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Olympiakos - Panathinaikos


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The biggest game of the season is coming up next Sunday.

We are in good shape and we have played much better than the flailing Olympiakos, but these games are decided on emotion and small details.

If Panathinaikos remains concentrated for 90 minutes I don't see anything else than a win. We have scored at least one goal in every game (except @ Atletico) this season so I expect at least one past Nikopolidis. Would it be enough, and could our defense hold the zero in the back? I think we can'

Olympiakos has a ton of problems, least of which is their injuries to key players. Their worst problem is that they can't exchange more than two passes before losing the ball, their lack of overall speed, and their lack of game from the wings. They also have an important game on Tuesday at Alkmaar that could add to their already tired squad.

We are getting better and better (scoring only one goal in 22 efforts against Astera was kind of a fluke) and we have good depth. Not only we score in every game, but we give up very few chances no matter who we play against.

Karagounis has a cold so he didn't practice today, and Leto is nursing a hurt leg (no details given besides "kakwsh sto podi" - whatever that means).

Gilberto had a family emergency last Sunday when his sister in law died unexpectently (8erma sylyphthria), but reports indicate he won't travel to Brazil and will be available for the game against Olympiakos.

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ha ha Hollywood. I never seen any longer posts from you :LOL:

So I was doing the math. You began posting in 03. If you post one message per game, and we have maybe 50 games per year, this should be 250 posts :P How in the world did you get to 4333 posts? :LOL: :LOL:

I used to be a really active poster back in the days :rolleyes:

im very casual now a days B)

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ha ha Hollywood. I never seen any longer posts from you  :LOL:

So I was doing the math. You began posting in 03. If you post one message per game, and we have maybe 50 games per year, this should be 250 posts  :P How in the world did you get to 4333 posts?  :LOL:  :LOL:

I used to be a really active poster back in the days :rolleyes:

im very casual now a days B)

Ela re Hollywood! Weclome back.

I'm not sure if you've heard, but things have changed around here.

Hellas is going to the WC next year and PAO are leading the league.

Good time eh? :whistle:

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I don't know what this means exactly, but PAO's having trouble getting to Karaiskaki. The police has stopped the bus!

Pateras asked for the match to start 1.5 hrs later because of this delay.

Can anyone in Greece tell us what's happening?

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The reporters are saying that Oly fans where lined up on the road waiting for the PAO bus to go to the stadium so the police stoped the bus untill the fans leave. New reports are saying that the bus is 5 minutes away from the stadium. Game time will be delay 1 hour!! ATHANATH ELLADA!!!!!

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Its bad enough with useless government, debts, strikes on everything asking for ridiculous wage demands in a horrendous economic climate, unions, riots, destruction etc....This useless closing of roads becuase fans think theyre obliged to start trouble is one of a million simple examples that nobody can handle.

Bring back Papadopoulos, Fascism is the only answer for Greece, its the only way order can actually be restored.

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Bring back Papadopoulos, Fascism is the only answer for Greece, its the only way order can actually be restored.

Let's not get into politics here (even though it's tempting for me). Funny, when I ban members to restore order here, they complain! :LOL: Those Greeks.... Geesh, can't win either way.

As for bringing back Papadopoulos... ha! I hear he's rather busy organizing hell. :P

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athinaios, your 'goal creating' powers are needed. We've go to score at the end of the first half or begining of the second and kill this match..

OSFP will be dealying the game second half, if were trailing it will be really hard to get some momentum. If OSFP is up 2nd half and we are making chances, you can fully expect the banners to be burned to stall PAO out of momentum, much like moron PAO fans did in OAKA when we were at OSFP's throat last year, ended up hurting us.

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