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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. AEKs goal was from Olsen pulling another bonehead move.  Watching all the lost opportunities, Mak is damn clown.  Then again, if he had his current speed, dribbling and maneuvering AND could score goals, he wouldn't be playing in Greece.  They need to keep him on the wing...he is not a closer.


    He's conceded like that before.  He seems to have trouble judging if/when to come out.  I'm pretty sure opposition teams are targeting that weakness.

  2. "Today we saw Klaus and Berbatov together, will we ever see them together from the start?"


    "Of course, it will happen. For sure."


    "How soon?"


    "How soon? Maybe very soon!"


    We are "much concrete team" ~19:12 in the video.  Tudor is scary when he talks!  I wouldn't want to anger him, ha ha.

  3. Unless Kace is hurt, he must play tomorrow. There might be some other issues concerning the player. Hope not.


    Kace is probably the first name you pen into your 11.  It could be he's not 100% fit.  Or Tudor is playing games to try and get an "edge", when he fully intends to play him.  The only possibility that actually worries me is a contract renewal issue, but I'd suspect we would have heard something about that.

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  4. Could this 4-3-3 "leak" to the press just be a ruse ?  I see no sense in playing Bueno out wide.  With his dribbling and skill, you want him in the middle so that if he creates space, he can have a shot on goal or play a nice through ball to someone who can pop it in.  Out wide, he'll still be effective but I don't think as much.  As a PAOK fan, I hope he gets played wide ... after seeing his nice finish the other week. ;)

  5. A low voter turn out was to be expected.  I was surprised by Golden Dawn.  I thought they would do better.  If they can't get votes while the country is being run by Germans and invaded by Muslims, when will they get votes.  If the situation in Greece was replicated in Germany, their population would be going nuts.  Their extreme right wing parties would do much better than what Golden Dawn have done.  I suppose we Greeks just aren't fascists at heart. ;)

  6. This fascination with left and right is part of the reason why Greece is such a broken country now.  All it does is cause division and hatred.  It is never productive ... not that I have seen.  It is purely, at least in my eyes, a reason for one section of the population to persecute or steal from another section of the population.  Or to feel better about themselves.  Or to enrich or improve their position somehow.  Labeling someone "left" or "right" makes it easier to f--k them over ... without feeling guilty that you've done the wrong thing.  We Greeks are specialists at it. Grand Masters.


    The second I hear this left that right I almost just tune out.  As for Tsipras, ideology when youthful is one thing, and practise in the real world is another.  He's about as left as my left nut ... in practise.


    There is no left or right anymore.  There is only "Ms. Merkel, is it all right if I can do this or that".  Greece is now bearing the fruit of decades of incompetence.

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  7. Pana97, it is really hard to judge. And yes, it's generational. But statistics only give you part of the picture. I tell you this much with certainty. The 40 and 50 goals that Christiano and Messi bang in La Liga, no way that would happen in the old Serie A. Not even close. They would probably get half that, which is still crazy. Back then, you'd be lucky to have one or two players get more than 20 goals for the season. The defenders back then were defenders.

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  8. I'm pleased about Golasa. I thought it was odd that Tudor didn't want him in the team. He fit for the most part the Arnesen criteria of young and relatively cheap. I concluded he wasn't "hungry" enough.

    He was so so last year but I thought he should be given a second season to see how it played out. At least this way we'll know. Then again, maybe once Cimirot and Antonis get fit, that could be it for him. Might explain his attitude.

  9. Antonis is no Kace. He's technical and quite composed. Good vision. I actually don't think he'll suit PAOK for games where you expect to be on the back foot against better opposition. If you want a player to run all day and "hack" the opposition, it's not him.

    We'll find out soon enough how he copes with the step up. Australia does not exist lol.

  10. Pash, hopefully two things happen this season.

    1) We extend Kace's contract. Do it already!

    2) One of Chimirot, Sabo, Charisis, Antonis manages to take Tziolis spot in the 11. Sabo is playing fairly average at the moment, but he might just be trying to find his feet. Too early to judge him just yet.

    On a side note, is that now 2 games in a row that Olsen hasn't had a clanger ? Oh damn, I just jinxed him.

  11. Agree about Brazilian Ronaldo.  Before the Serie A defenders kicked him to death, he was truly scary.  Just think Christiano x 2.  I've never seen a striker cause defenders so much fear.


    Look at these tackles!  Today nearly all reds, and they weren't even a yellow in this game.  Or not even a free kick.  People forget how bad the tackling used to be.


    ~3:53, love this one.  The defender looks like he's doing Karate or something.

    ~5:48, another beauty.


    And he was given this treatment week in week out.  Christiano or Messi ?  Cannon fodder.  I can't remember who it was, but a Juve defender back in day was being interviewed and he said something like "In Italy, the man can get past the defender, or the ball, but not both".


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  12. Maybe we should be thankful that they only want to use Greece as a stopping point on their journey to Germany.  I know it's a mess in Greece at the moment, but it could be worse.  My fear is that at some point, all the countries bordering Greece will put up borders like Hungary.  And then at that point, what happens ?  If these refugees are given a choice of Greece or Turkey only, which would they select ?

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  13. Messi & Ronaldo both incredible talents and will go down with the other greats Maradona, Pelle, Ronaldo, Zidane, Cruyff, etc... they have won everything at club level, League Titles, CL titles and individually winning the Ballon d' Or, FIFA & UEFA player of the year. The only thing eluding both of them is winning for there NT, both making the final of major tournament with Ronaldo losing to Greece:)


    Maradona was the best hands down.  I'm not one of these people that says "Maradona vs Pele, Maradona was better ..." but what he did will never happen again.  He went to a mid table club, in the best league in the world by a country mile, and won them the league.  That can't happen today.  Would Messi or Ronaldo sign for say Everton or Newcastle ?  Different times now so you just can't compare.  Then again, Maradona had the assistance of cocaine. ;)

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  14. Both Ronaldo and Messi are freaks.  Agree on that.  Both will go down amongst the greats of the game.  But in terms of looking just at stats, they are both lucky they are playing at a time when players are protected by referees.  If they were playing in the Serie A of the 90's, they would've been on their 2nd knee reconstruction by now.

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