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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. i think he had a good world cup2010 nice passes and a few nice shots ...but we are late 2015 now and he is done



    the people that select him should be shot


    Look at the positive.  At least you have a target to vent at. :)

  2. Honestly, I think Tziolis gets a lot of criticism he doesn't deserve ::ducks head as tantra tries for a hook::


    The guy is who he is.  It's not like we don't know his capabilities.  What's surprising is that he gets selected.  I can understand selecting him against minnows where you expect 70% possession, but in any other game where you need your DM to be running all over the place, he's not your man.  Sideways passes ?  That's what he does.  He's not the type to look for a through ball, or run with the ball into space.


    If he had a lousy attitude like Katsouranis, then yeah, give it to him.  But he's not a kolopetho.  As to how he gets selected, I can't tell anymore.  I lost my crystal ball just before the GFC.

  3. Reaper,

    Who knows what the hell he was thinking. Maybe he got seduced with "success" stories in Canada. Maybe his wife nagged him into it. Maybe he got sold fairy tales by smugglers. Maybe he feared for his life. Maybe he was just an idiot. Either way, his greed/naivety/foolishness cost him his wife and children.

  4. If I was a Syrian sunni muslim refugee (95% of them are) and had a family - and arrived in Turkey - I would feel I had won the lottery. My family is safe - I am surrounded by Sunnis - I can relax. If I don't want to stay in Turkey - I can apply for refugee status to any country I want through the proper channels.


    To then take my safe and well fed family and put them in a rubber inflatable in the middle of the sea, in the middle of the night - (an inflatable I have paid a criminal gang for) and try to illegally enter Greece - to then illegally enter Bulgaria/Serbia/Humgary/ Austria in order to get to Germany.. that to me is insane and deserves all the disbelief you have shown in your posts so far. However if you think it is worth risking one's family - vulnerable children etc when you are already safe - I think perhaps you have never had a family of your own.


    I agree, it is odd.  Without knowing more about this, I'd guess that because they aren't citizens of Turkey, they aren't entitled to certain things and as a result, their lives are in limbo ?  Dunno, just guessing.  I'm fairly confident Turkey doesn't want them.  I don't think it's a hate issue, it's just a financial issue.  Trying to care for and integrate a few million people is no simple task.  It's probably easier to just make their lives complicated enough that they want to leave.  Add to that the sales pitch I'm sure they receive from the smugglers about how great Europe is and there you have your suckers.  I don't think anyone would deliberately endanger there family that way.  They are, for lack of a better word, foolish.

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  5. Why can't countries like Iraq or Syria try to find a peaceful resolution and not have these "human trafficers" invade all of Europe begging for asylum? 


    Because they aren't really countries as such.  A lot of these "countries" were created in recent history, and have mixed together groups of people that have similarities but are different.  A lot of these groups hate each other and given the chance (which is now) will try to kill each other.


    In Syria alone you have ISIS who want to form a caliphate.  You have the Alawite's who are nut jobs as well, which is what Assad is.  You have the Kurds.  You have Hezbollah nearby.  And given half these groups will kill each other.  Either out of revenge, to further consolidate their power or just pure hatred.


    If we wait for a solution in Syria without intervention, it's not going to happen.  Right now, the most likely outcome is that ISIS will keep expanding their territory and influence but I can see at some point soon, the US/UN/EU will have to intervene.  But how ?  They can't back Hezbollah, since they have openly declared they want to destroy Israel.  They don't want to back Assad.  And although they'd probably like to back the Kurds, Turkey will get their back up.  As I said, it's not simple.

  6. Thanks for insulting me again.  Seems like thats what you do best in here instead of debating why we should allow Muslims all over a continent that is mostly Christian, has low birth rates, densely populated, has serious economic issues, and has a western style of living.

    **************** DELETED

    ...  If someone from outside of this forum came across this thread, they'd be horrified at the things you write.  Maybe you don't care, but you should.  You should think a bit more before you post the things you do.  This is a serious topic/issue.


    I don't claim to be an expert in any of this, but I try to keep the conversation moving, asking questions, stating opinions etc.  You just post (what seems to me) hate filled cliches.


    Now I'm not advocating at all, that Greece should allow a massive influx of refugees.  We don't really have the resources, and besides this isn't Greece's burden alone.  Greece should merely try to do its fair share, to the best of its ability.  The truth is, if Greece hadn't let the refugees cross the border to Skopje, the EU couldn't give two hoots about what is happening.  Now that it is directly affecting multiple countries, maybe something could happen, but I don't remain optimistic.  The ideal solution ?  Peace in Syria, so they can return to their homes, but I don't see this happening.


    As for your claim of let them drown, let me pose a hypothetical.  You are in a boat, and that little kid is drowning beside the boat.  All you have to do is put your hand out and pluck him out of the water, or you can just watch him drown.  They are the two choices.  What do you do ?  If you say, I let him drown, well, that is nothing more than pure evil.  If you say, I'll stop him from drowning, well now you've just nullified and contradicted your earlier post.  It's time to grow up and think before you post.

    • Like it 2
  7. Very common issue Val.  Fact is a lot of "kids" can't make the jump, or they need a while to get used to the difference.  Club football is different today and clubs aren't going to be patient.  The best thing is to loan them out.  There is no substitute for 1st team football.

  8. He will absolutely tear it up in that league. This is a suitable punishment for him, and him signing an extension with us implies either some payoff next year, or a rehabilitated player to further help us.


    He could be another "super signing" like Pelkas.  And to think 6 months ago we would've gladly sold Pelkas for a small fee ...

  9. This is exactly what the UN was created for.  To stop situations like this.  But in truth, it is a weak organisation that has mostly been used by the 5 nations that have veto power, to further their own ends.


    I don't think a lot of people realise the situation in Syria.  It's Muslims vs Muslims.  Shia vs Sunni.  Hezbollah vs Isis vs Kurds.  It's a mess.  Why are they trying to kill each other ?  Why is there so much hatred over religious issues ?  As long as religion is a driving force for a nation, you will always have the potential for this.  And it's not going to stop without some sort of outside intervention.  If you just leave it to play out, things will continue as they are only worse.  The UN/EU either have to get in there with troops, or pick a side and arm them to the teeth to end this.


    The EU should have been more pro-active from a few years ago.  The situation in Syria is close to them, but they chose to bury their heads in the sand thinking it'll all be fine and it won't affect them.  And now that it has, their best solution is knee jerk reactions.  Let the country where the refugees land deal with it.  Yep, no problem with that.  Call me cynical, but now that Greece, Skopje and Serbia allowed the refugees to get closer to Germany, all of a sudden Hungary gets "hard core" with the refugees.  More like as Germany saw they were getting closer, Germany either put the hard word or offered "incentives" to Hungary.  That's their best solution so far.  Cool, good luck with that.


    I will agree on one point that many posters bring up, and that is why don't the Syrian refugees stay in Turkey ?  I find it odd that they wouldn't prefer to stay there.  It's not like Turkey is a 3rd world economy.  They would be safe, which should be their key concern, and there is a religious and "cultural" similarity between them.  Sure, Germany is a better option, but do they really think they'll get there easily ?  I wonder what role Turkey is playing in this.


    To other posters that say "just let them drown".  It's easy to say that, and then you see the images of little Aylun Kurdi, and you think, what have we become ?  We have to be better than that.

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  10. Who would ve thought that we'd get to this after just a short few years ago, we were dead broke and in danger of being expelled out of Europe and the Superleague...


    Without Savvidis, we would've been in serious trouble.  He's exceeded my expectations, and by a margin.

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