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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. Lefkaditis, those days are not gone completely.  When South Springvale Aris played in the Dockerty Cup Final last year, the Croatian supporters were back to their old best.


    They took a large banner from a bunch of 13 year old kids and even pushed and shoved some of them.  These Croatian supporters were a few years older and did it in front of their parents who didn't stop it.  When some of our adult fans went over to ask for it back, they denied it, and it almost came to blows.  In the end our parents decided to let it go, otherwise who knows what would've happened.  For the rest of the game they heckled and were making threatening gestures.  That is your NSL of old guys, and it's still around.  There is nothing to deny, it's just a fact.  Doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I don't want my wife or son seeing it.


    Admittedly, SMH and Heidelberg were never like that.  To be fair, the Croatians are by far the most worst (what is wrong with them?) and the Skops the dumbest.


    But, here is the thing, the people that run the A-League don't distinguish between who is ok or who is not.  They lump all of the old NSL teams in the same boat.


    N.B.  After the game the "theft" of the banner was reported to the police and it was returned a few days later.

  2. Either way Varoufakis is running from camera to camera to newspaper to do interviews left and right.  This guy knows how to market himself.  People are still blinded by him but a lot of people are coming around to realize how destructive this guy was to Greece this year and his only goal is to sell books and go on the lecture circuit.  He's a poverty pimp.


    You actually made me lol. :)

  3. The one good thing about this season is the "clean out".  The logic (and I'm guessing) seems to be to get rid of players that don't want to be there and/or are not part of the long term plan.


    In terms of wages saved, so far we have Noboa 1M, Lucas 380K, Maartens 700K.  That's 2.1M there.  Still to come, Rats 600K, Golasa  260K, Pereyra 300K.  That's 1.16M there.  The two combined is 3.2M ... not including tax.  Hopefully the savings from this is put to good use.  Plus we actually got 1.5M for Noboa and 2M for Lucas (minus Karpatys cut).


    Having said that, we need to find replacements for the above and still have a way to go with our transfers.  And I'm relieved we didn't sign Rudnevs.  It never felt right and it was Maartens 2.0 in the making.


    Any idea if we got a sell-on percentage clause with Lucas ?

  4. Well she did come to Salonica with him to check things out. It appears that something scared her away. I guess she did not want her significant other to indulge in the nightlife like some others (Noboa, etc.) for six months and then having to move on to other things.


    They probably got a ride with a taxi driver who took them via Dendropotamos ....

  5. Yeah, I should have explained myself better.  I still see a place for Salpi in the squad.  But never as a starter.  If you need a goal and want to throw another body forward, or even just to defend a lead, he still has a place.  And I suppose he'd good for squad morale as well.  Making him captain was a mistake as well as it implies he's a starter.

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  6. The problem with Drachma 2.0 as Tantra has pointed out, is what you do on day zero.  Because I can tell you, no one will want to trade in it initially.  Any suppliers overseas will insist on Euros or US dollars.  You can try and tell them "but this paper is good", and they will promptly tell you where you can put those new Drachmas.


    In time, probably 12 months or so, overseas suppliers would get used to it, but initially, it would be as useful for trade as a bunch of rocks.


    So how to overcome this ??  The only way is to have a "buffer" of Euros and US dollars already in reserve.  The problem is how to build it up.  We can't.  We would need the buffer given to Greece to help it get through the first 12 months or so.  You would also need controls on all currency coming into the country, until the rest of the world begins to get used to Drachma 2.0 and realise it's not the end of the world.


    The only practical control I can think of is tapping the tourist market for their currency.  So, a tourist comes into Greece and they have say $2,500 US dollars, or British Pounds or Euros or whatever.  You'd need to make it illegal for them to use that as currency in Greece, and they would have to exchange it at that point for the equivalent in drachmas.  15 million tourists in the country should get you a few tens of billions in hard currency.


    But again, coordinating something like this, is not easy.  And if it's not done right, and zero day would become dooms-day.

  7. Salpi is a legend, for obvious reasons.  And he should no longer be in the team, for obvious reasons.  What's odd about Salpi is how he even got to be a forward in the first place.  Technically, he's never been gifted.  If I had a young Salpi, I'd have him in the middle of the park all day clocking up those miles, and taking advantage of his best attribute, his tenacity.


    Fetfatzidis better get his head out of his arse soon because he doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the NT.  I don't care how technically brilliant he is with the ball at his feet.  I know plenty of guys like that down at the local park who still have a semblance of "the skills" but could never make it past a certain level.  The "kid" has basically warmed benches most of his career and now he's in nowhere land.


    If we include players like him in the NT, lord help us.


    * The above is just my opinion.

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  8. Lefkaditis, I remember them as Fitzroy United Alexander, but that was just before my time.  I don't know the political ins and outs of how the club was formed back in the day, or who ran it, but I never recall anything but the club being Greek.  As you said, I never recall anyone not speaking Greek at the ground.


    I think when it comes down to it, a lot of Greeks from Northern Greece supported the club.  I used to go to the games at Olympic Park, and there would be 10+ car loads of us.  Good days.  Once Heidelberg went to Olympic Village, it never felt the same.  Always hated that ground.  Just terrible.


    +1 to the rivalry between Heidelberg and Preston.  That was over the top.


    As for Oakleigh, to compare them to SMH is just ridiculous.  Oakleigh have a decent history as far as the VPL is concerned, but that's where it ends.


    I was at the FFA Cup game recently of South Springvale (my local team) vs Oakleigh, and it was the best crowd I had seen for years.  Probably 800 to 1000 fans if I had to guess.  The ground had fans all the way around on all sides, and was 3 deep on the main side.  I was impressed as it was a freezing night.  Oakleigh won 2-1 but here's the funny thing.  When they scored their goal, I am not kidding you ... you could hear a pin drop.  No cheering at all!  They had (if I had to guess) maybe 50 fans.  And that's being generous.  When they scored you'd think some one had died.  It was kind of eery or embarrassing depending on how you look at it.

  9. I think Varoufakis "problem" is that he genuinely believes in the idea of the EU.  Run properly and fairly, the whole would be greater than the sum of the parts.  And I think what he's trying to push for is for the powers that be that have influence in the EU, to see this.  Unfortunately, they didn't like what he had to say and prefer to bury their heads in the sand.


    The idea of having a common currency in it's current form is almost farcical.  The EU has been warned since the Euro came into existence that it can't work without fiscal transfers.  That's how a currency works.  The "government" collects the money via taxes and distribute with the idea of keeping things as balanced as possible.  You never get perfect equilibrium, but the idea is to keep things as balanced as possible.  If you didn't have fiscal transfers for example in the US, UK or Australia, certain states would see their standard of living drop quickly.


    In the EU, the concept of fiscal transfers is anathema.  Instead, they want loans.  Try doing that in the US, UK or Australia on a per state level and watch the mayhem that occurs.  And it can't be a one shot fiscal transfer either.  Some posters will be thinking to themselves, "but the EU has given money to Greece".  Yes they did, but this is an on-going process.  It doesn't stop.


    If you don't have fiscal transfers, you get ... what we see today.  Countries on their knees with 25% unemployment, 50% youth unemployment.


    If the citizens and countries that make up the EU don't want to do this, if they find the idea ridiculous, then don't have a common currency.


    I'm actually pro common currency in theory, assuming it was run properly.  But I don't believe it ever will be.  So my preferred option is that somehow, in the least painful way possible, however that is, the whole thing gets dismantled.  Or at the very least, Greece reverts to its own currency.


    The EU still have the stomach for the moment to support Greece for this 3rd bail out but will they have the stomach for a 4th ?

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  10. Varoufakis needs to just shut up and move on.  He is only making the situation worse but he is an attention whore.  The guy knows nothing about running an economy or how real life works but he thinks he's god's greatest gift because he is a teacher.  Typical college professor.  They know the theory but they have zero experience in practice.  Life isn't run through a text book unfortunately.


    Well, there's a stack, and I mean lots of economists around the world who agree with what he is saying.


    Essentially, his message is "stop the extend and pretend game", but Schauble doesn't want that, so that game continues.


    In trying to decide who is more knowledgeable, you or Varoufakis, I'm leaning slightly towards him.  The fact that the ECB strangled Greece (which maybe gave you joy), while he was Fin-Min doesn't nullify his views.  It only shows what lengths the EU project is willing to go to.


    Do you get your views purely from reading ekathimerini.com ?


    I await your retort which usually involves something about reforms, greeks being lazy, untrustworthy, thieves etc.

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  11. I prefer we go for players "on the up" like Leovac.  He's a good age, and more importantly going to Greece is an upgrade.  He'll get better money and it's overall a "promotion" for him.  He has every reason to be hungry and motivated ... as Arnesen said.


    Some of these other players we are linked with, let's face it, for them coming to PAOK is a downgrade and they are not "on the up" in their career.  So, their motivation is a concern.  Having said that, not all such players fail, but it is a concern.  On the plus side, both Rodrigues and Rudnevs are at a good age.


    The last thing we need is more players like Hoesen and Necid.

  12. I would sell that alvanos for 4 euro, for 4 mil euro I would bring him to Italy on my bike.


    If I was confident PAOK could produce players of his ilk regularly, I wouldn't be so fussed about the sale.  The kid is 21 and has been a regular starter for 3 seasons now.  He's not a prospect anymore.  He's made it.  He's a first team regular.  He's not one of these "kids" who is 24 and we are still waiting for them to produce.


    If he does get sold, hopefully the money is used wisely and not on patates that are over the hill and over paid.  Players like Maartens, Maduro etc, should be embarrassed that this kid gets paid 1/5 or 1/4 of their wage.

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  13. Regarding Kace, the ironic thing is his wage is probably the lowest out of the squad, excluding maybe a couple of players like Koulouris, Pozoglou etc. who are not 10% the player he is.


    Considering his worth to the team in terms of his ability, and what other players are paid, how much do you think Kace should be paid ?  I'm thinking 300K with a buy out for 7.5M.

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