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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. I really don't know where all this talk of someone other than Olympiakos winning the title is coming from.  I can't see anyone even getting close.  Not PAO, not AEK, not PAOK.  Let's see what happens.  It would be a breath of fresh air to have a different champion, that's for sure.

  2. You make a good point Rockefeller on Savidis....His legacy so far...He paid off the tax debts PAOK accumulated over the decades, on the feild totally has gone backwards they had there chance to step ahead of PAO, and have failed while PAO is on its lowest budget every.....It won't be to long before PAO and AEK get their s%$#! together.


    In terms of financial management, Savvidis has done a very good job.  Paid off the tax debt of 11 million, and players have been paid on time for 3 years.  As a PAOK fan I am not used to this.  That's how much of a kafeneio club was in the past.  The days of us being forced to sell players [yes, I'm looking at you PAO fans ;)] or letting players leave the club because we couldn't afford their wages are hopefully behind us.  Every year it was the same old story.


    Savvidis has also stated he has plans to create a new state of the art training ground but I'll believe it when I see it.  What he has done thus far alone means he is the best owner we've ever had.


    In terms of the squad, you could argue we've gone backwards but I think that's incorrect.  It's just been a learning curve for him and I think he's finally realised it's going to take time.  We were always a 2nd to 5th club in terms of the table, and still are.  Granted, we have missed an opportunity to move ahead of PAO and AEK by a margin, but that was due to short term thinking.  Savvidis thought if he signed an "international" manager (Huub) and a few "big" players (Stoch) then we'd get the CL cash cow.  If only it were that easy.  Having said that, I think with Arnesen at the helm we are finally trying to do things correctly and build a team.

  3. Dude, you're such an idiot!  You're always so negative!  Now Berbatov is going to play in Europe, and you look like an a$$hole! 


    (someone had to say it)


    Yeah, I copped a bout of Boston Thanatositis as well.


    We're a bunch of stooges.  Maybe Savvidis thinks he can win the league now ...



    What can you do ?  If you're a PAOK fan, your first natural impulse is to be cynical.  Having said that, I am impressed that we even managed to sign him and more importantly got him into the squad for the EL Group Stages.  I'm just not used to PAOK being organised and professional.


    As for Berbatov, assuming he stays injury free, I can only see mostly positives.  You could argue that the money spent on his salary could've been spent on other prospects, and you'd have a point.  However, he will increase revenue via merchandise sales and increased attendance at Toumba and the GSL in general.  I know I'd love to see him in person.  He's one of the few footballers who's got that old school 80's style about him, when the game was more about skill that physicality.  In truth, his skill and composure is outrageous.  He'll also be a good influence on someone like Pelkas who's game is based around skill.

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  4. I think we've been playing pretty well, and with a proper striker both the Xanthi and PAS games would have been ours.  We need to get Olsen to smarten the F*** up, or get Glykos in there.


    And that is encouraging.  The "team" needs to just keep playing better each week.  The PAS game was really a case of everything went wrong on the day.  A quality CB and GK and a Klaus in form and all of sudden you've won 3-0.  What I want more than anything this season is for the young players plus the new transfers to improve and become good solid squad players, and build from there.

  5. ^^The objective is to win the championship, will take PAOK to the next level, so not a big deal if he's not eligible for Europe....Good catch and good luck....Play the over when PAO and PAOK match up!


    Yes ... and no.  Yes the objective is win the championship, but you can't do it by taking short cuts.  You need to build a TEAM, with a CORE group of players.  Then when you add a Berbatov or a Natcho it all just clicks into gear and the extra class of these players gets you over the line.  At least Berbatov will sell a lot of jerseys.

  6. Only PAOK could make the biggest signing of the summer (if it's true) and have him NOT available for European play.....  It's like being invited to an orgy and only being allowed to F*** the fat girls.


    We're a bunch of stooges.  Maybe Savvidis thinks he can win the league now ...

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  7. Poungouras loan? He would've played plenty had any of our defenders gone down with injury during the season, stupid move, we're so thin back there it's ridiculous.


    Add to that I don't know what is happening with Skondras.  He was one of our best players last season.  Granted, the system Tudor is playing suits Kitsiou/Konstantinidis more, as he wants the RB to play a very attacking role, but hey, convert him to be a CB in that case.  He's shown he can play the role.

  8. Boston Thanatos, agree with you about Savvidis son.  He needs to shut up.  He makes himself look like a stooge.


    As to our transfer "policy" this season,  I'm actually pleased with it, for the first time in ... forever.  At least there is a structure in place.  They are trying to remove players that are old, or who have a negative attitude, from the team.  And, they are trying to replace them with young guys with potential.  Sure, all of the transfers probably won't work out, but that's the nature of things.  At least for the first time we are actively trying to do the right thing.


    Initially we started off slow.  We got Olsen as our first transfer and then things went quiet for a couple of weeks.  Then, it was one transfer after the other and they were all young guys.  We've definitely tried to fix some areas that had problems.  Lack of depth in the middle (Sabo, Cimirot, Antonis), the left back position (Leovac), and wingers (Jairo, Rodrigues).  The CB and ST positions still haven't been fixed, and it's obvious we've left it late.  Having said that, I'd rather we leave it alone rather than sign a player for the sake of it.


    That's why when I read these stories of Berbatov it just makes me roll my eyes.  Just stop with the crap.  We've done well this transfer period even if we didn't fill in all the blanks.  Let's see what this bunch has got in them and we can go from there.


    The only thing I disagree with is Koulouris being loaned.  If we had signed an ST then yes, loan him out, but since we haven't, just give the kid a run.  This "panic" buying at the last minute is a crock of s%$#!.  Then again, it's probably just media reports.


    All I have to say is that Northern Greece as a region is lucky I live in America, because with as crazy as I was when I was younger, If I got fed this paramathi for all that time, I'd be liable to snap and destroy everything in my path. 



    I'm happy to donate to the "Boston Thanatos rampages Thessaloniki" fund.  But, it would have to be documented on video.  Now that would make for some entertaining viewing!

  10. Any talk of winning the title is stupid.  We haven't come close in 30 years.  The only person that is entitled to talk of winning a title is a journalist, because in Greece their job is to write M A L A K I E S.  Other than that, anyone talking of winning the league is a M A L A K A.  If we get to say round 24, and we are say 3 or 4 points off the pace, then you can start talking.  Until then, cut the crap and play the game.


    Until we build a core group of around 8 players, we won't do anything.  Our core changes every year.  I hope this year it's different.  Having said that, I think the midfield will settle and be all right.  Up front, yes, we need another striker.  The big hole is still the centre of defence.

  11. Pana97, the difference is this year it actually is a rebuild.  All the previous years the transfers were done, thinking they would have a team ready to at least challenge for the title.  That was the theory anyway.  This year all of the old timers have been shown the exit door, and all of the new signings are young.  Leovac is 27, but all the other transfers are 24 or less.  I have zero problem with this approach.  Do the PAOK fans however have the patience ?

  12. This reeks of panic buying.  Better to just stick with Koulouris.  Let the kid get 15+ games under his belt and then at the end of the season you can make a judgement on whether he's worth keeping or not.  This really is going to be a transitional year, or is it just me that is thinking that.

  13. Just watched the goal. I wonder how many goals Olsen can give away before his place will be in jeopardy. 


    12.  Seriously though, now that we have him, we have to play him.  If I was Savvidis, and Arnesen or Tudor came up to me and said "We are thinking about getting another keeper", I'd say "Sure mate, no problem.  I'll pay for another keeper, if you can cut him loose.  Any monetary losses made can come out of your wages.  In the meantime, you play him or Glykos.".

  14. Just had a look at Krasnodar's results so far this season. They have played 6 games in the league for 2 wins, 3 draws and 1 loss. Currently 7th on the league table with 9 points. The unusual statistic is that they've only scored 4 goals, so they are struggling to score, but they've only conceded 2, so their defence is good.

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