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If you know the history of Melisanidis, in his first period as a president and as a businessman then you know he is a way bigger gangster then Marinakis.


The problem with AEK and PAO fans is this: Their presidents play the same game with the same dirty rules and moves as ours. But their presidents are losing the game :) Thats why Marinakis has to go but their dirty presidents can stay.

No, Marinakis has to go because there is EVIDENCE against him. The minute the same applies to the other two, we will demand they get jail time as well. Fair enough? Just because you believe the others behave the same way doesn't mean your guy should walk... 2 wrongs certainly don't make a right..

The fact that you are defending Marinakis to the death while accusing others of criminal activity reflects poorly on you friend...

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I would like to say the same to you:


The fact you defending bigger criminals then Marinakis while accusing him who has done nothing compared to those other  criminals reflects poorly on you friend...


There is enough prove against Meli and Alafouzos :) Nea Demokratia kept them out of jail for 30 years. Now it's time to go in. Greece will be a lot safer.

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  • 2 months later...


Karpazies apo pantou trws Melisanidis. You promised us a team that can compete for a title, a stadium, and an end to the paragka, all of which would happen in our first year back, you went 0/3. The only difference between you and Admidis is that we are debt free now, and you have money, Adamidis didn't. What's your excuse tigrako?

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He made promises about a protathlima in the first year... So yes I expect someone that's worth 3.4 billion euros to spend more than 160k on transfers. And yes, if he was a magka he would have a stadium under construction by now if he put down his own money, some communist mayor is making fun of him to his face about the stadium and tigrako can't do s%$#! about it.

It's also a pretty commonly known fact that the whole idea about building a team to get relegated that year was orchestrated by Melisanidis so we can be relegated on the field, and drop another division after to clear the debt.

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What promises did he make in our first year? He will bring the best players? Or was that the media saying it? He will win the title first year back?


The stadium is out of his control especially with the current govt, if ND was in govt the stadium would've been down a long time ago and he is putting $20 mill of his own money toward it.


And so what if he relegated us? Im glad we got relegated as painful as it was, was AEK doing anything better in top flight before that or falling into more and more debt and becoming shambles with people like Adamidis doing under the table deals? 


You think Marinakis would've taken over Oly at $60 million debt and paid that off, a debt that wasn't his I might add? No chance.


I understand that some people are upset, but why don't you ALL say Meli spend money when we win games? It is our first year back you cant expect miracles and we have a good core of young players, with experience and a few new faces in time this team can do something.


As I said above just picture where AEK would be if Meli didn't step in. We would be worse off than Aris and OFI.

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Meli never said "opion thelete tha ton fero" that was media hype. Believe me or not but I have said it before one of the boys in our club went and met with Meli and his exact words were he wasn't going to pump money into AEK.


He never said we will win the league first year back either.


People need to get a grip and realise where AEK would be without Meli right now. We would be a laughing stock like those others teams in the lower divisions if not worse.


As for the stadium, jvc when the Mayor gives you silly excuses time after time you cant just go and build it, no matter who you are.


AEKs ex keeper Oikonomopoulos came to our club and his exact words were "when Meli says something he gets it done" BUT how can he get it done when the Mayor is gavro who doesn't want us to build on OUR OWN LAND? They have done everything asked by the govt and whoever else yet this guy is still holding us back. The League may be dead currently but still it doesn't change the fact that we should have a stadium and have revenue coming from that instead of paying rent at OAKA which mind you isn't cheap.

Edited by Original Sydney
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Amo I was always happy with a top 4 spot this season then next season you could expect a title charge, but as you said typical Greek mentality of laying blame on anyone they can when we lose a match. We were never going to go undefeated all season and yes this loss hurts but fact is we are building something good here and the fans for once need to show patience even at the worst times.

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Pan id love to say we will win the title but that's premature right now, we just came back and are doing things the right way for once and the football we are playing is also good to see. It takes time but Juve took time also, ok we aren't Juve but they were relegated and look how strong they came back.


jvc $50 mill budget is excessive mate, I would be happy with $10 or $20 million, we brought some good players in with no budget now, imagine what we could bring in with $10 mill.....

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Look guys I agree that calling for people's heads is not the way to go right now and that without tigri we would be in the same condition the skouliakia are right now BUT I have to agree with Original 21 in that no one is above criticism. 


Since the beginning of the season I have been saying to keep the tones low as we will primarily be looking for a play off spot. For what ever reason people in the team started talking about the title and putting insane expectations on the team. Now, I don't know if most of it was just media hype or if Melissanidi really ever said any of these things but he certainly never came out to deny them, or to calm the crowd either. 



From my own personal experience, I met Melissanidi a few months ago at the AEK fan club. Although he didn't say much, when asked about signings he told us all that the he is here and that the team will bring in good players and most importantly ANY need the team has will be fulfilled. In my opinion spending more money when in B division than you do your first "Erxomaste" year in A division is inexcusable. The mistakes that were made this summer were stingy and the difference between a good team and a great team could have been made with two decent signings. Instead you are going into derbies playing a 20 year old DM (who is good but in now way someone to trust on a weekly basis) as a CB, and a 24 year old inconsistent 2nd option defender. In offense you have a player that has been injured since August, Another player who's career is probably over, an Aravidi who is not a lone striker CF, and a player who is nearing a year at the club and has not impressed anyone. I won't even mention the fact that we don't have a true LW as that problem is minor , but the other two problems are extreme.


The summer stingyness is not only embarrassing us because every week scoring is a major issue but also because out of the 3 options you had for CF, one of them paid for himself, and the other two are tearing it up right now. These are moves that a serious leader does not make. When you spend your entire time in B division creating anticipation and adding fuel to the rivalry with Marinaki you don't go into your "Hrthame" year having only bought ONE contract. If you want to talk the talk you've got to back it up as well. As far as the issue of corruption is concerned, we haven't see any serious progress there either. 



I hope its true that Melisanidi is waiting for the stadium issue to progress before he turns the engines on. But until then he has to make his intentions and actions clear because this past summer was one giant ###### mess of contradicting statements and contradicting actions. 


Like I've said other times, my biggest frustration comes from the fact that I really like this squad and with two necessary signings this team could have really been a lever higher and been a true title contender but they decided to skimp 90% of the way through. 

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@Amorgo, Tzanetopoulo started as a DM for our squad last year, it wasn't until Kolovetsio got injured that we were forced to play him in the CB position. 




As for Mellisanidi, c'mon guys were talking about the guy who took over OPAP, he's got all the cards in his hands right now and up until a few months ago he was vocal about all the shady dealings of Olympiako. Right now we are relying on APOLLON SMIRNHS to push the case regarding Veroia and the gauro fixing their match. Alafouzos is constantly battling the gauro, and Savidi is getting more vocal as well. The only one taking a back seat right now is Tigri, and I understand he's got a lot on his plate especially with the stadium but in that case bring in someone who can be a REAL full time president and not a cardiologist. 

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Meli has never been one to come out and speak on rumours or media hype and I don't see him starting to do that now.


Original is meeting Meli to ask what is going on with players and the stadium, I got a msg from one of the London boys who was going.


Reaper same way he paid the stadium off too?

Edited by Original Sydney
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Thats what I'm wondering because we DID have the option of adding a year to Chrisantus' contract and they did. So I guess Chrisantus > Laferty this summer.....honestly my patience is starting to run thin with this guy...either show something or gtfo. No more ###### smiling just ###### do your job and when you dont look miserable. lol Its like the guy has NO IDEA where he is. 

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He did say that Dellas didn't want Lafferty also, does that mean Dellas was happy with Maki and Aravidis and Djebbour?


I don't believe that was the case, in fact with lafferty, reports are saying it was a money issue.


I'm confident melisanidis will spend when the time is right. This year, perhaps the next will resemble a roller coaster. The main thing is that the young players get the experience ( especially in derbies) and we will find out which guys are worthy to be part of the rebuilding effort.

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val I agree he will spend but the way AEK is right now something has to change otherwise we will go back to the way we once were in football ways.... We were in $6 mill profit for the last 2 years, where has that money gone when we only spent $160k in the summer?


The team we have is decent and with experience it will get better but when you lack in a position and its plain obvious, you as an owner must do what is needed and go sign someone.


By not signing anyone you aren't backing your manager nor are giving him all the tools needed to succeed.

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The league is improving from were it was a few years ago (PAO almost being declared bankrupt and AEK being relegated).  While it can't compete with the 1st tier of leagues, it can definitely stand in the 2nd tier.  Remember, while I am not an OLY fan, they have more than held their own against some top teams in the CL (Atletico, Juventus, Arsenal).  We are now seeing some more competiveness from our 2-5 teams.

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The League is garbage and will forever be garbage with this toxic system in place. 
Wow! Oly can hold their own in single games against big clubs that play 50 games a season and actually reach a quarter final, semi final or final! What an achievement! 
It's not like Panathinaikos ever used to reach semi finals or quarter finals, or the AEK of old. Now we're satisfied with the "Thrynos" of Greek football winning single games against big clubs in Europe having featured in one quarter finals appearance from two decades of constant European appearances.

Edited by Jakub Blaszczykowski
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