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Summer 2009 transfers


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I'm happy PAO signed a big player, but to be perfectly honest, I always considered players like Cisse, Leto, Castillo, to be douchebags. If their talented thats great, but a team full of douche's could be a huge problem, and more harm then good.

Leto is supposedly very talented, but OSFP did not even want him becuase of his attitude. It must be quite some attitude, and we heard he's not open to critism or coaching really (Typical Argentine). Castillo we all know is a little crap and very difficult.

Cisse....Well.....Reading today, the guy may be quite a risk. I'm sorry but nobody has their head on correctly if they are thinking of filling the team with egotistic temperamental time bombs.

I always thought Cisse was Football's Dennis Rodman, for obvious reasons....I did not know the guy had a criminal record.... I read today in his past he hit a 15 year old who insulted him, and even hit his 8 month pregnant wife who called the cops on him. He also has an illegitimate kid.....Obviously the guy doesnt respond well to people getting under his skin. Greece is probably the toughest league in Europe, when it comes to being provoked. Idiot referees against PAO, Fans, and even players will come after trying to get these guys flared up. Somebody has GOT to at least sit the guy down and explain to him this will happen, and how to cope with it. Otherwise we're looking at a catastrophe.

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I'm happy PAO signed a big player, but to be perfectly honest, I always considered players like Cisse, Leto, Castillo, to be douchebags. If their talented thats great, but a team full of douche's could be a huge problem, and more harm then good.

Leto is supposedly very talented, but OSFP did not even want him becuase of his attitude. It must be quite some attitude, and we heard he's not open to critism or coaching really (Typical Argentine). Castillo we all know is a little crap and very difficult.

Cisse....Well.....Reading today, the guy may be quite a risk. I'm sorry but nobody has their head on correctly if they are thinking of filling the team with egotistic temperamental time bombs.

I always thought Cisse was Football's Dennis Rodman, for obvious reasons....I did not know the guy had a criminal record.... I read today in his past he hit a 15 year old who insulted him, and even hit his 8 month pregnant wife who called the cops on him. He also has an illegitimate kid.....Obviously the guy doesnt respond well to people getting under his skin. Greece is probably the toughest league in Europe, when it comes to being provoked. Idiot referees against PAO, Fans, and even players will come after trying to get these guys flared up. Somebody has GOT to at least sit the guy down and explain to him this will happen, and how to cope with it. Otherwise we're looking at a catastrophe.

Last year he also hit a woman outside a cabaret.

Cisse is a knob off the field but on the field his disciplinary record isn't bad. He isn't a tough-guy hot-head, he's just a bully. So I don't think he'll get sent off in big games or anything like that. You are right about the douchebags though. In the last few months HTC seems to have built quite a unified squad, many of these guys could threaten that harmony

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Yes, but will the team always be HTC? If its not going well by December, he'll likely be gone.....He's got big pressure on him this year. I think he'll pull it off, but risk is risk and has to be considered.

It's not an uncommon event, for players to dissapoint and coaches to be fired at PAO. So we've got to be a bit cautious...

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It is also said that the Byarsmir deal is done.

Ill get the link. Looks like a super talent. Plays for swedens U-21 played 4 appearances with swedens national team... and is the talk of CB youth in Sweden.


I havent watched him play at all.. not one game. So i cant really decide. I did see his own goal tody and that was pure luck.. or lack thereof.. wouldnt call it clumsyness.

If he does sign with us.. im willing to give him a fair chance and watch him settle into his own for us.

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I still hope I'm wrong and the story is out there somewhere, but this is Wikipedia were talking about. Its not even worth reading for player information. The info is almost always wrong as far as games and goals is concerned.

Theres ALWAYS idiots writing in plain non-fact. I really want Seitaridis too...But this is just lies I'm afraid.

As for Beersmear the Swede ----- I heard he sucks........I'd be happy if we pass and take Pugrenier.....afterall another Frenchman couldnt hurt.

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I think we can look past the spousal abuse if cisse can diliver the title....as for neri and leto......well i dont trust them at all. Whats their motive???

do players who switch between rivals flop or thrive???

PAO's fallen seem to have enjoyed OSFP in my short era of knowing players such as konstantinou and nikopolidis who said OSFP was thier better team....

can this be reversed??????

phuk i love football

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I dont get it. If youre going to spend big----- COMPLETE the team.

Dont go halvsies - we wont get anywhere. Even with 3 signings today, League will be quite tough to win.

Seitaridis is free and we need him. Can they please just wake up already? We dont need Leto and Katsouranis. We DO need an RB. Sure the other guys wont hurt, but priorities should be on the GAPS in the team.

Buy a really nice hull, but dont patch up your aft....Boat still sinks :bangin:

And Pateras is a sea-man....he should know this..

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The Greek newspaper Goal News is reporting that Cisse will receive a bonus if he gets back into the French national team. That's a very clever and shrewd move by the board. We may criticise them but when they do well we have to praise them and that's a very good idea. With Gilberto in the Brazilian team, if Cisse also made the French team you're talking about 2 international players that play for big international teams. That obviously brings prestige so it's a good motivational tool because not only does it bring prestige, but Cisse will have to be superb in the CL to catch Domenech's eye. I like this idea, they should also offer it to Leto! "Impress Maradona enough to make the World Cup squad and we'll give you 500k euros".

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that is a great move by the ownership..cisse is going to score an insane amount of goals this year..as far as transefers go ive been thinkin we spend the rest of our money on:

Sidney Govou-eliminates any possibility of salpingidis playing rw this year..another superstar instead of signing 4 unknows

Puygreynier-like sidey another frenchman since we have none to keep cisse occupied and out of trouble

Giourkas-rb..best one weve ever had and well complete this champions league ready team

:box: :box:

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