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On 5/4/2017 at 3:35 PM, tantra129 said:

He's worth more than that. 


On 6/4/2017 at 5:36 AM, Tzatziki said:

Agreed, he is worth at least as much as Milivojevic (who is doing great at Palace I heard).


last year he was. sadly currently he is not playing really well.

It seems to me that Fortounis seems let down from the team management and hte players they bring. He is very smart and skilled for the Greek Super League so I guess he is interested in a team that eyes on a decent (if not good) European run. I honestly don't mind that. I think it's time we let him go.

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2 hours ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

It seems to me that Fortounis seems let down from the team management and hte players they bring.

I think it's time we let him go.


On your first point I think you might be right, imagine going from the decent to good run we had in the CL winning in England (finally), and compare that with playing a bunch of nobodies (no offence to the teams but ....) in Europa and being humbled by the Israelis...it is a big contrast.


On your second point I could not disagree more, selling your assets when they are well below their peak value is bad business plain and simple, keep him around, let him have a good showing in Europe in the fall and sell him for double what you might now, that is how I see it from my own point of view, which granted is probably not worth a whole lot lol


On 28/04/2017 at 6:35 PM, RED SHERIFF said:

no upgrade on Karim or Oscar Cardozo...  that is saying something


My yiayia is an upgrade on Cardoslow, Vellios has done well, even if the numbers do not show it from what I heard, he has even become a fan favorite I think. He could be a shrewd pick up if he does come and perform well, Marinaki will cash in again on another Greek footballer. I don't see how we can lose by picking him up, he will come for very cheap now that Vaggela is buying forest.

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Paok is currently a much better team than us. Considering they were on -3. They finished just 3 points behind us. All they were missing at the first half of the season was a decent striker like Prijovic.

Most possible outcome is that Paok could actually win the league if they had Prijovic from the beginning. Of course chances are also that Oly would tryhard more at GSL but we honestly don't know that.

I don't understand posters saying we re still above. It seems to me this seasons Oly was bad from the beginning. Team was a huge step down and Paok definately had a chacne, Pao as well if Ouzounidis was called from the beginning. Aek seem more lost than any team. Paok has an easy match at the Cup final. Paok is the most in-form team right now. I expect them to stomp everyone in the Play offs. Aek on the other hand, it's clearly a miracle how they got in the PlayOffs.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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5 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

To each their own but.....a MUCH better team? Common...

We lost our proved-to-be key playerMilivojevic and we re still crying.

They lost their top player Gary Rodriguez who was carrying the team literally at least 1,5 season, and the team didn't prove to be so devastated as Olympiakos would be if Fortounis/Seba left.

Im talking about current period. Oly obviously made a Κοιλιά since he won the championship but Paok on the other side is flying. I honestly  believe Paok could kick Besiktas out of Europa League

If Paok keeps the same squad with a few decent additions(new left winger while putting Pelkas on the Right, a new centerback and a decent b-choice left back) I honestly belive they are gonna run for the league next season. Goalkeeper is also an issue for paok.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/1/2017 at 8:53 AM, Bananas said:

Milivojevic was in my opinion, hands down the general in the midfield for Olympiacos.  I hope he does well in England.  It'll be interesting to see how he goes.


Εν τω μεταξύ, στα ταμεία της «ερυθρόλευκης» ΠΑΕ θα μπουν άλλα 2 εκατ. μετά την πώληση του Λούκα Μιλιβόγεβιτς , καθώς η Κρίσταλ Πάλας εξασφάλισε το Σαββατοκύριακο της παραμονής της στην πρώτη κατηγορία του αγγλικού πρωταθλήματος.



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«Ερυθρόλευκο» σενάριο για Καρασό




Ο Γάλλος γκολκίπερ δεν αναμένεται να ανανεώσει τη συνεργασία του με τους Γιρονδίνους, με τους οποίους τη φετινή σεζόν είχε 26 συμμετοχές (δέχθηκε συνολικά 25 γκολ και κράτησε σε 9 ματς ανέπαφη την εστία του). 


«Σε επαφές με τον Μποτία η Βιγιαρεάλ»


Ενδιαφέρον Μπερ Σεβά για Μπουχαλάκη

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When it comes to Greeks:I want: Kapino,Vellios Gianniotis , Gianniotas, Retsos, Fortounis,Siopis,Risvanis Androutos and Manthatis in the squad.

Kapino , Fortounis , Retsos,Vellios obviously look like they are going to be starters next season. Gianniotis Androutsos and Manthatis subs and Gianniotas I am not sure. He was praised and loved in APOEL both seasons. I am also not sure what position will Siopis and Risvanis take. Panionios defence was not much different than that of Oly. (Panionios conceded 23 while Oly 16). In the playoffs Panionios conceded 6, 1 goal per match, which still doesn't indicate a bad defence. Not bad stats for a team probably at the beginning of the season aiming on being a midtable team/not being relegated. So I am not sure how Siopis and Risvanis will have impact in the Oly squad. Expecting Risvanis to be the first back-up CB and Siopis probably starting, becoming a Maniatis successor.

When it coms to foreigners:

6,5 mill for Omar are very little in my opinion, considering how important he is for us. I would prefer to keep him if no other offer comes. I would also like to keep Dominguez for a Fortounis back up , because he also seems to love the team. Seba , Ansarifard , Elyounoussi,Romao also seem like interesting players who would probably stay on the team but can't understand if they will be starters , subs , or benchwarmers. 

Martins, Cardozo, Figueiras, De La Bella need out.

- - - - - - -Kapino- - - - - - -



- - - - -- - - - -- Vellios - - - - -- - - -

That doesnt look so bad to be honest.

I guess even if Omar leaves we ll be able to have him for the Champions League qualifiers. 



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