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Everything posted by pash

  1. ^hahaha oh the poetry of the aek forums
  2. Counting on all of our players being injured for that game?
  3. He definitely does. Tudor's right, as well. "If you can't handle it, go and ballet. Go in second division." "Protect from what? The FANS? I'm tired of this 'protecting' and not assuming responsibility." "I'm tired of always hearing excuses." It does sound like Tziolis is going to stick around for a while. WONDERFUL ending.
  4. There is no point to living if you cannot discuss other people.
  5. You're right, but a man can dream. How soon til they add Mourinho to that list?
  6. This might be the most appropriate place to post this. The group of "booted" people isn't very large, but they are mostly starters according to Tudor. We'd look very different without them. People to keep: Golasa Skondras Mak Vitor Charisis Konstantinidis Rodrigues Kace Mistakidis Melissas (second backup) Korovesis Kitsiou Glykos Pelkas Savvidis People to give the boot to: Tziolis Berbatov (as in, don't try to sign him again) Costa Olsen Tzavellas Sabo Jairo - I like him, but hasn't looked good at all People the jury's out on: Malezas - only a handful of decent appearances Cimirot Deligiannidis (should be loaned to a foreign club) Klaus - wildly inconsistent, has yet to find form this year Antonis Pozoglou - where is he, anyway? Siampanis - he's like 13 years old, so no harm in keeping him Leovac - haven't seen enough of him to really judge
  7. Panaitolikos is almost as impotent as Boston Thanatos and they STILL draw against us. Ugh serious problems with this team.
  8. Dammit Pelkas! Nea Bafra, you're right, Rodrigues isn't looking good.
  9. :: looks up from kissing his Mistakidis poster :: What?
  10. Correct! On for Kitsiou. Been ages since I've seen this guy.
  11. Christ that was close, Glykos definitely would not have gotten that if the bounce had been better
  12. Someone should streak this match :: looks at Savvidis :: Come on bro show you really love your team
  13. Good defending by Golasa just now, after our CBs all failed.
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