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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. One more thing to add....If you can invest only 2 million dollars for summer transfers, and go on to make the CL,

    or past the group stages of EUROPA....Everyone would be doing it, its going to take at least 30 million dollars for new players, and 5 to 10 million for transfers every year, until then we're B leaguers....Look how cheap this league has become....Disgusting to only have one true team in your country....On every level Greece continues to disappoint!!!


    I think unfortunately, that is the case.

  2. Agree paokarag4, there's some tricky teams in pot 3.  Overall, I'm ecstatic we even got to the Group Stages.  A few months ago, we were a shambles and the team's morale was as low as I had seen it in many years.  I had serious doubts we wouldn't make it the Group Stages.  It's been an ordeal, but we made it.

  3. Is it true they are really trying to renegotiate Costa's contract ?  Amateur hour.  Just let it be, or get rid of the player.  I've never heard of something like this, except if a club (and PAOK were specialists at it) is in financial trouble.  Is Costa worth it ?  Probably not.  But that's the deal that was made and you shouldn't just try and renege on it.  What sort of a precedent does this set ?  If you try and sign an expensive player one day, will he look at this and wonder if it's worth the trouble.


    As far as priorities go, PAOK should be concentrating on giving Kace a new contract with a higher release clause.  I'm still god damn amazed we haven't extended his contract.

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  4. I'd almost rather we stick with what we have rather than sign a player for the sake of it.  The reason being that it will force Tudor to play the players we have, so we can truly see what they can offer.  Hypothetically, if we had a lot of strikers, do you think we would have got to see Lucas or Mak play up front ?  And yet, seeing them play there was an eye opener.  Likewise with Pelkas.  If Pereyra hadn't acted like an idiot, maybe Pelkas would not have gotten the opportunity to show what he can do.  It's food for thought.

  5. Agree, all of those players can play the role if required. It will be interesting to see how all the new signings develop as the year progresses. We need more than anything to find a way to unlock stubborn opposition who defend deep. I'm liking that the squad is young and full of potential.

  6. We are still lacking in the number 10 position. Only really have Pelkas there. So if Pereyra wasn't an idiot, he probably would have played on the weekend just behind the striker.

    What do you guys make of these Toivonen rumours ? Do you think he's the real deal ? I've had my fill of "quality" loan players and players that used to be good (Maartens, Maduro etc) that can't do it anymore.

  7. I don't buy the Olympiakos rumours. Pereyra and his manager must know that we would never sell him to Olympiakos. Maybe before Savvidis when we couldn't even afford wages, but it's not like that anymore. PAO realistically would be a side grade for him, but again that isn't going to happen.

    I suppose it's possible his manager encouraged him to behave like this to force a transfer, but that only makes sense if he wanted to play outside Greece. Seeing as no team has made a formal enquiry (as far as I know) I think it's purely a case of he cracked the sads when he got fined at the training session. He then dug his heels in, and the rest is history. I'm sure if he could go back and undo the incident, he would.

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  8. I never get a normal answer in the PAo section so I will ask you guys, why would Pereyra not want to play at PAOK but would say yes to PAO? Doesnt make sense..

    Because he wants to play at any club he can right now. And PAO from his perspective isn't a bad option at all. Unfortunately, he got on the wrong side of Tudor when he came late to one of the first training sessions and was fined. The amount was minor, but he refused to apologise and pay the fine. And now, it's too late to fix it. Even if he wants to play for PAOK, Tudor has stated he doesn't want him. Even if Tudor changed his mind, and said he can come back, he'll look like a tool for accepting a player back that has been belligerent for over month now. The situation is as they say, untenable.

    Regardless, I'll be surprised if PAOK let him go to PAO.

  9. Nope didn't see it 'bounce' off his biceps. 


    You stated who puts out there arms to control a ball on their chest. The answer is the majority of footballers. If you watch football - a sample size of over 3 games a year - it is not a strange thing to see.


    Well, I don't know what to tell you then.  I'm going to make an appointment with an optometrist tomorrow.  Better nip this in the bud.  Can't have my eye sight going on me.  I need it to read quality posts on this forum.


    And for the record, I watch 4 games a year, not 3.  Sheez!

  10. Most footballers in the world who play football where there is gravity:



    A sample size of 3 from the brains trust, all irrelevant.  Because in those 3 pics, the players actually chest the ball with technique, and critically, the ball hits the chest.  As for Durmaz, the ball hit parts of his body, but the chest was not one of them.  Have you no eyes to see with ?  The ball smacks him in the face, then comes off his biceps.


    You should write a thesis, "How to chest the ball - By Reaper the Moderator".  Step 1, use face to control ball ...

  11. .

    Im first generation in my family lol. My dad came here in the 80s when he was my age and my mom came a little bit before that. The only thing I hate about being born here are those a**hole old Greeks that tease me calling me "Americanaki" that pisses me off because they are trying to be disrespectful when they tell me that.


    Skase Amerikanaki me tin grinia sou!

  12. Bananas we must all have eye sight issues then except Oly fans


    The thing that is really really really stupid with Olympiakos is that they don't need help from the referees.  They would probably win the league even if referee decisions went say 40-60 against them.  They don't need to do this crap.  They sully their own name.


    Marinakis wants his cake and to eat it too.  I just realised that's pretty funny, lol.  It's like he can't handle the pressure of winning the league on fair terms, which I believe they would do anyway.  It's just that it seems he wants to win it comfortably, because his heart can't take the pressure of not winning the league with 6 rounds to go.  Too many bougatses will do that.


    Has their been any admission of a mistake from the referee ?  That would at least be fair of him to admit an error was made.  I could accept it.  Then again, he did have a great unobstructed view.

  13. PAOK is not a good team this year and I think they will battle Atromitos for the 5th spot most of the year.


    PAOK is an unknown quantity this year and are rebuilding.  The starters in the 11 this week that also played last season were Tzevallas, Vitor, Costa and Mak.  Everyone else is either a new transfer or a kid come back from loan.  Having said that, I expect PAOK to be completely out of the title race by around round 10, if not earlier.  They still have much work to do to integrate all these new signings.

  14. Just saw the 1st goal.  100% hand ball.  What makes it silly is that the referee had a superb view of it.  Who chests a ball with their arms pointing forwards like that ?  Like he's trying to trap the ball.  It's football, not basketball.  What makes this even more farcical, is that the ball hits his left arm first, then his chest, then his other arm.


    Arxisame me tis m*****es.

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  15. What's the story behind most Greek Americans? My knowledge is they settled some time before the immigration of most Greeks in Aus in the 60's, or am I wrong?


    But ... but ... Australia does not exist.

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  16. From what I read, Arnesen had a talk with Salpi last week and told him that him and Savvidis want him to stay on the team, but that his playing time will be very limited. Apparently Salpi still wants to compete and be a starter, instead of just sitting around collecting a paycheck, so it was decided that he leaves the team on friendly terms.


    It would have been nice if the split was planned better. After all he has been a very loyal player, who with limited technical skills managed to have a great football career at PAOK, Panathinaikos and the national team All through hard work and dedication. After all he is PAOK's third all time scorer, and the only PAOK player that won a scoring title in A Ethniki. Also he is the first Greek player that scored in the World Cup.


    Thank you for your services Dimitri.


    Thanks Blackhawk.  It would be nice if at some point a testimonial/charity match is organised.  If anyone deserves it, it's Salpi.

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  17. We don't really know what's going on behind the scenes, but this decision seems both stupid and disrespectful.  Maybe Salpi pushed for it because he wanted to be a starter, I don't really know.


    I get that Salpi is past his best, but is PAOK overflowing strikers ?  We have one striker, Klaus, and he hasn't been in form for 6 months.  Other than that, there is no one.  So what would it hurt to have Salpi in the squad as a backup option off the bench ?


    And you'd think that considering the loyalty he's had to the club, they could have the decency to axe him at the beginning of the season.  There is barely a week left until the transfer season ends.  Timing seems poor.

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