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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Will be interesting to see how Antonis performs in the GSL.  Hopefully he gets a decent chance to show his worth.  He's definitely not in the mold of traditional Aussie players ie. physical but lacking in the technical department.  If anything he's the opposite.  transfermarket has him as a DM.  That's not right, is it ?

  2. I think he means the two Stochs were Noboa and Lucas.


    Fair enough.


    I forgot from the above list :-

    - Rodrigues, 24


    Also, you could count the following as new transfers :-

    - Pelkas, 21

    - Mystakidis, 20

    - Charisis, 20

    - Korovesis, 23


    Having said that, our squad size is getting kind of silly.  There will need to be a cull at some point soon.

  3. PAOK needs about 2 Stoch's. You had them but they left. Okey I wont start again but still. Stoch and another player with these new and unknown signing would be a good mix.

    Stoch will never get that salary somewhere else except if he goes to Dubai or something. If he wants to stay in Europe he will have to settle with less, and PAOK can pay him that.


    The Stoch you're referring to is not the Stoch I want.  He played when he felt like it, and felt PAOK was beneath him.  Which it probably was, so go elsewhere!  Not sure who the other Stoch you're referring to is.  Maybe Natcho ?  A superb player, much more professional than Stoch, but let's face it, he was never staying beyond his 6 month loan.


    As I've said earlier, when PAOK has revenue of ~15M and Olympiakos has revenue of ~80M, you can't compete by buying Stoch like players.  Olympiakos will always come out on top in that battle.  Players like Roberto, Mirallas, Campbell will never come to PAOK so we'll always be one step behind.


    However, if we buy young talent, then maybe, just maybe, we might make a team.  This season, for the first since I can ever remember, PAOK has done two things.  They have gotten young players, and secondly, they've actually payed for them.  In the past most of our transfer were free transfers.


    Our transfers so far :-

    - Cimirot, 22

    - Leovac, 27

    - Sabo, 23

    - Olsen, 25

    - Jairo, 23

    - Antonis, 21

    - Malezas, 30 (which is all right for a CB)


    I believe if we stick to this model we will do better in the long term.  Definitely the short cut methods of the last 3 years haven't worked out, and have left us with a disheveled squad that needs rebuilding from the ground up.

  4. I should add regarding Stoch, wages aside, I think if he came willingly to the club that he would do really well.  When he came on loan, he knew he was there just for a short time and he also knew he was one of the better players in the league which meant he kind of slacked off.  With the addition of more attacking players in the squad he won't be guaranteed a starting position if his level drops off.  If he could stay motivated and deliver his A-game most weeks, I'm sure he'll be a very regular starter.

  5. I'd be happy to have in the squad, but he would have to take a massive wage drop.  His wages at Fenerbahce are astronomical by PAOK standards.


    From wikipedia, assuming it's correct ...


    Fenerbah?e gave Stoch a two-year contract extension in 2012. Stoch is contracted to the club until 2015?16, making ?1.75 million and ?15000 per match in 2012?13. He will earn ?1.75 million in addition to ?16000 per game in 2013?14, ?1.8 million plus ?16000 per match in 2014?15 and ?1.9 million as well as ?17000 per game in 2015?16.

  6. Assembling a bunch of young talented players who can grow and come through together is better then wasting millions on players like Stoch, Ninis etc who cant wait to leave the place.


    Exactamundo.  I want to start seeing a team, as opposed to a bunch of individuals.  And to do that, you need players that listen, are willing to learn and willing to adapt.  Vendettas don't want that.

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  7. Doxa, all the players you mentioned fall into one of two categories.  Sincere but injury plagued and generally past it, or vendettas that play when they have kefia.  Players like Stoch I don't want near the club.  I would hate to play with a guy like that on the field, where you don't know what you'll get from week to week.


    PAOK has tried the "bam signings" model ad nauseam over the last 3 seasons.  It doesn't work.  I'm over it.  Seeing over payed kreata that can't or won't play.  If the situation was reversed with Olympiakos, and our budget was 4x every other clubs budget, yes, it would work.  But as it is, it won't.  You guys keep asking for "bam" signings.  They don't exist.


    I'm happy for the moment to try something different.  If Arnesen's approach fails, well, I'll worry about that later.  How long should I wait before judging him ?  If the team fails, is it his fault or the players fault, or the managers fault, or the referees fault, or Marinakis fault ?

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  8. In my honest and humble opinion PAOK has assembled a team that is more akin to Xanthi or Panetolikos with these signings..


    Sabo,Jairo, Cimirot, Antonis, Rodriguez, Pelkas(back from loan spell)


    Ever the optimist.  With all your knowledge of matters football, I will recommend that Arnesen consult with you before making any transfers.

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  9. Well, this transfer period started off really slowly for us, but it's ramped up in the last week.  Overall, I'm happy with our transfers ... even though we're yet to see any of them play except for Olsen.  My only criticism of Arnesen, if you could call it that, was his claim that he would be looking for "top shelf" players.  I don't think this was ever realistic.  A top shelf player isn't coming to PAOK.  Maybe one day, but not today.


    As for his other criteria for player transfers, that they be young and hungry, the transfers are consistent with that.  I've said before on this forum that we are better off getting young players for whom coming to PAOK is a big deal, a promotion or step up in a sense.  They have everything to prove.  Older proven players from better leagues is nice in theory, but as we've seen it's far from guaranteed that they will perform and it's a step down for them.  Maybe the drive just isn't there to succeed.  I'm not saying it can't work, but in general, most of our transfers should be players at a good age with hunger to succeed.


    Olsen has started off shaky but let's give him some time and we'll see what he's capable of.  As for the rest, I am hopeful they will help add some depth to the team and especially the midfield.  It will be good if we can also sign Cimirot for depth (in addition to Sabo).  A trio of Kace, Sabo and Cimirot in the middle has a lot of run.  We still haven't made any great signings at CB or ST but the transfer period isn't over yet so let's see what happens.

    • Like it 2
  10. what do you guys see as PAOKs best 11?


    Ha!  Let you know in a few months.  With so many new faces it's too difficult to tell.  Who could have predicted even Pelkas and Mystakidis ?  Or that Pereyra and Rats wouldn't be in the team.


    Jairo and Rodrigues are an unknown quantity right now.  Sabo we know from our games just now, and I see him in the 11.  Leovac also in the 11 at LB.  Everyone else for the moment is an unknown quantity.


    The back line is still suspect.  It will be interesting to see how and if it improves with Malezas.


    End of the day, the team is still a work in progress and as long as they're improving I am ok with that.  So long as I don't here vlakies about winning the protathlima I'm ok with being patient with Arnesen and Tudor, and making an assessment in a few months.

  11. There is no doubt whatsoever Tudor and Arnesen will take this game ultra seriously. I am sure they realise they will get stacks of criticism for not making the group stages. However, their eagerness to trim the squad was a bit too aggressive for my liking. They should have held onto Lucas for another 2 weeks at the very least.

  12. Rockafeller Skank,

    I agree with what your saying, Oly definitely needs some work in the defence. You guys definetly need to get rid of players like dossevi and Durmaz but Benitez is a keeper IMO and an excellent young player. Right now with AEK and PAO rising Oly definetly needs to start signing or they'll finish 3rd or even 4th if Tudor does well with PAOK.

    PAO, AEK and PAOK are all a work in progress, and that's being generous. Olympiakos to win, and comfortably too.

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  13. Well, the team is in rebuild mode at the moment. So many players that were starters last season are gone. Tudor could have played it safe but he's chosen not to. I'm not saying I agree with his policy, it is high risk, but I don't disagree either. Lance that boil!

    In effect, his attitude is, if you're not good enough, it's time to go (Maartens), if you're too old I prefer youth (Rats), if you don't want to be at the club, you can go (Noboa, Lucas, Pereyra).

    I can accept not qualifying for the group stage, or having a mediocre Europe League campaign, if it means a foundation is laid for the following season. Still, I'll be pissed if we lose to Brondby. :)

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