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Successful year?


How successful was this year?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. How successful was this year?

    • [*]Very Successful
    • [*]Successful, but could have done better in Europe
    • [*]Average
    • [*]Below average, the Greek league isnt strong enough to class winning it as a success
    • [*]Abysmal! Worst ever champs lge campaign, and a victory in the weakest ever Greek league, whoppee

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The Socrati Kolopaido called this season 'very successful' do you agree???

In reality we won the weakest Greek league in years, possibly ever, and had our worst ever Champions League campaign. The defence needed replacing 4 years ago, now it is Serie B standard! Our wonderful captain is getting older, and Kokali refuses to spend money! I think its been an absymal season, and if we're being honest the refs helped us along the way too! The Champions Lge was a disgrace, Rosenberg are no better than AEK, and this Real Madrid team is the weakest in years, they wouldnt finish in the top 5 in England and they raped us in the first half!

I just hope players like Ne, Zewlakov and Borja succed because if they dont, this young PAO team will mature and win the league, and in Europe we'll get raped again!

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I will agree with u on some points there.. especially thinking the league was won of the easiest ever... to be quite frank i think bajevic had a much better season last year by a lot... But i cant complain about sollied i mean he seems to be heading the right way, has a good plan about bringing in all the players he wants by july so he has them all ready by the start of the season ( thats a major plus i think for the following season)... I hope the trash goes out tho at the end of this season (i.e Dani, Kapsis, mauro, Bullut?, etc etc) I think tho kokkalis is seeing tht he trusts sollied and is spending on players Sollied wants and not players HE wants (i.e Dani wht a lost case transfer)... I think we can justify the team more so in the start of next season.. theyre performance in the period october - december will show the overall picture i believe... But about PAO talent coming in yes you are right... Once they gel together and all the young players they have it could be hard....

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dont understand how it can be a success when you failed miserably in the cl...

its one thing to fail but to fail miserably???

& call a season a success when you have so little to play for in Greece?

where there's smoke there's fire

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I vote @average@ maunly because of the wins over PAO and AAK

but after seeing this match and the caricature of the team i think the answer shoud be @Terrible year@

Where is the dignity ofthis players? Is only the title important???

Am i the only one who thinks that way???

Anti football in its worse

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This by far is an average year for Olympiacos... Not that because they didn't have a succesful Champions League run but the overall performance from the club from Top-Down..

I don't think that we're running in all gears as a top club in Europe. It needs to happen from the Top and work its way down to the "little people" that are involved in the whole process....

Now as far as what's going on on the pitch... This is where the manager (Sollied) and the president (Kokalis) need to work as 1 and get things done to make the club a succesful one..

Yeah we got the League and we're 1 match away of being crowned the Greek Cup holders.. But what about it? Do you all think that all of Europe is carring???? What matters is what's going in the spotlight. Olympiacos is a top club in Greece and it needs to promote itself and it's players in more broader level...

We just just have to get better overall.... (From top-down)

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i have to go with succesfull because even if we under performed in europe and some games lost them in the final minutes,in greece our team performed well and beat both of our major opponents twice while playing some good football.the only reason this years championship looked easy is because we made it look easy since we had many problems during the year(new formation and systems,toure copa africa,konstantinou injured for 2 months k.a.).Plus is our coach first year with our club and so far it seems like he is doing good job and the future looks promising.Pretty much i am happy with the way we go and with five new players coming to our club even if summer is not here yet(never happened before in greece)we will propably look a lot better and stronger next year.

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I have to say it was a very successful year.

in the CL, there were many loses, but mnnay close games.

in the greek league it was won early with all the other teams having major issues.

then why do i say it was a success? because the team finally has a new direction. there is a new philosophy. the players are playing a new, attacking style. there are many new good players coming in.

it was the stepping stone for hopefully something greater.

all this being said, next year there are no excuses if they do not improve dramaticiaally in greece and europe

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by the way guys when was the last time we had a coach going in to the next season after having a full season? im not implying a joke here lol its a serious question just wondering..

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