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The "Giannis Antetokounmpo Hall of Fame Progress" Thread

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Right now Giannis is one of the most slept on stories in the NBA thanks to the unexpected poor record of his team. Seeing what he has done in March so far (averaging 21pts, 2 stls, 2 blocks, 8 assists, and 8 rebounds...across 12 games; and flirting with triple doubles on a nightly basis since February), and given his "Freak"-ish physical gifts, I am in a position to make some radical predictions. (Note: I believe these mostly depend on the kind of situation Giannis finds himself in years from now, be it in Milwaukee or elsewhere):


  • Giannis has one of the highest trade values that nobody is talking about. His combination of versatility, youth, and position-less IQ might make him top 10 in this category. Can anyone think of 10 players with higher trade value than him right now? Another thought experiment: what NBA exec wouldn't trade their lottery pick for Giannis this year? Yes, I think GIannis is still a far better prospect than Ben Simmons.
  • Giannis has everything a player needs to be this generation's Scottie Pippen. If he lands himself on a perennial play-off team as a second option, I predict he will create a career for himself potentially worthy of the HoF. Im not close to kidding. 
  • He is the most all-around athletic 6"11+ player the league has ever seen. Garnett?-not as fast/agile
  • A team of 5 Giannis clones would win at least 3 championships in the next decade. How many other players would you feel comfortable saying that about? It's only possible because of his all-rounded game, and positionless-ness.


These are just some very outrageous (but convinced) predictions to spark a hopefully lively, on-going conversation about the current and future greatness of the Greek phenom that too few people are talking about.

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  • 3 years later...
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  • 2 years later...

Last night Giannis Antetokounmpo and his Milwaukee Bucks won the NBA championship in 6 games over the Phoenix Suns. As expected, he was picked the NBA Finals MVP. First title for the franchise in 50 years. All three brothers have NBA rings (Kostas with the Lakers last year). 

Giannis joins a big list of NBA greats to score 50 points in NBA Finals history. Congrats and you have made Greece very proud! :gogreece:

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Congratulations to him! Well deserved MVP and his team has done well to win a title as a "small market" team. This result will have shut a few mouths from pundits who have criticised his ability to perform in the playoffs. 


A little message from Gianni ahead of his return to Greece in a few days. 



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  • 6 months later...

still think they are favorites to win the east. sixers are doing well but lose stupid games and can not guard zone! nets are done out here and other teams dont have the exp for it.

west is a lottery too so out of CP3, Lebron or GS legacy ballers for me. Giannis could handle any of them. apart from maybe a peak GS defense.

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does this trade impact giannis half of fame progress? wow harden to sixers. hinkie and brown finally vindicated and didnt have to get rid kids. sportsbetting3.com have all 3 teams close to get out of east but i think if harden turns it on they are unstoppable.

Edited by Dpurs10
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