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Everything posted by Akritis_1944

  1. It looks like Pelkas might be the real deal. If he was Croatian he would have left mamma and baba and signed for an Italian team already. However that's too much pressure so let him develop properly but let's also not let him rot behind Tziolis, Kone, Lazaros and call him a talent at 23-25. By that point he either is the starting dekari for PAOK and the Ethniki or he will never be and we can have clowns like Katsouranis giving flippant interviews how the Ethniki is a select club and only players like him, Vyntra, Tziolis and Kara are worthy of being selected.
  2. Just bringing some reality back. Saudi is Gamma Ethniki.
  3. Ronaldo looks somber and reflective. Like he just finished a wank but after climaxing he now regrets it. Anyway, "No Team" suits Georgie.
  4. Great goal but just to bring some sanity back to the discussion I have to make it clear that Saudi Arabia is not GSL standard.
  5. An increase from what it was but it's clear he might be the real thing so stick a 10 million ritra on him.
  6. Pelkas showing everyone what a talent he is. The club should put a massive buyout clause in his contract. Kitsiou played well too.
  7. I don't care for Marinakis or his club but he knows what he's doing compared to what happening with you guys. You were the envy of Greece but now you're a side note. Asteras has been showing the league how to progress on a limited budget for the last 5 years. It's been a slow start this season but you can jump up and down at next June.
  8. Olympiakos I see had a penalty awarded against them yesterday. You ******still having that bet? I can't remember which topic this was originally in because you have turned every topic in to your bizarre conspiracy threads. Anyway, of course the penalty was against Platanias (Olympiakos Hania) and it was missed. Your ex boy Dinas. So which one of you ***** wins the bet?
  9. Yeah it's a big step backwards when you consider Tatos was once signed by Olympiakos and was selected for the Ethniki too. These guys clearly believe in the direction the new board has. Aris are historically a big club and if Iraklis can remain in the top division there will be 3 strong teams in Thessaloniki which means more derbies, better crowds and a stronger league.
  10. The rebuilding has started. Just signed Andreas Tatos, Raul Bravo, Dounis among others. Anastopoulos as coach. They'll be back soon and for the benefit of Greece.
  11. There was talk of Mexican clubs interested so in theory he can go to another league outside of Europe which will have different rules on transfers and windows.
  12. My post sounds outrageous but the facts are that as much as the GSL has stalled the last few years the Serie A is not what it was 10 years ago let alone 20 years ago. If I was an agent of Greek players I would absolutely try to move them on to the Serie A but that's because the GSL doesn't get the exposure of the Serie A. AC Milan, Juventus, Inter and Roma were levels better than Barca and Real, Man Utd, Bayern. Last season Roma copped 7 against Bayern. 20 years ago Olympiakos was eating 7 against Juventus. These days a poor PAOK is competing with Fiorentina and Udinese etc.
  13. Rajkovic has an attitude problem and has never lived up to the hype in his youth. No loss. I don't see other teams beating a path to him.
  14. Anyone but Anastasiadis or Karagounis or Tsanas. I want the new coach to be a foreigner and a brawler. I'd love to see him grab these pampered c*nts by the throat and swing grothies and seriously spit on these c*nts. There are people who are unemployed and starving in the country (aside from the misery that the desperate refugees are going through) and these "elite" apateones casually go about things like they haven't got a care in the world. I remember a few years ago we used to import Boulgares and Roumanes to our striptsadika and now nothing. NUTHIN!!! I'm so depressed!
  15. Original Sydney was ahead of PAOK calling for AEK to sign Berbatov. I assume there was no approach from AEK though.
  16. JVC the Italian league has fallen further than the Greek league. The Serie A used to be the top league in Europe for many years. These days there is little difference in standard with the GSL. Their clubs have far larger budgets and history so they can pickup the scraps that the top Spanish, German, French and English teams don't want. I'd go as far as saying the Portuguese league is better than the Italian.
  17. Tomorrow is the dead line for UEFA transfers of free agents. The next window is January 1 2016.
  18. I'm having my doubts that you guys really did sign Berbatov. Sure it sort of looks like him but there's something odd about his hair from what I remember. He seems to have more of it. Not as dramatic a transformation like Rooney but almost. Could he be an imposter? I bet those tattoos are drawn on too.
  19. Bwahahaha she sounds like a mourlokomio. Rudnevs is a dud. You got the best available player in the end.
  20. Lol! Panagoulias is an Aris legend but I'd like to think that the future coach has more in depth analysis and tactical abilities than shouting "kante soot". We saw what aimless shooting does in the last few matches. Instead of shooting the players should be walking the ball in the goals because their shooting is not up to professional standard.
  21. In 2008 I caught a train from Athens to visit Thessaloniki for the first time in my life. I have an interest in Ancient history and I've always wanted to visit the capital of Macedonia. I recall that the guy on the front desk of the hotel I was staying at was a Paoktzi. He gave me a map and circled Toumba and I decided to go on a walking tour of the city and take in the sights. It was mid-week and it was rather quiet around the stadium but there were other athletes (weight lifters and other sports) hanging around the ground. Toumba was impressive even though it looked a bit run down and I was only able to walk around the perimeter. I was surprised to see that Toumba, the Kaftanzogliou and Aris' Kleanthis Vikelidis are all a few kilometres apart. I walked between them easily. I visited Aris' store at their stadium but Paok's wasn't open. Iraklis' was I recall but I preferred to tour the actual stadium. It looked good. Renovated for the 2004 Olympics. There were a few athletic runners on the track and the goal posts were up. One of these days I will return and I'll make it a mission to see a match.
  22. Both Vydra and Tziolis appear to be thoroughly decent professionals. They don't cause trouble with their teammates or clubs BUT as they can't see for themselves that they are hurting and not helping the next coach needs the @rxidi@ to make the decision himself and cut them loose. Why are we holding on to the last vestiges of the past (that especially includes tactics)? We are probably the only nation on earth to want the corpse of Karagounis and Kats leading us out there. Ridiculous!!!! Pick Taxi, Karelis or Fountas or Fortounis and PLAY them continuously until they're either not good enough or there's someone better (as is the case with Tziolis and Vydra). Forget the players who are there now and are hindering us. Select a coach who's foreign and doesn't care for reputation and the opadika and has a history in man management. A young head kicker who doesn't put up with spoilt brats and calls these c*nts out. The rest will take care of itself.
  23. Just like the phoenix...we'll f***ing riiiiize again. Come on people, sing it with me!
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