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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Fetfa is exactly the sort of player I would hate to play with.  You don't ever know what you're going to get from him.  He is the definition of unreliable.  Give him more chances ?  How about you take the ones you're given.  Sure, he's 3 times more skillful than say a Karagounis, but he's also 3 times less the player.  Don't be fooled by fancy tricks alone.  There is a lot more to the game than just flair.  This is not 1980.  The fact that he was even selected for the NT shows how desperate and demoralised the NT is.  The "kid" hasn't even played a full season of football and he'll be 25 years of age in December.  Give his spot to Pelkas.  There, I said it.

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  2. Really hard to predict this one.  Both teams playing well, if anything AEK slightly better.  AEK are on a high, but the game is in Toumba.  Buonnanote and Berbatov "X" factor.  It's all happening!


    As much as I'd like a win, what I want to see more is our team play "correctly".  Hold possession.  Don't panic.  No blunders from Olsen.  Create chances.  Mark your man, etc.  If we do everything correctly and AEK win due to a freak game or play, well so be it.  But above all, play the game as a team.  This is probably our biggest test so far this season, including European games.

  3. In that case, hopefully he pulls a Mitroglou and signs a new contract just to reward us a bit more.


    I am a PAOK fan.  I expect the worst.  Incompetence, lack of planning, selfishness and general idiocy are par for the course.  Having said that, Arnesen has given me something I haven't had in a long time ... hope.  And f--k me, we signed B-E-R-B-A-T-O-V !!  Yep, I'm still glowing a little on the inside.

  4. If the teams play to their "normal" style it should be an open game and possibly even a high scoring game.  Hopefully their aren't too many fouls and the referee let's the game flow.

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  5. Was is it with our team and injuries ?  We seem to get more than other sides, or is it just my perception ?


    Leovac, considering the schedule in the next few weeks is a big loss.  Assuming he's fit the left back position is his.  As pash said, we have others who can fill the position.  Tzavellas, Korovesis ... in theory.  Although Tudor seems to be favouring Kitsiou on that side.  Damn, I'm annoyed.

  6. Blackhawk, agree about not being in the best negotiating position. We left it a little late. If you look at Kace though, he is on less money but his release clause is a more reasonable 5 million. At least I think it is ...

    Hopefully we can offer him an improved contract at the end of the season. That is assuming he keeps playing well, and he doesn't get bought by another club.

  7. As a PAOK fan, I sincerely hope we win 4-0.  But on a serious note, this will be an interesting match up.  Buonnanotte seems like the real deal.  An inspired signing.  Not sure what tactics Tudor will try to contain him.  In previous seasons, PAOK's tactic would have been obvious.  Play deep and try for the counter.  Tudor has the team trying to play a decent possession game and create chances in a balanced way.  Not like last season where it was predominantly via the wings.


    Regardless of the result, it's great to see AEK back.

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  8. My mother kept hers, because they have every Turkish and Greek soap opera OnDemand...and she puts Greek cartoons on Demand for my kids when they go there.....I have the WebTV version on my laptop at work, and a box in my house because my mother usually spends the night at our house once or twice a week to watch the kids.  It took me 3 months to teach her how to use this system, I'm not going through this s%$#! again...


    Same crapola here in Australia.  My parents have installed 2 boxes now and a couple of weeks back a message was scrolling along the bottom of the screen saying the service would cease operating unless you call them and get some card.  Tried calling a few times but it rings out.  Every so often the service breaks down.  I don't know if they are a bunch of thieves that do it on purpose.  I would like to meet one of the guys that run these operations ... just for 5 minutes ... in a nice quiet sound proof room ... with a baseball bat.


    Boston, my mother watches some of those Turkish soap operas as well.  When I queried her why she was watching that and not Greek ones, she showed me the Greek "content".  Just terrible.  So so bad.  It's not even B grade.  And the picture and sound quality is hilarious.  My 5 year old camcorder can shoot a better picture.  I know there's an economic crisis in Greece, but seriously ...

  9. Guys guys, I've got it. Hear me out. We cover the field with cardboard, choose the best dancers on the squad, and do 90-minute break-dance fights instead. I have a feeling Holebas will have the edge on this one.


    Might be a good opportunity to bring back Katsouranis too, but I feel he might get confused and dance the tsifteteli instead.


    Remind me to not read your posts with a mouth full of food.  Now I have to go change my shirt.


    What about Greek River Dance ?


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  10. this to me seems to be our best lineup.

    these subs in brackets would be good replacements if a particular unit is doing bad.



    Holebas - Manolas - Sokratis - Manolas - Torosidis  (Subs Moras / Siovas / Stafilidis)


                                Samaris Maniatis (Subs Tachtsidis / Petsos)


                              feftfa - Ninis -  Karelis  (Subs Kone / Fortounis / Lazaros)


                                       Mitroglou (Subs Klaus)



    The problem with that line up is that not one player from the midfield onwards, is playing well.  Greece right now is short on personnel.

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