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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2017 in all areas

  1. What does this have to do with anything? We live in the United States of America. Our values have always been fighting for human rights and freedoms. I know you won't like this but it's people like you that F***ed up this country! What's the word? Ah, yes. Deplorables. For those unsure about the word, Merriam-Webster defines deplorable in the following way: “Very bad in a way that causes shock, fear, or disgust: deserving to be deplored” and “deserving censure or contempt.” Synonyms for the word deplorable are: disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable and wretched. It's like looking yourself in the mirror, right?
    1 point
  2. Novasports highlights: http://inpaok.novasports.gr/VideoId/40446/
    1 point
  3. Ivic just said he considers this the "pio glykia niki" this year.
    1 point
  4. heroic display playing over an hour with 10 men. Fully deserved the win and how we didn't score at least 3 more is beyond me
    1 point
  5. I think you are right, Pashali. and Mystakidis has to sit out a game after his fourth yellow.
    1 point
  6. 2 fullbacks nearly combine for what should have been 0-2 and game over, matos just couldnt get a toe to it Hope all these missed chances dont bite us on the ass, we've played really well with 10
    1 point
  7. The ANT1 commentator absolutely hates Greek soccer, it's wonderful
    1 point
  8. Yellow to Shakhov. Ivic will need to make some changes, we cannot go down another man. On the plus side, we're still outplaying Panaitolikos.
    1 point
  9. Well at least this means we won't be any worse up front
    1 point
  10. Add to that pana just drew with Levadiakos, big chance for us to win and make serious ground.
    1 point
  11. Some funny comments on inpaok https://inpaok.com/335970/η-γαλατά-δεν-μπορεί-να-πληρώσει-τον-παο/ regarding Galatasaray not being able to make the first installment on February 1. Αν μας δωσουν την τραπεζουντα να το καθυστερησουμε ! Άει σιχτίρ, μεμέτια ... (by someone who has a Charles Bronson avatar, big respect on the avatar). Τους δίνουμε άλλο 1,5 και τους παίρνουμε Σνάιντερ. Γιατί όχι;
    1 point
  12. Skondras is going to play at Premiership-team Hamilton Academical. Pash, is that what they call Financial Fair Play? You play with the mind of a player, you leave his club with one good player less, you use a player you can not afford and than you ask if you can pay later. UEFA should ban this clubs that in fact have players for free.
    1 point
  13. You're right. Bad owner/management decisions brought a boatload of crappy and expensive players. But, at least Alafouzo has paid out of his pocket for those mistakes and some. Especially during difficult times, with the economy and the league producing no value. I'm not related, do not know, and have no financial benefit from Alafouzo whatsoever. However, PAO was going to the third division in the post Tzigger and Pateras (etc) eras under tremendous debt....and after months of no one willing to show up and rescue the team, and days before dropping to 3rd division, Alafouzos showed up and pumped in money, did whatever he could, got UEFA and Greek permits to go on, and made the team good enough to win a cup. He's been a bad decision maker but we have to remember where the team was before he showed up. He didn't destroy the club even though he hasn't elevated it either. I don't know about you guys, but I like the fact that PAO's history doesn't include the team playing in 3rd division. Now, debts that go back to the 2 previous regimes, need to be retired. Who is going to come up with another $10 mil? I will be the first to call Yannis and tell him to sell if anyone serious expresses interest. Maybe you know someone?
    1 point
  14. This has turned into the most ridiculous argument ever on these forums.. grading a player by FIFA rating??? I would be willing to bet there isn't a coach in the entire world that has or will ever look at video game ratings.
    1 point
  15. fifa ratings are based on mathematical algorithms on season performance. they're pretty damn accurate.
    1 point
  16. I am saying the entire 'investment landscape ' in Greece does not suit business people... greece is so far 'left' that the 'lao' and the entire social fiber of society is tainted that way.. i do not admire Russian or Turkish politicians or business people..Nor do i want Greece to use Turkey or Russia as blueprint for the future.. But if you look at Erdogan and Putin and the way they have power/influence/control/presence etc.....One can see how 'corrupt dirty wealthy business thugs can get into bed with these leaders and make lots of money.. Compare this to Tsipra who looks and sounds like a university student council activist... Remember we are ONLY discussing here why Turkish and Russian business thugs pour money into football....and in context where the money comes from... this was merely a response to a poster who claimed Turkey is a wealthy nation and greece is not...and that's why their big clubs spend big $$$$. My view is that Turkey is not a wealthy nation...but the super rich benefit by the system and pour dirty money into football.. There are social/Political and other restraints in Greece that does not allow the same to happen to the same level....Regardless if many think the 'Greek system only benefits a few families'...it's not at the same depth as Turkey/Russia.
    1 point
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