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I see, it's a response to the Aris fans who refuse to admit it.  Funny you bring up second and third division somewhere the team you support should have been demoted to before the government interfered.  I'm sorry, I forgot PAOK were set up, my bad.  Aris have plenty of issues to deal with but don't come here acting like an arrogant prick when your team have become just as corrupt as OSFP.  You know what they say about those who live in glass houses.

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At the end of the day we are all entitled to our opinion. If you honestly think that the government changed the law to help PAOK (rather than Olympiakos) then fair enough. When you look at the case there isn't really anything concrete. A lady went to Xanthi for the day and assumed that just because Savvidis owned the hotel, he must also own the local team. One minute EPO belongs to PAOK, the next minute PAOK is being relegated on accusations that have no substantial evidence (at least from what we have seen). If we are guilty then it should be the third division that we are relegated to, not the second.

Right now though I will laugh at your team whose existence depends on how generous Marinakis is feeling. If you do not win at the CAS I have no idea how you will even take part in next season. What makes it even better is that Karypidis came out today and told people that there is nothing to worry about. "We don't take loans from Olympiakos", "Durmishaj is ours, not on loan", "We don't have an alliance with anyone". Sure.

I wouldn't say my team has become as corrupt as Olympiakos. I mean we cannot be under any illusions here - people buy football teams for the political power and to launder cash. But how can you say that PAOK is as corrupt as Olympiakos? When did we send white polos to referees houses? Savvidis accepted his 3 year ban after the disaster pitch storming. Marinakis (who has been ordered to not have any association with football for a few years now) not only goes to the stadium but even heads down to the changing rooms when he feels like it. Have you ever seen Savvidis in a restaurant with a cigar in hand (ironically just after the smoking ban was announced), an MP at his side trying to suck up to him while Kougias looks on?

Το "πούρο" του Μαρινάκη και η ευτυχής ομήγυρη

What is your goal here dude? Do you really believe that PAOK is just as bad? I tell you what - if we win the next 25 league titles the same way they did then I will accept that. In the meantime it's time to start dusting down that trusty tractor of yours.

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My goal?  I don't have a goal, I posted something in a forum of Aris fans which is the team I support as well and you came in here acting like an a**hole.  I should ask you that question.  And since you asked, yes I believe PAOK are corrupt just like the whole league is.  Savvidis figured out when in Rome....  I don't have an issue with it since he only did what is the norm but don't come here pretending PAOK play by the rules and others don't.  Beos is your ally for crying out loud.  So the team you support isn't as corrupt as OSFP, does it really matter? Fine OSFP are more corrupt, you happy now? 

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13 hours ago, Mitsos said:

My goal?  I don't have a goal, I posted something in a forum of Aris fans which is the team I support as well and you came in here acting like an a**hole.  I should ask you that question.  And since you asked, yes I believe PAOK are corrupt just like the whole league is.  Savvidis figured out when in Rome....  I don't have an issue with it since he only did what is the norm but don't come here pretending PAOK play by the rules and others don't.  Beos is your ally for crying out loud.  So the team you support isn't as corrupt as OSFP, does it really matter? Fine OSFP are more corrupt, you happy now? 

You are missing the point. I never said Savvidis is an angel. I said that you cannot compare PAOK to Olympiakos with regards to corruption and damage that has been to Greek football. In fact we could even compare the two owners. One aquires assets in Greece, pays what is due and gives people jobs. The other doesn't even have Greek flags on his boats. Speaking of boats there is also the case of Noor1 where everybody knows who is responsible.

7 hours ago, Alphonse said:

Pretty rich Athens4 considering your team is not far from relegation. You guys live on double standards 

Mate, I think it is raining in Sydney on Thursday so be sure to stay inside. Paper rips easily when wet.

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You are going around in circles and I have no idea how to respond to you. The difference between the two of us is that I don’t allow my team allegiance to cloud my judgement, at least not all the time. I’m not going to deny the obvious to avoid ridicule by others. Whatever you think is going on between Aris and OSFP my thoughts on said subject I promise you are 10 times worse. I would love it if Aris had a powerful and influential owner that can win us some titles with moves and deals outside the pitch because that’s how things work in the SL.

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Έχουμε μπλέξει άσχημα και δεν βλέπω πως θα ξεμπερδέψουμε. Διαβάζω τη σχετική αρθρογραφία, αλλά εδώ υπάρχουν και νομικά θέματα που δεν τα γνωρίζω. Μέσα σε όλα η ομάδα έχει να αντιμετωπίσει και το εξαιρετικά θολό τοπίο (λόγω Covid) για το τι μέλλει γενέσθαι με τις διοργανώσεις 2019-20 & 2020-21. Ένας σύλλογος όπως ο Άρης που βασίζεται σε σημαντικό ποσοστό στα έσοδα από εισιτήρια και δεν έχει έναν μεγιστάνα να ρίχνει χρήμα (αμφιβόλου προέλευσης), βρίσκεται ήδη σε ένα εντελώς διαφορετικό σκηνικό (σε σχέση με τα όποια πλάνα). Κοινός παρονομαστής είναι να ανανεωθούν όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερα συμβόλαια γίνεται (και ιδανικά με το μικρότερο δυνατό κόστος). Και θέλω να δω τώρα και τον Ένινγκ που είχε φροντίσει να απαξιώσει αθλητικά το μισό ρόστερ. 

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@ Athens4, calling you a prick and an a**hole were out of line and inexcusable, sheltering in place is getting to me.  My apologies sir. 

Edited by Mitsos
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Διαβάζω ότι ο Duarte έχει μακράν τις χειρότερες επιδόσεις στα εργομετρικά που πέρασαν οι παίκτες επιστρέφοντας στις προπονήσεις. Η πατάτα της χρονιάς ο τύπος.

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On 5/9/2020 at 5:56 PM, Athens4 said:

But how can you say that PAOK is as corrupt as Olympiakos? 

Maybe more so even...


Brown Ideye Leaves Door Open for Galatasaray, Fenerbahce Offers


This is too bad, I was so happy Aris managed to lure him back to Greece, a real bull of a striker, best of luck to him and Aris.

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If they can get a big offer for him that could be good. His finishing has been rubbish but Aris have looked better with his presence on the field, weird one although he is replaceable but Aris have the transfer ban which makes things tough

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13 hours ago, Alphonse said:

If they can get a big offer for him that could be good. His finishing has been rubbish but Aris have looked better with his presence on the field, weird one although he is replaceable but Aris have the transfer ban which makes things tough

They can try and get a big offer but not sure how that will go considering his contract is up at the end of June.

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9 hours ago, Athens4 said:

They can try and get a big offer but not sure how that will go considering his contract is up at the end of June.

They would need that offer to come in before then

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Ideye Brown is not worth the money he is receiving.  I believe Diamantopoulos would have scored more goals had he been given the same minutes as the Nigerian and cost much less.

The current situation the team finds itself in is unusual and any conversation regarding the roster is pointless until CAS rules.

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9 hours ago, Alphonse said:

Tzatziki, I can make a video of myself and look like Vryzas in his prime ? The Aris guys will tell you, I am surprised they haven't already

Fair enough, like I said I havent seen any Aris matches this year so...I can't really give an legit opinion.

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10 hours ago, Alphonse said:

They would need that offer to come in before then

What are you talking about dude? His contract is up in around 5 weeks time. It means that from the 1st July anybody can sign him for free. As I am sure you know, when a player has 6 months left on his contract he is allowed to talk to other clubs who are interested in securing his services (which is what Fenerbahce are doing now). If the two parties reach an agreement, the player signs a contract that starts on the day after the contract with his current club ends.

As far as I know, nobody in the history of football has ever made an offer for a player that has just over a month left on his contract. I am not sure how you are expecting Aris to make any money here. The only cases where Aris has any chance of making money is from players who have contracts ending in 2021 and 2022. Unfortunately for Aris this is part of the mess:

- Only 12 players in total (according to transfermarkt) have contracts ending in 2021 and 2022

- Some of these players have not been paid and will probably raise this issue to UEFA/FIFA/CAS

- Aris has the option to extend the contracts that are expiring, however I am not sure if players will agree to do this as they can clearly see other players have not been paid for months

- The solution may be that players who are owed money are sold under the condition that they sign a waiver for owed monies (quite common not just in Greece but also in other countries). However, this will then mean that they may not even be able to field a starting 11

- If someone could be please correct me on this last point it would be much appreciated: The transfer ban also entails no youth players being promoted to the first team, is that correct? If this is the case then I have no idea how Aris will be in the league next season

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Athens, it's a complete mess and only after the CAS ruling things will hopefully clear up.  Now, when CAS gets to the case is another issue all together.  Originally I had read that Aris would not be allowed to sign new players for the pro team or the academies, bring in players on loan, promote players from their academies, sell players or resign them which is why my original post on this subject was about Aris having a 12 player squad for the upcoming season.  Later on I read that players still under contract would be allowed to resign which of course gives these players major leverage. 

The whole thing makes no sense to me and is completely counter productive for everyone involved.  Let's not even get into legalities, how does FIFA expect these players to get paid when you handcuff the team that owes them money?  If Aris does not have the ability to make money not only will said players not get paid but more players will have the same fate if the team defaults again.  Why not workout a payment schedule forcing Aris to pay a predetermined amount to FIFA every month which in turn spreads the money out to all parties until everyone is paid off?  In the mean time have one of their own oversee the Aris accounting practices until the matter is cleared to ensure every penny is reported properly.

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Διαβάζω για προτάσεις Αράβων για τον Φετφατζίδη, τις οποίες έχει απορρίψει ο Καρυπίδης.

Διαβάζω επίσης για πρόταση του Άρη στον Ερυθρό Αστέρα για τον Mateo. Αυτό πάλι δεν το καταλαβαίνω, υποτίθεται ότι δεν μπορούμε να κάνουμε μεταγραφές, τι νόημα έχει η πρόταση αγοράς παίκτη; Εκτός αν έχω χάσει κάποιο επεισόδιο.

Για τις ανανεώσεις νομίζω δεν έχει υπάρξει κάποια εξέλιξη. Έτσι όπως έχουν τα πράγματα δεν περισσεύει κανένας, πρέπει να βρεθεί τρόπος να μείνουν όλοι στην ομάδα, ίσως πλην Duarte που θα είναι θείο δώρο να αποχωρήσει, στον Άρη δεν νομίζω ότι θα παίξει μπάλα αυτός.

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Διαβάζω ότι υπάρχει συμφωνία για μεταγραφή του Φετφα στα ΗΑΕ, ο Άρης θα πάρει 1,9εκατ.

Επίσης, φημολογείται έντονα ότι επιστρέφει ο Mateo, εδώ όμως γεννιούνται ερωτηματικά:

- Θα τον πάρουμε ξανά δανεικό ή θα γίνει κανονική μεταγραφή;

- Πώς μπορούμε να κάνουμε μεταγραφές, έχοντας το ban της FIFA; Κάποιοι λένε ότι μεταγραφές μπορούμε να κάνουμε, αλλά δεν μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε τους παίκτες μέχρι να αρθεί το ban.

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Εγώ δεν το αποκλείω με τα χρήματα από τον Φετφατζίδη να εξαγοράσουμε τα περιοριστικά μέτρα του ban της FIFA. Κάπου 1 εκατομμύριο. Και πορευόμαστε με τα υπόλοιπα. Αλλά τούτο δημιουργεί ένα τεράστιο θέμα. Πως υποκείπτουμε στον ωμό εκβιασμό της (γιατί περί τούτο πρόκειται) κι αυτό λειτουργεί ως νομικό προηγούμενο για ένα σωρό άλλες ομάδες, εντός και εκτός Ελλάδας που έχουν οικονομικές εκκρεμότητες με παλιούς ποδοσφαιριστές τους.

Κι αυτό θα έχει αλυσιδωτές επιπτώσεις στο ποδόσφαιρο. Γιατί ο μεν Άρης θα ζητάει -και με το δίκιο του- να αποζημιωθεί από την ΕΠΟ, η οποία πλέον θα βρεθεί στο στόχαστρο και της ΑΕΚ που είχε την ίδια τροχιά και της FIFA βεβαίως. Με άλλα λόγια δλδ το ποδόσφαιρο μας καταβαραθρώνεται κι άλλο. Ήταν που ήταν πάμφτωχο ήρθαν και οι μεγαλοκαρχαρίες και θα το κάνουν ακόμη φτωχότερο. Μόνος κερδισμένος -αν υπάρχει τέτοιος- θα είναι αυτός που μπορεί να βάζει βαθιά το χέρι στη τσέπη να πληρώνει τα κερατιάτικα της ομάδας του. Ένας-δύο το πολύ ανά χώρα στην Ευρώπη. Για τί ποδόσφαιρο πλέον μιλάμε;

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