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11 hours ago, pash said:

What's funny is I was driving home from the gym just now, listening to Metropolis, and the guy was going on and on and on about how many layers you need to wear, what kind of socks are appropriate, etc etc. Meanwhile, it's almost exactly the same temperature here (with our first "snow emergency" of the year just beginning), and I'm just wondering if I need to bother wearing a winter jacket when I walk over to the bars in a few hours.


I bet Blackhawk's house is already encased in ice.

By the way, if it goes below 60 in Miami we don't walk around and we do wear winter jackets!

I thought people were exaggerating in SoCal, but here it's even worse. I love it!

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I remember one year in Daytona Beach, Florida when it was 80 degrees and all the locals were wearing sweaters and jackets, while we were wearing shorts and short sleeves.

It's been quite cold here in Chicago the last few days, but the snow that we got before Christmas has all melted before the cold wave arrived.

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There's a blind guy who lives in the apartment next door to mine. Every morning someone from Boston's ride service (for giving rides to people who can't make it to public transit) comes to pick him up, and I believe they outsource the job sometimes to regular taxi drivers. This time, the guy came up, buzzed for the apartment, then ran out to his car to wait.

The blind guy comes out, very confused, realizes there's nobody in the building, so goes outside. My windows face the street so I can see what's happening, although it took me a few to put two and two together. So anyway, the guy gets out to the sidewalk, and the cabbie then starts honking to get his attention. Keep in mind that this is on a road that has probably a dozen cars parked on this side. Eventually, the blind guy follows the honks and makes it to his car but he overshoots and starts going for the passenger side door (which was in itself a minor miracle), so the cabbie rolls down the window and starts yelling at him to get in the back.

Good times. Remind me not to go blind.

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Δεν αμφιβάλλω Ζιάκα. Απλώς πιστεύω ότι οι μαλάκες βρίσκονται σε κάθε πόλη και σε κάθε χώρα. Και καμιά φορά ακούω μερικούς που εκθειάζουν το East Coast κλπ και όπως αποδεικνύεται από αυτό που είπε ο Πασχάλης, τα ίδια συμβαίνουν παντού.

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  • 3 weeks later...
not caring or who gives a s%$#! used in greece, thessaloniki more or less.
#1: oh did you know I got a new pair of pants today look how amazing they are and i am so special because I have this amazing pair of pants 
#2: klein mein more m#$%!.
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