. Αν συμβεί ξεκινάει από μειονεκτική θέση. Έχασε τον Οικοδόμο που τον είχαν mvp και τον πληρώνανε 280,000 το χρόνο. Τόσα στον ΠΑΟΚ παίρνει ο Κουλούρης (νομίζω). Χάνουν και τον Αραούχο και παζαρεύουν τον Λιβάια. Απ' ότι φαίνεται ο τίγρης δεν έχει σκοπό να βάλει το χέρι στην τσέπη πριν δει τα ζεστά μύρια του Τσουλού.

Ο Σαββίδης από την άλλη μίλησε για αύξηση του μπάτζετ. Αν δεν ήμασταν ΠΑΟΚ θα έλεγα ότι του χρόνου θα τους σκίσουμε όλους. Αλλά επειδή είμαστε ΠΑΟΚ και τους παρατρεχάμενους της διοίκησης δεν τους εμπιστεύομαι, δεν θα μου κάνει εντύπωση αν ψιλοδιαλύσει η ομάδα και κάνουν ότι να ναι μεταγραφές. Με λίγα λόγια αν δεν αυτοκτονήσουμε είμαστε σε θέση να κάνουμε την καλύτερη ομάδα που είχαμε στη σύγχρονη ιστορία μας. Για μένα αυτό που χρειαζόμαστε είναι έναν Κοντρέρας κι έναν Γκαρσία κατά κύριο λόγο. Αμυντικό χαφ και κεντρικό αμυντικό.

Τέλος πάντων και οι δανεικοί όπως λέτε είναι πάρα πολλοί. Πρέπει να ξεκαθαρίσουν τα πράγματα και με αυτούς. Πάντως είμαστε στο καλύτερό μας καλοκαίρι, είμαστε με το χαμόγελο στο στόμα και το μέλλον μας είναι ιδιαίτερα ευοίωνο. Ας ελπίσουμε να μην βγάλουμε μόνοι μας τα μάτια μας ξανά και να χτίσουμε κάτι ακόμα πιο δυνατό! Και αν το κάνουμε, δεν φοβάμαι να έρθει και ο Άγιαξ. Αυτή τη φορά εμείς θα προκριθούμε!

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Now that it appears Lazaros won’t be continuing at AEK I think the club should make a serious effort to sign him.  Find out what Olympiakos is offering then offer double.

Surprise Lazaros, I was just kidding.  We don’t really want you back.

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Εμείς τον Οικοδόμο τον ξέρουμε καλά. Μπορεί να έφυγε από τα Διαβατά, αλλά τα Διαβατά δεν έφυγαν από αυτόν.

Καλή του τύχη στην ομάδα της καρδιάς του. Ας κάτσει δύο χρονάκια εκεί και μετά να έρθει να κλείσει την καριέρα του στην πραγματικά μεγάλη ομάδα της πόλης μας, τον Άρη Θεσσαλονίκης.

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For Olympiakos to be signing the brick layer they must have set their goals real low for next season. I would not want him at PAOK. Not only because of his past, but also he is not such a good player. He can hardly play a full 90 minutes. I don't think he will serve his full contract at Olympiakos

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Savvidis is expected to push for a new contract for Pelkas, which would raise his buy out clause to 10mm (and give him an increase in pay). Didn't he just sign a new one last year?

The younger Savvidis has been posting on Instagram about a "bomba" signing soon. We'll see about that. I noticed that the day after, he said it was *not* Kpaps.

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Yeah, but he says a lot of stuff!

Saw a few sites claim Pukki rejected a contract extension (with significant raise) from Brondy in order to go to Greece. I was kind of afraid that he'd be the one we'd get. Not convinced as to his quality.

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Now that would be a hell of a move, though if we got him we'd have to kick quite a few other players to the curb -

Leovac (who is keen on making the sale official)

Leveque (who could have died months ago for all I know)

Giannoulis (who I had hoped would make it into the club as the #2 next season - unless his loan was for more than one season?)

Azevedo (who failed to make his mark and doesn't seem worth buying)


Actually now that I think about it, it would be nice to get rid of so many players. Especially if Giannoulis is going to be on loan for another season.

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Leovac is gone. We might even make some money if his Croatian team wants him so badly.

Giannoulis has one more year loan deal with Atromitos, but we can break it with a 80K option.

I think Azevedo is a good player, but did not really get much of a chance to prove himself. He only played in 4 SL games coming in as a sub. He also played in 3 cup games. As far as I know his contract with Shakhtar expired, so he is free to sign with anybody. We would not have to buy him.

Leveque bye bye.

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Αν πάρουμε Σταφυλίδη θα είναι ενδιαφέρον, ναι!

Όσο και να προσπαθώ να σκέφτομαι με χαμηλά τη μπάλα οι προσδοκίες μεγαλώνουν συνεχώς για τη νέα χρονιά!

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I would've thought Kyriakos Papadopoulos but if what he's saying is true then I'm guessing Stafylidis or Berg.

As for the LB position 100% bring back Giannoulis.  Leovac was average and has no heart.  Leveque was comic relief.  Azevedo is actually not bad but his wages are that of a top player which he is not in this team.

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Here's a surprising bit of news - Real Betis is interested in a reunion with Canas (he got his start in their youth and then C- and B- teams). InPAOK saying they'd give 2mm for him, which is a price I'd accept without even thinking about

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Besiktas keeps claiming that Pelkas is their number one target this transfer period. Michel claims he has not received a single phone call concerning this matter.

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I'd be shocked if he went there, even if an offer were made. Is Besiktas itself saying this, or is it Turkish media? Seems uncharacteristic for a club to make these pronouncements.

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