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Panagiotis Kone ‒ (retired)


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yesterday he played more then 30 minutes in the second half and made a good impact. had some good shots on goal also.

udinese said that they want to keep kone. a shame that you win away against juve but then lose at home against palermo after dominating the match. also palermo ended with 10 men.






but atalanta has contact with udinese about kone. also inter interested.



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I like Kone. If we have every player performing at their best level though, I think he'd be ranked as a first line bench option.


33% starting 66% off the bench. We have slightly better quality in Fortounis as an AM IMO.


Kone is kinda similar player to Karagounis from what I've seen. He's a scoring threat, but we can't rely on him for goals as a striker. It's just bonus.

But when he scores, like Karagounis, it's spectacular. Kone with bicycle kicks, flicks, headers. Karagounis mostly with outside box shots.


Most of the times Kone has looked really good is because the rest of our team has been so poor. Eg) Colombia game.

Exception Hungary Game 4-3. Everyone except our defense looked great.

Edited by georgelaz
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he is clearly in our best 11 when playing well.....



the back five (including keeper) pick themselves.....




samaris, taxi, fortounis, mitro....



that's only 9 at best.......


yeah you're probably right. I was kinda feeling Ninis & Pelkas over him to feed the Mitro, though.

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it's been noted for awhile that kone is ineffective outside the box. his goals are usually of the spectacular type, very productive in the box.


either 2nd striker or as a winger, though if a winger - i'd prefer play on the other wing so kone can get into the box. his touch is too heavy/a bit slow on the ball when used as an attacking link.


agreed. 3 of tachtsidis, fortounis, ninis/pelkas/mantalos should be sufficient to feed. + Samaris, Torosidis, Holebas are decent contributors too. Kone tried to play more of feeder to Mitroglou and it was not very convincing. (I think in the Luxenbourg game?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

woah  Fiorentina? that's a big team, consistent top 5. if he can become a starter there, that would be huge.


obviously a lock in 11 for ethiniki if that happens

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Interesting move. Just looking at their lineups over the last couple months, looks like Fiorentina play a 3-4-1-2 with three CBS, two wing backs, two central holding players, a dekari and two strikers. I imagine Kone would probably compete for the dekari or maybe the more withdrawn striker position. 


Josip Ilicic the Slovenian plays as the playmaker and is a pretty key player. So maybe they'll play him further forward or back in midfield? They also just signed Mauro Zarate, who's a good striker.



has anyone actually seen them play?

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from little playing time to 0 playing time. bad decision at this time of his career. id choose a small/mediocre team in spain germany or italy if iwere him. to show that "I STILL GOT IT". Now with rising stars like mantalos,fortounis,pelkas in his position.  i doubt that kone could fit ina 23 man squad with no signs of playing.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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