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Epl English Premier League - General Discussion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good lord I am enjoying Leicester's run this season.  Hello, what's your name ?  Man City, is it.  Here you go, have 3 goals.


Then you get the rocket scientists who come out and say "they probably won't win the title".  Seriously ?  Enjoy the ride for what it is.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wild results yesterday. With Leicester drawing on Monday I thought for sure they'd end up being overtaken by Tottenham. Who would have guessed that a draw was enough for Leicester to CONTINUE to pull ahead.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm happy for Leicester even though my team is Tottenham.


I wouldn't jump into comparisons about Ranieri. Some coaches are better suited for a club rather than a national team. Ranieri has said he is a club coach. Managing a national team requires time to get to know the players available. I don't know if Ranieri came in and saw the total disrepair of Greek football and said, screw it, I'll just make some money. He could easily have not tried to do what Rehaggel and Santos did--and they had a revolt by the Greek players--when they asked them to show up for practice early in the morning.  Our primadonas wanted to show up after noon.

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Ellas75 that's why Greek Football is a joke, guy cant do anything with Greece yet goes and wins his first league title with a team worth $25 mill, good on him happy for him.



I think following up on the great success of greece 2001-2014 and win loss ratio of Otto and Santos...  it is harsh to kick greek football for the failed 2 months of Ranieri....


Those 2 months were an unimaginable disaster of the highest order.....I do not blame EPO  nor Ranieri..... I blame a handful of players for their attitude post WC.......And partially blame Santos for a negative mentality instilled in certain individuals....Motivation and concentration were in my opinion the real problem....


It wasn't just the losses to FI.......Had we won those two games and Finland we still miss out....For me it was the back to back losses to NI/FI at home that just killed all hope...these were demoralizing to the point of no return...


did Ranieri make mistakes? Yes...


did he pick the right players? No


but the players themselves are the ones to blame..

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Imagine how Cambiasso feels, ok he won a title in Greece but we all know deep down where he would've preferred to have won a title....


Ranieri has just become the most loved man on the planet and good on him, happy for him, you hear his interviews and he is so positive and so clam and full of happiness, credit to him.

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Pana Ala spent a lot yes but most was spent on garbage lets be honest about it. I would rather my team not buy if they are going to spend it on garbage, but that's my opinion others may be different. AEK brought in all these players and yes some are good and some were very average but benefit we have is they cost nothing so we don't have any loss.


Do you think Ala spent the money well?

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If Liverpool is eliminated by Villareal I blame Pana for that too.

Seriously, I hope the Reds will be the only (other then a Spanish side) to kick out a Spanish team in this years European Cups.

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Imagine how Cambiasso feels, ok he won a title in Greece but we all know deep down where he would've preferred to have won a title....


Ranieri has just become the most loved man on the planet and good on him, happy for him, you hear his interviews and he is so positive and so clam and full of happiness, credit to him.


This might explain why he didn't click with the Greek NT.  Fundamentally incompatible.  For the Greek NT you either have to be a megalomaniac (Otto) or morose (Santos).  We don't do happiness.  Maybe the idea of working with a happy manager just freaked the players out.  Fried some neurons to the point that the poor kids need therapy and can't beat a bunch of amateur fishermen.


N.B.  I still wake up in cold sweats thinking "it was only a dream" and then realise ... oh ####, we actually DID lose to a bunch of fishermen.


Back on topic, what Liecester have done has been a sheer pleasure to behold.  Smack those big boys down!

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