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SL-R6: PAOK FC - Olympiakos (04-Oct-15, 20:30 GR)


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i have to try and keep some perspective when i consider the result of this match.


we lost 0-2. yeah, no one likes losing.


but we played the favourites to win the league and we went into this year fully knowing that it's a rebuilding year. (which, they never seem to end, but that's another story.)


and despite that it's a rebuilding year and we were up against oly, in my book, despite the bad result, we actually outplayed them. outpossessed them, outshot them, outchanced them, had them penned in their own half for the vast majority of the second half. unlucky not to score multiple goals.


all of that despite that half the team are pretty new, young players. it just gives me a lot of optimism for this team if we can keep these kids together for another 3-4 years and really build something. something that could eventually be good enough to win the league outright. of course, oly know how to win games, and roberto is especially gifted in stealing oly games, and they found a way to win today. but if this team can bring the passion they brought today a few years from now after they've had a chance to play and grow into a team together, teams like oly will be hard-pressed to find a way to win again.

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Tudor press conference. He's very annoyed with the midfield. Pissed at Pelkas especially.


A reporter asked why did Kace play over Sabo. Are you kidding me? Thank God Tudor immediately said "because Kace is a better player."

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Kace hasn't picked up where he left off last season. Jairo is simply terrible, not a good enough player to be playing for us. We haven't been able to penetrate through the middle of the park, it's Tziolis and Kace just moving the ball left to right. We outnumber central midfielders 3 to 2, playing a 3-5-2 we should be stretching their midfield even further and creating more space but we move the ball too slowly. Frustrating game, statistics say we deserved more but aside from maybe deserving a goal, it was a poor performance.

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glad to see you checking in after the match mate. the chants didn't stop in the whole match, we could hear them. the atmosphere must have been something, despite the loss. i'm just glad no one was throwing stuff on the field or doing anything else too stupid. we could see flares and hear loud booms throughout the match as well.

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I was in G5, fantastic atmosphere, chants didn't stop from G4 but supporters in other sections grew restless, as the game went on it did start to die. Exiting the stadium the chants continued, if this was at any other stadium, you'd have thought the home team won. Disappointed I didn't see us beat the gavroi but I guess I can complain with the away win at Veria and home win v AEK, 2 out of 3 ain't bad

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I agree, but Tudor has been kind of outspoken in his last two press conferences how his players aren't good enough, and he has to play his single best starting lineup.


Frankly, if Pelkas is in a slump, I can't see why Mistakidis isn't starting there. He must be chomping at the bit to get some game time, and he's been consistently good for us.


As for Konstantinidis - agreed, again. Kitsiou is not a drop in quality from him, and should be in the rotation regularly.

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I didn;t see the whole match.  From the highlights, the game could have easily ended up 2-2.  I can't really comment on how the team performed.  I'm hearing Pelkas is in a serious slump.  I heard Fortouni had his way with our entire midfield.  Oly is clearly class above talent wise, so a draw would have been A-OK in my book.

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I agree, but Tudor has been kind of outspoken in his last two press conferences how his players aren't good enough, and he has to play his single best starting lineup.


Frankly, if Pelkas is in a slump, I can't see why Mistakidis isn't starting there. He must be chomping at the bit to get some game time, and he's been consistently good for us.


As for Konstantinidis - agreed, again. Kitsiou is not a drop in quality from him, and should be in the rotation regularly.


It was the first press conference where his comments felt a bit off.  Quality difference ?  Yes, we know that banana.  That's why we're trying to build a new young team with a strong core.  I also have never liked the approach of naming players.  I just don't think it's professional.  Just say I am unhappy with certain players due to fatigue or whatever, and I will be making changes accordingly.  He was implying that to get the job done he needs $10M dollar signings.  If we were buying $10M players, you wouldn't be the manager.


I didn;t see the whole match.  From the highlights, the game could have easily ended up 2-2.  I can't really comment on how the team performed.  I'm hearing Pelkas is in a serious slump.  I heard Fortouni had his way with our entire midfield.  Oly is clearly class above talent wise, so a draw would have been A-OK in my book.


In terms of the statistics, we did ok.  We were able to possess the ball (for a change) and create some decent chances.  The thing is though, we didn't push Olympiakos so we don't know what they're capable of.  I'm not upset by the loss.  I prefer reality to delusion.  If we had somehow won this game, the same old vlakies and visions of grandeur would have started.  Oly as you said are a class above, and we lose to PAS Giannina 3-1 every once in a while.  Fix those vlakies first, build a strong core of players, then worry about maybe competing with Olympiakos.

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whats this chant theyre singing right now?



I liked the fact that laola1 had just the stadium sound and no announcers. All the chants could be heard very clearly. If we relied on nova sports coverage they would suppress the sound from the fans. 


Still  not sold on the Laola type coverage for PAOK home games. As it is I missed the first 20 minutes when the signal was not available. Unfortunately with this scenario we can't be guaranteed we will not miss any action. Also it will be interesting to see if they allow Laola to show the rest of the home games. There is only one big home game remaining (Panathinaikos), so it is quite possible that might be the last game available on Laola. I wonder how much PAOK pays Laola to show the games.


BTW Laola is not available in Albania, Cyprus and Greece, because Nova Sports has direct rights for Superleague games in those countries.

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and despite that it's a rebuilding year and we were up against oly, in my book, despite the bad result, we actually outplayed them. outpossessed them, outshot them, outchanced them, had them penned in their own half for the vast majority of the second half. unlucky not to score multiple goals.



I think this game was a good comparison on where we stand against Olympiakos. Without a doubt, this season Olympiakos is way above any team in Greece. PAOK is just trying to catch up through the rebuilding process. It will take some time. The main thing is for the fans to be patient.


yes, we dominated the send half, but Olympiakos decided to sit back as they were happy with the 2:0 lead. You don't know what would have happened if we scored a goal, but chances are we would probably have conceded a third one instead of tying the game.


After playing good defense on Thursday, the Vitor/Costa duo made way too many mistakes. You can't do that against a team such as Olympiakos.


There is a break now, so the players can get some rest. Also the injured Cimirot and Leovac will be available again. I just hope Tudor does some kind of rotation, because we can't sustain playing the same 14 players over and over. That's what destroyed last season's team.


We have a very difficult schedule coming up. In the span of 21 day we play 7 games (SL, EL and Cup).

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