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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Tziolis has his place. He just needs to be played the right way. In games where you expect to have more of the possession, he is useful. Just have him in the middle distributing. Nothing special but maintaining possession and keeping the ball flowing. He can read the game fairly well. He doesn't do anything fancy so don't expect such from him.

    If you want him to run, hustle and tackle he's not ideal. If you expect to be under intense pressure or the game is being played at a quick pace, he can be less than ideal.

    He'll be a good influence on the youngsters. Some of the young guys can be hot and cold where as with Tziolis he's consistent without being flash, and managers like that. I'm more than happy to have him in the squad.

  2. Superb post teke. I had no idea about the circumstances regarding Kace. Makes so much more sense now. How on earth did you know this ?! Impressive.

    Now I can stop whining like a biatch about Kace, at least for a while. As for Tzandaris, time will tell, but I think he's really made a big mistake.

  3. Don't you think it's a bit suspicious that Boston Thanatos, paokarag4 and teke817 all "suddenly" make an appearance on the forum within a short time frame ? Were you guys all locked in a basement somewhere, or maybe went on an extended "camping" trip. You have some explaining to do ...

  4. Two seasons ago, we had a great two matches vs Schalke.


    Don't remind me of the game in Toumba.  We had them.  It was there for the taking, especially once they went down to 10 men.  Only our mentality let us down.  Nice goal by Klaus that day as well.

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  5. I didn't want Boakye anyway.  I'm done with these loan deals.  I know in theory you get the option to buy them afterwards, but when has that ever worked out for us.  I'm scarred from our loans of the last couple of years.  Only Natcho was quality, and well, we were never going to hang onto him.  Damn he was a good player.


    Better to give game time to Koulouris and let him show what he can do.  If he can't do it, then at least we know we gave him the chance.  Or, if Arnesen and Tudor feel we really need another striker that bad, go out and buy one.  Stop this loan crap.

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  6. Forgive my cynicism, but when I read "we" I assumed he meant Olympiakos.  Regardless, until PAO and AEK get their house in order, Greece's co-efficient rating will stay where it is, or keep going down.  Even PAOK is an unknown quantity this year.  Lots of young players brought in.  How will they handle playing better quality opponents in the EL Group Stage ?


    Hopefully AEK will be ready for Europe next season.  As for PAO, I'm not sure what the go is with them.  Everything seemed to be clicking into place for them towards the end of last season, but now ... what can you say.  It's easy to say they have poor ownership.  How do you fix it though ?

  7. Sure, like the points they have gotten us last year when they get raped in the EL group stages? When they got 0 victories 2 draw and 4 losses????

    We still in the CL so those points we need? HAHAHAHA ase mas re exeis complex me t marinaki kai esy. I was speaking in general for small teams like Asteras and PAOK. We will be in the CL for the enxt 5 years aswell.


    Do you have rocks in your head ?  Are you expecting PAO with 1/6 the budget of Olympiakos to be dominating Europe ?


    Open your eyes and have a look at the state of Greek football teams :-

    1/ PAO - 2nd biggest club in Greece.  Finances are what, say 1/3 or 1/4 of what they used to be.  Unable to compete at the level they are used to.

    2/ AEK - 3rd biggest club in Greece.  Relegated to Division 3 due to serious financial issues.

    3/ PAOK - 4th biggest club in Greece.  Able to pay wages on time for 3 years running.  Thank god for Savvidis.

    4/ Aris - 5th biggest club in Greece.  Where do you start ?

    5/ Iraklis - ...

    6/ OFI - .... you get the idea.


    What exactly are you expecting from these "super powers" ?  PAOK would probably have been relegated to Division 3 as well if Savvidis hadn't come in when he did.  The team was bleeding financially and letting players go left and right because they couldn't even afford wages.


    Having said that, PAO should have gotten to the Group Stages, but with the state of Greek football at the moment, nothing is a given.  The "trend" for Greece's co-efficient score is pointing down and probably will continue to do so for a while yet.


    "We" needed your points indeed ....

  8. Jairo!  Well, well, we have a front runner.  I'm expecting or rather hoping for Leovac to be a good signing.  That left flank is still a work in progress and we can't keep putting Kitsiou there indefinitely.  If Leovac can begin dominating on that side the way Konstantinidis/Kitsiou are on the right, it will also balance out the team a little more.


    pash, agree with you on Cimirot as well.  I'm expecting big things from him in the DM role.  Getting injured in the first game ... so unlucky.

  9. Wow!  Dortmund!  Klaus is gonna rip Sokratis a new one ... just kidding.  Having a look at the teams in pot 1, they were all quality, so I'm not that fussed by this draw.  I don't really know anything about the Russian team, and realistically they won't be easy.  As for Gabala, they showed PAO that if you sleep in defense, they can punish you.  We should be all right though because our defense is so rock solid ...


    Dortmund have, in my opinion, the best home ground in Europe ... after Toumba of course.  Their home ground is always packed and the atmosphere awesome.


    When are the fixtures decided ? 

  10. Realistically, Olympiakos should be aiming for 3rd spot in their CL Group.  Anything better would be a huge bonus.  Coming last vs Dinamo should be considered a failure.  3rd and into the EL knock out rounds would be a decent result ... in terms of co-efficient rating.

  11. Thanks PAO you are a disgrace for Greece you are useless worthless we needed your points now it seems always the same teams have to save Greece.


    We [Olympiakos/Marinakis] needed your points.


    Too bad so sad.  Poor Marinakis must be hyperventilating at the prospect of a play off game to get what used to be his guaranteed money.

  12. Here is the money breakdown:


    2.4 mil for making group stage

    1.2 mil for market pool  (Tripoli gets the other half)

    300K for a win

    150K for a tie

    600K for 1st place

    400K for 2nd place


    and any money that is made from ticket sales.


    What about TV rights/revenue ?  Or is that part of the market pool ?

  13. In terms of finances, Turkish clubs are one if not two levels above Greek clubs, with the possible exception of Olympiakos.  I mean Fenerbahce alone signed Van Persie and Nani.  That's a pretty big deal, even if you do consider the players past it.

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