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Everything posted by pash

  1. Brkic caught spectating, now this lackadaisical attitude finally caught up to the team.
  2. Matos is starting to get frustrated, he's got to keep that in check.
  3. Poor passing on our part, Berg nearly got through just now...
  4. Here's one: http://live.shwidget.com/static/freeplayer/4251752041402470.html
  5. Wasn't there some sort of issue with getting this game televised on PAO's side? Just got home, looking for links now.
  6. Maybe I'm just annoyed with both of them. They just seem to not have the skill set needed to open up the 9-man defences that we see in Greece. Probably (possibly) would look better in a better league.
  7. What competition? Banks regularly collude with each other. Banks aren't "too big to fail" because of some law - it's because we've been deluded and intimidated into accepting that as a fact. Usually by the banks that needed tax dollars (sheer coincidence, I know). Thanks, Obama.
  8. Yet another misspelling of a proud state. Sarah Palin woke up today with someone else's (working) brain: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/sarah-palin-donald-trump-carrier-deal-crony-capitalism-232139 Great quote by her:
  9. Looks like Catziisaias might get another shot after all. http://inpaok.com/329699
  10. Not I. Voting is how the government tracks your brain signals. Wait a minute...Indiana and Illinois are different states?? Whoops!
  11. Full list of players: Μπρκιτς, Βελλίδης, Λέοβατς, Μάτος, Κίτσιου, Κρέσπο, Πούγγουρας, Βαρέλα, Μαλεζάς, Χαρίσης, Τσίμιροτ, Κάνιας, Σάκχοφ, Μπίσεσβαρ, Πέλκας, Μυστακίδης, Τιάμ, Αθανασιάδης, Κουλούρης, Κάμπος, Ροντρίγκες
  12. Good lineup. Probably our strongest available to us at this point, too. Stunning how poor Biseswar looked yesterday.
  13. I want to see the CB-who-can-not-be-named back as well. What's funny, is that for the first time in years we still have three ACTUAL center backs who are fit and can play available. What a crazy world!
  14. Ivic survived his meeting with Savvidis last night. Not just survived, but seems to have come out stronger: (Σαββίδης: Ίβιτς μέχρι τέλος!): http://inpaok.com/329631 Even George Savvidis seems to agree with him, which is surprising. And another article from the same site saying the same thing: http://inpaok.com/329633
  15. Yeah? Nothing? http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/07/news/economy/obama-15-million-jobs/ Pence, btw, is the guy who refused to help Carrier in 2014. Let's keep in mind that Carrier is staying - for now - because of government incentives, not out of the goodness of their hearts. Once the free money dries up, they'll be in Mexico so fast your poncho will spin. This story is especially ironic in several ways: Pence's earlier refusal to help was actually the right choice, although it was likely driven by the fact that any of his vetoes could be overridden by the state legislature Trump and the Republicans want to stop handouts, yet Carrier has historically gotten lots of federal money while at the same time continuing to ship jobs overseas Where did the punishments for leaving the country go? If my punishments at work would involve my being bribed with bigger bonuses, I would also be doing a shitty job. Carrier is still going to ship a net of 1300 jobs out of the state, presumably because Trump's kowtowing wasn't sufficient This single factory is just a symbol, and a poor one at that. One thousand jobs in a state whose workforce numbers over 6.5 million is not going to help anyone (and, again, is going to cost taxpayers across the country).
  16. Allison's comments quoted above are hilarious. It's very easy to advocate an earth shattering change to the economic system of a country, especially when you know it'll never happen. Big changes require lots of forethought. As for the anti-regulation bent...listen, I get the argument that regulations stifle innovation and can be excessively onerous. It should also not be ignored, however, that a lack of regulation has led to crisis after crisis after crisis - including what's happening to Greece right now. I see regulations all the time in the Real World, and what makes them a pain in the ass isn't necessarily that they exist - it's the hamfisted way in which governments (AND companies) enact them. Banks are absolutely not blameless here either - their complete refusal to change in any way, shape, or form never ceases to astound me.
  17. I think we've got this. A solid win, with our A team. Only question for me is, who starts as CF?
  18. You're right. This match should have made it obvious who should get loaned out/sold/released in the next window or two.
  19. Pelkas for Biseswar. Probably a good move. Lookit that paunch.
  20. I say put in Leovac and Cimirot...should give us the boost we need.
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