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Everything posted by pash

  1. I have a solution - bring Ninis in, so we can ensure the pace slows down even more
  2. ^ I'm pretty sure they're bused in from somewhere else. Probably a youth squad from Germany or something. At halftime, their pronunciation of several player's names pegged them as non-Greek.
  3. Samaris playing better these past 3 minutes than he has the whole game
  4. If Siovas and Tzavellas had a love child, its beard would be so massive that it would collapse in on itself and form a singularity
  5. At first I thought Karelis was Mitroglou, but then I realized he was running
  6. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3d6axh_friendly-international-football-match-luxembourg-vs-greece_sport
  7. You can't tell me Tsanas' last lineup wouldn't have beaten this one...
  8. So we'll basically just have him for the end stages of the league + the playoffs, assuming we make it that far. Meaning whoever we get to reinforce ourselves, will have to be someone who is starter-level. Who does this leave us? We have only two "real" CBs (Vitor +Malezas), both of whom you say are injured. Tzavellas is healthy and almost exclusively plays there, which is something. Tziolis is very poor as a CB, and Skondras isn't really any better in that position. We'll struggle to maintain the manpower needed for Tudor's favored 3-4-2-1 formation. Do we have anyone good in the youth teams who might be able to step up?
  9. This lineup makes no sense to me. I'm assuming we'll see 11 new players when the second half begins?
  10. I would imagine that their twitter handle will link directly when the time is right https://twitter.com/EthnikiOmada
  11. Glad to see both of them make an appearance. Especially since Konstantinidis was injured for so long. Hopefully he'll feature for us again soon.
  12. And Vergos with the fourth goal, 60'. This is a good day. -edit- game ended 5-0
  13. The sole Moldovan goal was actually an o.g. we're now up 2-1, Androutsos
  14. 1-1 at halftime, Stathopoulos.
  15. Currently 3-0, a brace by Mavrias, one additional by Fountas
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