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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. I'm not sure how true this is, but according to sportdog Tudor is less than impressed with Salpingidis and Skondras.


    I hope it's true regarding Salpi but not so regarding Skondras.  Skondras wasn't really rated by Stevens, who preferred Kitsiou and I thought he was done for.  With the Angel managing last year, Skondras was the preferred option.  He had an overall consistent season and also showed versatility as he played CB on quite a few occasions and even LB.  I'd say he was in our best 3 players last season, and our best defender.


    If there is any truth to this, it could be that Tudor is looking for more "technical" players as opposed to traditional rugged defenders.  I still think there is a place in the squad for Skondras regardless.

  2. If Fiorentina are serious about getting Kace, I don't see how we can hold on to him.  It would be a real shame as he's literally the first name I would pen into my 11 each week.  I hope the rumors are just that.  The ideal scenario is we keep him for another season at the very least.  If we must sell him, I'd want 5M+, and even then I'd sell him grudgingly.

  3. Whether the 11 is weak or not on paper doesn't concern me.  What PAOK requires is to learn to play properly.  Stop this bam boom random play where players can't even control a ball and we can't string together 5 passes without a turnover.  Stop the 35 crosses from Rats to no where and Klaus playing on the wing.  Learn first of all where to stand in relation to where the ball is.  If the "strong" 11 on paper can't or won't do this, get rid of them and replace them will players that can take instructions.


    There is a difference between calling a player a clown on a football forum - something that happens hourly lol and calling a fellow member a clown. You may disagree with Red Sheriff, but that is where it should end. 


    Surprise surprise.  Reaper with his big stick ready to pounce.  Do me a favor, point your stick elsewhere.


    Doxa, the players you mentioned Maduro, Noboa, Stoch, Maartens all had one think in common.  They never performed consistenly to their potential.  Yes, they all have pedigree but they were either injured, unfit or vendettas.  Stoch played when he felt like it and was never going to stay at the club past the loan period.  I get what you're saying but I still believe PAOK isn't an attractive enough proposition currently, to attract the players required.


    Between 3 more years of this experiment and trying the youth route (with a sprinkling of decent signings) I'd rather we go the youth route right now.  It's not like we're serious title contenders anyway, so I'd rather we're in the position in 2 or 3 seasons where Charisis, Mystakydis and hopefully a couple more are stable squad players.  Kind of like what PAO have done in a way.  I don't see any other way.  Savvidis has money.  Enough to have made the club pay it's way, but not enough to buy a title.  He doesn't have a spare 25 million sitting around.  And it could take more than that to try buy a title, let alone the arms race it would create as phat boy slim heroin dealer (oops) wouldn't just sit there and not make transfers himself.


    As for Stevens, he started off great but had a meltdown in the second half of the season and just wanted to leave the team.  His heart wasn't in it and you could tell that from his actions.


    Klaus right now I don't think is our best player.  I think it's Kace and by a fair margin.


    To the other supporters that love bagging out PAOK players, can we try and be reasonable and maybe wait a few months before judging the new goalkeeper ?  If he's even a little better than Glykos then he's been a worthwhile investment since he only cost 500K.  Oh, my bad.  I asked you guys to be reasonable.  What were you expecting ?  Maybe we'd sign a superstar keeper twice as good as Roberto for half the money.  Or maybe we can get a Campbell, or a Mirallas or a Weiss.  Don't think so.

  5. They spend 600k on a position that was the least worse of all. Itandje and Glykos were decent players.

    You need 6 other players on other positions, you didnt need a swdish keeper.


    We did need a keeper for depth from the moment Itandje was let go.  As to why he was let go, I can't say.  But ass clown C division Glykos isn't enough on his own.


    As to needing 6 other players, I don't agree.  I think we need around 10.  I'm not kidding.  But realistically PAOK can't get the caliber of players required to challenge for the title, not right away anyway.  The best we can hope for is players from leagues lower than Greece and some youth as well.  Hopefully in 2 or 3 seasons we can have some sort of a base to build on.


    This season I'm looking forward to seeing how Pelkas, Charisis, Koulouris, Mystakidis, Savvidis etc. come along.  If only 2 of them end up being solid squad players I'll be well pleased.


    And we build from there ...

  6. you just confirmed you made no signings apart from the keeper to replace a Gamma ethniki clown...


    Au contraire, nothing of the sort was confirmed.


    You said no signings have been made, when in fact one has been made for the squad, one for the manager, 3 players let go and 1 sold.


    If it's good enough for you to call Glykos a clown (and it's been constant), then it's good enough for me to call you a clown.

  7. The most noticeable thing for me was how comfortable the south players were on the ball playing inside a stadium on a good surface, I went and watched this same team and players on Saturday night in a little suburban ground where the wind was insane, I kid you not the south players could not hit a pass or control the ball for 90 minutes, we shouldn't take for granted the advantages that top flight clubs have as they too would struggle with the winter elements in suburbia.


    Couldn't agree more about the quality of the pitch affecting the general standard.  It makes a huge difference.

  8. Lucas definitely our man of the match, but honorable mentions for me go to Kace, Kitsiou, and most especially Costa.


    Savvidis and Mistakidis were both excellent subs as well - I expected Mistakidis to do well, but Savvidis turned in a particularly strong performance. Skondras is the man, even playing out of position.


    Tzavellas very inconsistent for me. Tziolis came off slightly better, but it might be because his extreme lack of mobility cut off any opportunity for real disappointment.


    I don't see Tzavellas or Tziolis in the squad next season.  I think their time will come to an end once we can find adequate replacements.  Savvidis has still got a way to go but hopefully with some good management he can become a player.


    We are going to sorely miss Lucas.  He is two levels above any player we have right now.  The whole situation has me schizophrenic.  I was so hoping he would play for us this year.  Have we offered him a serious wage increase ?  He deserves it.  On the one hand I think f--k him, make him play with the U20's for the year, then you cool down and think let's at least get some money for him.  It's a real shame if he goes.

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  9. so smart...that they have made zero signings


    Now now.  No need to be so negative.


    He has hired a new manager.


    He has hired a GK in Olsen.  It means Glykos won't play which should make you happy.


    Released 3 players he considers dead wood (in his opinion) in Rats, Golasa and Maartens.  Rats kind of surprised me as he was far from the worst player last season.  Maybe it was based purely on age and wage.  Golasa likewise surprised me.  He didn't set the world on fire but he's young and wasn't on a big wage.  Maybe he's an anti-semite ?  As for Maartens, well it was just time to go so you can't argue with that one.


    Sold Noboa.  Yes he's a very decent player but like Lucas doesn't want to be at the club.  The fact that we're getting any money at all is a bonus.  Just freeing up his wage is good enough.


    The transfer period ends at the end of August so there is still time.  Right now, quality players are holding on for better offers so again, we have to reasonable in what he can do.

  10. PAOK spends a lot of money on wrong players since Savvides came. Expensive loans etc...

    Arnesen is a disaster for evry team. He destroys every team he worked for last couple of years. HSV one of the richest clubs in Europe look what became of them with his transferpolicy. Can't believe you signed him.


    It could be concluded that PAOK spent a lot of money because we didn't have someone like Arnesen who seems to be a bit more fussy about his signings.  Having said that, it's still early days for Arnesen and I can't judge him based on his 6 weeks in the role.  Add to that the fact the PAOK doesn't have CL football and the crisis in Greece, it musn't be easy to get quality signings.  We have to be reasonable ...


    He was at Chelsea for 5 years so I wouldn't exactly say he destroyed them.  HSV I'm not sure what happened, but it's food for thought.  Something to look into.


    He can't be worse than Vryzas, can he ? ;)  Time will tell.

  11. I agree, but it has proven in the previous game that with the players we have we can't really get the most out of it. Playing Tzavellas and Kitsiou on the left did not really work out well. Hope we play better, although I think tomorrow the bigger issue will be who will score for us.


    See, the thing is, even though it's been reported as 3-5-2, I saw it more as a 5-3-2.  The reasoning being that since we have such porous defense, and Tudor being a defender (in Italy, the land of D-E-F-E-N-S-E), that he wanted to get this sorted out first.  I didn't really see it as 3 at the back.  More like 5.  Or rather, 3 in the CB to make up for the fact that 2 CB's kept leaking goals.


    But, I could be wrong, and like anything, it all depends what the other players are instructed, and how they implement it.


    We shall see.


    @ pontos, genius :)

  12. I actually don't mind it Blackhawk.  Or I should say, I'm happy to try it for a while.  Our normal 4-2-3-1 wasn't exactly uber successful and we were leaking goals like crazy.


    The system in and of itself means nothing.  How attacking or defensive it is depends on the midfield.  If the 2 wingbacks and the 3 in the middle play close to the defensive line, then it's a defensive system.  If they are instructed to generally not track back, then it's attacking.  Like any system, it's fluid and it all depends what happens in the game.


    It's like when I see line ups of teams when they play say Barcelona or Man Utd.  And the opposition are 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1, but once the game starts, the opposition are more like 4-6-0 with 4 in the backline standing at the "D" of their box, and the other 6 players 3 metres in front of them.

  13. Agree about the airport Gyros.  As long as it's done right.  Not privatizing it and leaving it in the state is in hasn't exactly been a success story.  In fact, it's a disgrace.


    All I'm hoping for is it's not sold off at a fire sale price with dodgy agreements where subsidies and/or cut price taxes are part of the package.  Just sell it at a fair market price and tax fairly.

  14. To be fair, it's not like Greece went up to Slovakia and said "can you please give me some money to support my lifestyle". It was the EU that pressured them to do this. Honestly, why the hell the EU would even ask a country like Slovakia for money to help Greece, shows what a mess of an organisation they are.

    The average citizen of Slovakia probably has the "right" now to be angry at Greece, and to enjoy the bashing Greece has been getting.

    And that's how politics works my friends.

  15. Bananas,is that a reference to an AD&D computer game in your signature? I've been trying to work out for days where I know it from?

    Sure is. It's Minsc from Baldur's Gate. I got inspired because a new game in the series has been announced ... after 15 years. Baldur's Gate 2 was released in 2000 and this new expansion is meant to be set in between the two, in terms of chronology. So it's a midquel ?!

    I've posted a youtube link/video on the announcement in the Video Games thread. Getting my geek s--t on ...

    You must gather your party before venturing forth ...

  16. @js1000



    i think it is a very simplistic view to think that this is a German plan for 'land grab' and 'asset grab'.....



    I don't know if it's a German asset grab.  But it's definitely an asset grab.  I imagine overseas entities will only be interested in assets that are cheap or very profitable, which is only logical.  As to the composition of the fund, no details have been provided yet.


    It's also political point scoring from Schauble, who is seen in Germany as the tough German teaching those Greeks a lesson.  This has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility or about getting Greece out of the hole.

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  17. pash, Cambiasso actually had a great season in the EPL.  He was inspiring.  Having said that, I don't want him to come to PAOK.  Also, regarding Lucas, if that was the case, why did he pay his fine ?


    pontos, looks like the deal is now not so close ... according to sport24.gr anyway.

  18. Blackhawk, in my mind the whole problem with the team is you can't trust any of them to perform on any given day.  Our players are so up and down.


    I would say the only player you know what you're going to get is Kace.  That's it.  You know that say 8 or 9 out of 10 games, he'll perform at a given standard.  All the rest, and I mean all the rest, you don't know what you're going to get.  Some are obviously better than others in terms of their consistency, but honestly, it feels like a roll of the dice a lot of the time.


    Will Lucas play if selected ?  Hold on, let me roll some dice and I'll give you an answer .... ;)

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  19. jvc, right now it doesn't matter what "reforms" Greece implements.  The gig is up.  The issue is a macro one, not micro.


    What the EU (Germany) did by convincing the ECB to withdraw funding to Greek banks should be an eye opener to everyone that reads this thread.  Apart from the fact the it was morally despicable, it's just not how a monetary union works.  Such a thing would never happen in say the US.  The US government doesn't just withdraw all funding to California or Detroit because they are having serious problems.  The EU (Germany) want it to be an economic entity but without fiscal transfers.  I get that they find this morally reprehensible.  But if that's the case, you can't have an EU that can work.  Not in the long run anyway.  Just have a look at Europe now.  It's a mess.


    Austerity is always contractionary.  Always.  This is macro economic 101.  And what the EU has gotten Greece to agree to is austerity on steroids.  It will only make things worse.  There isn't a chance in hell the Greek economy will improve by any reasonable margin.  And then Germany will blame it on not having open markets or some such silliness.  These are problems no doubt, but in and of themselves are not the core of the problem.


    I'm beginning to think maybe Germany made the terms so onerous so that Greece could only but fail.  And then they can have us removed ... with moral authority on their behalf.  Wouldn't that be ironic.


    Reforms, reforms, reforms.  I'm afraid in this case, reforms of any kind won't help Greece get out of the hole.  Only growth can do that, but that was flatly rejected by the EU when it was presented to them as an alternative by Varoufakis.  I wonder why ??  Either they didn't want it work, or they don't understand macro economics.  Either way, this is not an entity I want running Greece.  Unfortunately, it's going to take more years of pain for the average greek citizen to realise the EU isn't the saviour they all thought it would be.

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