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Everything posted by pash

  1. Three defenders? Two of them are complete s%$#!. Can't agree with a 3-man backline when only Sokratis a] wants to play and b] can play well.
  2. Grey-market is putting too positive a spin on it. Beware these options - none of them are guaranteed in any way shape or form, and the channels that most stand to lose from these (subscription ones, like Nova) actively try to curtail (read: shut down) the use of these streams. The hardware that is used is often very out of date, I've seen multiple boxes that were supplied by "Mitso's friend Saki in Germany who knows what he's doing." Only to open them up and discover that they were state of the art back in 2001 and required the use of a DVI-HDMI adapter. On the plus side, if it's worth it to you to spend a hundred bucks on a few months' worth of shitty Greek TV, then give it a shot. You might luck out and have it last for a while. Amorgiggles, I like how your link's product title says "Quad Core," "4K," and "5G" when it is none of those.
  3. Currently down 2-1 vs Hungary. Ioannidis scored our only goal, via penalty.
  4. If you try hard enough in school, any drink can be used to get trashed.
  5. Broken foot. If all goes well, he might be back for the first playoff game. This is a huge blow to us, fingers crossed...
  6. Brutal game vs the Giants. Thank God for Gostkowski. Still can't believe Amendola got tripped by his own teammates.
  7. Nope. He's done. Someone should lock this thread up and throw away the key.
  8. Currently down 2-0 vs Portugal
  9. Petsos is in the next bracket? On what grounds? He's played one game. This lineup is full of the wishful thinking that you're implying for the 'others' who aren't good enough. Would also much rather see Kone up front than Karelis. But, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter, because nobody on the team actually gives a s%$#!.
  10. There's no way we can outbid either club
  11. Assuming he doesn't become difficult. Jacobo version 2.0.
  12. Are we selling one of the remaining ones? I'm guessing we'd have to get rid of at least Olsen
  13. Mak scored the winning goal vs Switzerland. Sabo was subbed in at 75' Rodrigues played for 73' in their loss to Kenya
  14. If he wanted to see for himself how people react in games, then logically he would. It's obvious who did and did not perform today.
  15. I will bet you that not only will we not schedule extra friendlies, but we'll actually miss a few friendly dates, just like last year.
  16. It's PAOK's fault! Rabble rabble rabble tziolis rabble rabble agents
  17. Tsanas chose that last lineup simply because it was a pointless match. Hopefully this next one feels pointless, and we get the same group.
  18. Because either wouldn't be an improvement to the garbage we have out there? Get real
  19. I didn't realize dailymotion was still around. It's throwing my chromecast into fits. Now I'm watching on a computer LIKE A SAVAGE
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