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Corruption In The Greek Sl


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The FBI only got involved to oust Blatter and attempt to take the world cup from Russia. If they cared so much they would've have done this way before Blatter was re-elected. Also FBI had no right to do what they did, FIFA is on Swiss land the Swiss police could've handled it themselves

The FBI got involved because the IRS found a millionaire who bought his cats a multimillion dollar condo hadnt payed taxes in years. So they started to sniff around and ask who else didn't pay Uncle Sam. It has nothing to do with Russia.
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When you're dealing with heroin, only the big boys are involved? They only get the little guy....Right after America took control of Afghanistan, the helicopters moved in bringing tens of millions, and made sure the drug lords took control once again....So this is CIA territory, not FBI!

Hate to break it to you but the opium/heroin industry in Afghanistan was around way before the USA ever got involved there.
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Yeah right it had nothing to do with Russia lol Putin was one of the first to publicly back Blatter. The day after all the arrests were made the first thing that was said was the Russian world cup is under scrutiny.


If the FBI really wanted to cleanout FIFA it wouldn't only be a handful of people that got arrested, there was more than 7 or so people on the take.


Is the FBI oblivious to what's going on in Greece? The whole world knows and talks about it but the FBI allows it go continue.......

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