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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. If he has the personnel, why not stick to the 3-5-2?


    I'm liking the 3-5-2.  Having 3 at the back is making up for the fact that our defense has been shaky for a long time.  There will be times when it's not necessary or we don't have the personnel, but for now, I'm happy to have it as our "default" formation.

  2. Realistically, assuming you deliberately don't field weak teams on purpose to rest the players for the league, I would expect PAO doesn't lose every match.  For each win it's 200K, each draw 100K.  If you win the group, another 400K, runner up 200K.  Adding all of the prize money up together with TV and stadium revenue for the matches, and you could be looking at 3M to 4M easy.


    For a club that isn't flush with cash, that's a significant amount.  I agree what you want is the CL money, but realistically, how on earth are PAOK, PAO or AEK going to win the title ?  I just don't see it happening, although it would be nice to see a different team win the title for the first time in 187,000 years.


    So, it's a case of, take the EL semi-seriously and get 3M or 4M, or take the gamble, and maybe if all the stars align (and there are lots of stars that need to align) you get the CL spot.  It's a big gamble.


    I get that if PAO were in serious title contention, might rest players vs the EL, but I don't buy not taking this qualification game seriously.  It's as simple as "here is a team that is inferior to you, if you beat them, I'll give you 2.5M Euros".  Who wouldn't take up that offer ?

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  3. I have to agree with you athinaios.  To be fair, I don't think Tsipras or anyone else predicted how nasty the EU/ECB reaction would be.  When the ECB cut off funding for Greek banks, well, that is a day to remember.  The nastiness with which the new terms were forced on Greece has also been a revelation.


    If anything positive has come out of this, it's the fact that the EU doesn't look like the good guy anymore.  They got nasty, and there was no way they could make themselves look like the good guys, no matter how hard they tried.  The Euro is still around for the moment, but what the EU/ECB did to Greece only helped create more opposition against the Euro "project".  Everybody now knows who really runs the show.  Everybody now knows the EU isn't for the benefit of all.  Everybody now knows that it is not a democratic institution.  Opposition against the Euro/EU/ECB is growing albeit slowly.  I don't see this trend reversing.


    And all of the above has in it's own way, been constructive.  Would a Samaras government have done the same ?

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  4. To be fair, I didn't rate Konstantinidis at all last season.  I didn't think the kid was anywhere good enough.  Well, so far this season he's given me the big f--k you.  He's doing really well.  All of the above players with the exception of Koulouris are solid first team players.  It's great to see.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised to see Mak playing up front.  His pace and dribbling will force Brondby to play a deep line.  If only his finishing was a little more clinical.


    This is where someone like Mak can be very useful.  You put him up front next to the last man, and it "should" force the opposition to play deeper.  The only way to counter this is to have a very fast defender or play a deeper line.  And just like that *poof*, space in the middle.

  6. Great performance

    Were Brondby that s%$#! or PAOK that good???

    Does anyone else see a bit of Kanaki from Radio Arvila in Tudor ...  :lol:


    I think it was a little of both.  Mak was inspired today which helped.  The critical difference is Tudor, as well as the fact that we look to have some depth in the squad.  The players know that if their level drops, their is someone ready to slot right in, and Tudor won't hesitate to drop a player.  I'm just guessing of course but that's how I see it.


    We will get a better idea as the season rolls on as to Tudor's competency.  We also started brightly last season and for a time there Anastasiadis looked like a tactical genius.


    Having said that, I'm feeling optimistic about the new PAOK project.

  7. Impressive result.  All of the goals were very good.  The build up play on the first and the steal by Mak on the second, excellent.  I actually think Mak can play in the CF position if the opposition are playing a high line.  The 4th and 5th goals I don't think any other player on the squad would have scored them.  At least I can't think of anyone that would have.  His ability to run with the ball with pace is very very good.  With both those goals he essentially took the ball from close to the half way line.  I think his market value just doubled overnight.  ;)


    Pelkas has been a revelation.  The good thing is Tudor won't let him slack him off.  Just keep getting better Pelkas!


    For f***s sake, extend Kace's contract already!


    The GSL will be a different story as most teams won't play with such a high line, so I don't see Mak in the CF role on a regular basis, but I think he's shown enough to give us confidence he can play the position if required.


    Will be interesting to see how the other new signings will fit into the squad.  With the exception of Leovac, I don't think any of them are guaranteed starters just yet.

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    Wake up, because else Greek billionaires would have gotten them for 10% of the real value because they paid of Nea Demokratia government officials.



    So true.  Somehow, someway Greek governments find a way to screw their own people.  Burn the lot of them I say.

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  9. Anyway lets forget about the dummies!!! Now getting back on topic, it looks like PAO and Olympiakos are moving away from Greek talent...And AEK is starting to do the same....Is it me, or has Greek players regressed to the point, where we're going to see 7 of the ten players on the field, from different countries. 3 years ago when they had the opportunity to make a difference, given the circumstances that PAO and AEK had to go to them, because they both had no other options, looks like the Greek players are second choice once again.

    If they cannot make it now, when the league finally turns around....The Greek soccer players might be extinct, and the NT team having very low quality to choose from....Just a thought, do you not think, it's about time to limit the starting foreign players to not more than 4 on the field at once? What are we waiting for; to reach the point of no return? Just a thought.


    I liked the good old days when you could only have 3 foreigners in your squad.  Maybe 3 is a bit low, but it's all moot anyway.  It's not like those days are coming back.


    What was good about those days was that you could measure the level so to speak, of each country.  The Serie A was an exception since they generally bought the most expensive players.  Now you play a team in the EPL and 10 out of 11 players aren't even English.  Yay, we beat an English team!  Um, no you didn't.

  10. What would be refreshing is that when we hit a patch of poor results [it will happen eventually] and the players start cracking the sads and causing trouble [Tzavella i'm looking at you m#$%!] that the board says screw you, do what the coach says or get lost, as opposed to our normal response of "ach ta kaimena mora" let's sack the coach.


    That's why I'm encouraged by Arnesen's emphasis on player attitude.  Hopefully the team starts developing a mentality that isn't so defeatist.

  11. I think the truth is, our defense has been shaky for a while.  I had faith in Vitor but I don't think he's at the level required.  Costa, we'll see.  Malezas will help but if we come up against a team with a dangerous attack, we struggle.  That's why I believe Tudor is experimenting with 3 at the back.

  12. I'm not gonna lie, I wish the whole situation with Pereyra never happened (if that's even the reason he's been left out).


    So true.  I never expected it from him.  It's not like he wasn't an integral part of the team.  This kind of came out of nowhere.  Having him and Lucas would have been great this season.


    Is the situation with Pereyra beyond reconciliation ?

  13. The Veroia goal was bad, but that's the only really bad error I've seen him make.  The penalty against him was farcical.  Granted, he gave the referee rope with which to hang him.  I won't make a judgement on him just yet.


    Having said that, I am a little concerned.  I expected a little better.  All of the signings so far, with the exception of Malezas are all young.  I can only reason that Arnesen thought Olsen > Itandje based purely on age.  And Arnesen also wants players with a good attitude so that also could have led to Itandje being shown the exit door.

  14. Boston Thanatos, welcome back rimali.  Yes, you've been missed and it's AWESOME you're back.  What's with the new avatar ?  I do miss the old one. ;)


    As for the old gs website, $50,000!  That is an impressive number.  I wonder if the owner would take alternate currencies or some sort of barter in lieu of dollars.  50,000 patates maybe ? 

  15. Now that you mentioned it, you are right. It ends in June 2017, so there is still time to get a contract extension in place. Right now he is at 100K per season. I would hope they will get him a raise in the 300K range plus a big buyout option.


    From what I read is that Kace has the same agent a Tzandaris (same agent as Tzavellas, Konstantinidis and Savvidis), and since he F***ed PAOK with the Tzandaris deal, the team is reluctant to deal with him.


    Either way, we need to get the ball rolling.  If he was to agree terms with another team, does that mean he can sign a contract with them on 01-Jan-2016 (a full 18 months before his contract expires) ?  And if so, when can he leave PAOK and join them ?

  16. After what happened with Pelkas between last season and this season, I'd prefer when possible for our loan players to play outside Greece.  His improvement has been surprising.  I find it hard to believe that he would be the same player today if he'd played in B Ethniki.

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