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AEK -Olympiakos


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Give it some time. New coach, new system, and a whole different animal altogether PAO123. It will take time, but when it does you will see the European Olympiakos. Look how easy it is for us to win man. We play at half pace in Protathlima and need three minutes to clean up the match and pull out the win. Just to easy for this team. We can win the Protathlima blindfolded, and I am more interested in Thrylos lifting that European Cup and showing why we are the best in Greece. Of course I want success in Europe PAO123, and gradually it will come. Don't rush things. One win against Bayern, and you guys think that you'll be in the Final come May. Pw, pw ti tha ginei stis 18 tou mhnos me ti Barca. Tha fate k avli Ispaniko style, kai tha sas kanei o Ronaldinho ano kato. Look what a single Iaquinta did to you guys. Imagine an entire Barcelona. Run and hide now man, cause it won't be pretty. Up to the 86th re anoitai we had the tie, and maybe we should have lost by four or five, but we didnt. You cant go by, whoulda, shoulda, coulda, because anything can happen. The tie was ours and one mistake cost us. Just like it did last year, when the final sixteen birth was all but ours at Anfield. Yet again a costly mistake. Once Sollied establishes a reliable back line these mistakes will end, and a trip beyond the first round of CL will be a given for Thrylos. Mark my words here, right now. In Lyon you will see the European Olympiakos, and our first win in CL. Now, I know all this is too difficult for you to take in PAO123, because I know Pao fans have a tendency for talking v lakies instead of football, and your puny little head might not understand everything I wrote, so feel free to ask any questions. :LOL:

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eye to eye??? by the 86th minute you should have been down by 5 goals...did u watch the game file, or do you just not know very much about football......world class?? who is world class on your roster???? and not just this year but your away record in europe is beginning to become what olympiakos' known for...oly's constant struggle in europe is mainly what threw one more greek team out of the CL?? are you more proud of that or your bought "silverware"??

so whts ur point? cant a team have praise for its goalkeeper.... isnt that his job? rosenborg should have been 5 down also.... they had great praise for their keeper.... yes a keeper is part of a team..... so dnt say u SHOULD have been down 5.... the FACT is that we WERE NOT!!! nikopolidis is part of the team and he kept the team up..... as did johnsen for rosenborg... th einai autes h lekseis Should have and must have etc etc.... if u know in football there are no such words.... there is or theres not....
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haha..easy there file, i did not attack you in any way.. i was criticising your comment but obviously you feel the insecure need to undermine my intellegnce to make yourself feel alittle better...

you talk of time?? how much time have u guys had...plenty i would say..plus your team is not vry new..you have afew new players integrated into your system but thats normal..nothing special...and us pao fans do not think we are gunna win the CL or anything near that point..we are happy that we saw a glimpse of what pao can be in the near future and what the EUROPEAN PAO is about....you talk of an EUROPEAN OLYMPIAKOS..when was that in history, i must have missed it...mb once or twice you guys had a decent run but i have been alive more then long enough to know that this, what your teelling me about olympiakos european glory is fiction ...now WE have a new team, yours is not so....and yes, i believe our chances at getting any poinnts from barca are slim to none...they have WORLD CLASS players and a WORLD CLASS team so i would not be dissapointed about getting embarrsed by a team that play abslutly incredible, flowing beautiful football.. i would be upset by a 1-3 loss at home to a mid table norwegean team...but im not gunna compare results...you talk of iaquinta running us to ruins and what barca will do?? well if you are up to date with your newss, barca have been wanted to buy iaquinta for some time...so obviously he is a world class player and udin are a great team..the score did not reflect the match but im not upset about that...now your score vs madrid didnt represent the match either because you should have been crushed by an ununified, hurting madrid..but you are right, woulda shoulda coulda, but this is football..though the best team doesnt always get what they deserve, if i were an oly fan , i would be extrmeley dissapointed...your players looked like they were ready to get out they shovels and start digging themselves into a hole before they realized, hey, madrid really arent what we thought they were... now tactically, sollied is just trying to fit oly into a style that they cannot play vs teams easier then akratitos and kallithea...you talk of world class players?? where are they?? i dont see them on your roster, i dont see them on paos roster too..there are very quality players there on both teams...but world class, i think not...and by all means, i would love to see a result in lyon.. i will support any greek team in europe.. i have pride for greece and thats number one, pao comes second in my opinion adnd im stating, not as a pao fan, but as a fan of greek football, olymiakos have repeatedly embarrsed themseles and greece..when i hear everyone always talking about olys away record, it makes me very upset that the first thing that will come to a non-greeks mind when they think of greek football and the "CHAMPIONS" of greece is that they havent won one away match this whole histor of the CL...and now you expect it in LYON to a great side....i want you to win..PLEASE WIN..im begging you PLEASE WIN!!! i want to see it for you guys to get that s%$#! of your back and for GREECE..plpease...im stating all this as an observer and lover of greek football...

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even though i am a pao supporter and i do think that olym has the best team in the league my point is this...

we are talkin about the greek league...

how many of our top 5 greek teams have advanced to europe this year..

how many will be around after christmas?

sure we are playin against power house teams like werder bremen, rosenbourg and zenit st peters right?

ela re filarakia..the point is as greek teams there is only one way you can accomplish anything in europe and that is build ur team with young greek talent just like pao did in the late 90's and just like bajevic did with olym when they made it to the second round...

you have to have young hungry kids to make a splash in europe and although pao is not showing me european class at the moment we must not forget that the team is filled with young talent i.e mantzios,darlas,torghelle, tziolis among others and these are the people that are gonna give 100% for pao....

the one thing that worries me about olym is by the time they are ''ready'' to play good football in europe, the djordjevcic's, georgatos', rivaldo's, mavrogenidis. kapsis' nikopolidis and anatolakis' will be too old to have any kind of real success..so sk urself this...if beyond next year u do not accomplish anything, who will be there to offer any kind of relief for these top players...

the problem with all this is that this year could have been a good year for olymp in europe if only they were a little luckier in athens against rosenbourg..but now...what can they possibly do?

its not like olympiacos is the only team gettin better every year..i mean if u have teams like artmedia beating fc porto in portugal what does that say about the greek league...

support eachother and stop being such children...

aek maybe deserved to win...MAYBE...but in the end the better team won...


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i just saw the highlights.....

AEK would have won if they had decent forwards Lybe is good but wasnthe in midfield?. Soares sucks.

Also OSFP penalty by Okkas was a terrible dive. This is obvious in the replay. He drags his left foot and begins his fall before there was contact...Im all for the fines for diving like in Italy. As for AEK's penalty--- that wasnt a penalty either.

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finally a decent discussion started. unfortunately i have to agree with pao123, that none of the teams in greece has a player in its roster, who could be called world class. we have some players who have been, but aren't anymore. thats the most greek teams can get at the moment.

i also hope we will get a good result in france, and who knows, maybe we could grab our first away win, but like a guy on contra wrote: what do you think the players are thinking when they get a good score vs a great team away (like the 1-1 in madrid), when nearly every osfp fan is waiting for his team to make a mistake and concede a goal? georgatos has a good point, in saying that it is a psychological problem, but for gods sake, what kind of a complex must that be if this is happening for nearly ten years now? and it isn't just bad luck, complex etc. our players are the best payed in greece but they finally have to prove it also on international level.

somehow i have to say that i am happy that some of our players (djole, geo, anatolakis, mavro, etc) are getting old and we have to replace them in the near future. like that we have to get good players for the team who possibly won't have that complex. i just hope that the other new players who will stay in the team won't take it over.

how does it come that european nobodies like petrzalka grab a win away against teams like porto? sure they aren't the team that won the uefa cup, but they are supposed to be way better. or how does it come that a 2nd division german team can come to greece and beat one of the supposed strongest sides of our country?! could you ever imagine ergotelis, kalamata, panachaiki or any other b' ethniki team going to germany and beating even a low table team of the german bundesliga? NO F*****G WAY!!!!

i hope all the greek teams, pao, paok and osfp will make us proud in europe. but we have to admit, that except pao, none of all the teams that could qualify have the @@ to really do something.

i believe that osfp will get its first away victory this year, but not in france but in norway and like that we will be able to qualify for the uefa cup. and if we get the right players over the winter i believe we won't suck that much like last year.

and btw, the only thing that can help greek soccer are teams like xanthi. with a much lower budget than osfp, pao etc have, they managed to build a great team and are able to look the "greek giants" ( :LOL: ) in the eyes and play them even. honestly i would love to see them winning the championship B) .

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Guest Protathlitis



you think alot like I do Oly-Sydney

Ive thought about that game alot and what karembeu did. then after that we should have beaten juve at home and who would have thought it was that year that the 7-0 would happen

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THANKS Protathlitis,

its common reality in football that Defence wins you games and attack is the best form of defence..

but we only have the one ability..

A good example why I think Chelsea will win the champions league this year. They have the best defence in Europe no doubt about it..

William Gallas, John Terry, Paolo Ferrera, Del horno and Carvalho

then midfield they have the best two defensive midfielders in Essien and the king of DM Makelele.

These are some players that I think Oly can afford to bring to the club for their defence.

1. Robert Huth Chelsea

Date of Birth: 18 Aug 1984

Height: 6 3

Weight: 13st 12lb

2. Pascal Cygan Arsenal

Date of Birth: 18 Aug 1984

Height: 6 3

Weight: 13st 12lb

3. Alex PSV

Date of birth: 17.06.1982

Country: Brazil

Position: Defender

4. Vincent Kompany Anderlecht

Date of birth: 10.04.1986

Country: Belgium

Position: Defender

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THANKS Protathlitis,

its common reality in football that Defence wins you games and attack is the best form of defence..

but we only have the one ability..

A good example why I think Chelsea will win the champions league this year. They have the best defence in Europe no doubt about it..

William Gallas, John Terry, Paolo Ferrera, Del horno and Carvalho

then midfield they have the best two defensive midfielders in Essien and the king of DM Makelele.

These are some players that I think Oly can afford to bring to the club for their defence.

1. Robert Huth      Chelsea

Date of Birth: 18 Aug 1984

Height: 6 3

Weight: 13st 12lb 

2. Pascal Cygan    Arsenal

Date of Birth: 18 Aug 1984

Height: 6 3

Weight: 13st 12lb

3. Alex                  PSV

Date of birth: 17.06.1982

Country: Brazil

Position: Defender

4. Vincent Kompany  Anderlecht

Date of birth: 10.04.1986

Country: Belgium

Position: Defender

none of those players would come to olympiakos excpt mb cygan, but o wouldnt want him on my team anyway...

huth...he plays for chelsea and is being tracked constantly by bayern...no way

cygan...possibly but i wouldnt want him leading my defense..he wouldnt come to greece regardless

alex....being seriously tracked by milan...i doubt if a club like mila shows extreme interest he would end up at oly...

kompany...are ou serious?? man unitec, chelsea, arseanl and juventus have all tried to sign this player..he is one of the most unrealistic signings...

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iam a realist, and it is hard to sign quality defenders,

i was just trying to compare the difference between anatolakis, kostoulas

v other better defenders.

We have to fix this unsteady defence of ours.. and if sollied cant see that for the first 60 mins against Aek we should of have copped 3 goals..

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Chelsea will not win the C.L.

English teams have a hard time winning European silverware

only 3 titles in last 20 years

plus i don't know if u guys heard wut Rohlandinho said eariler that he would love to face Chelsea again

and u know wut he can do !!!!!!!!!!!!!

plus if Chelsea face a Milan, Inter or Juve they won't go through

there will be at least one Italian team in the final

now back to Olympiakos

they only question about Sollied is will he be given time to construct a team that all Olympiakos fans want

both dominate in Greece and Europe

if we can give him this summer to make his decisions and clean out alot of the age on this team

we will have our dream hopefully

till then lets Keep dominating domestically and fight our way to at least a Uefa cup stage

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man Sammi Kuffor from bayern was available at the start of the season free transfer, he is a good defender, wether he would of liked to come to greece is adifferent thing..

I do believe that sollied will build this team and make a differencein europe one day.. expect changes in January...

Rumors will start next month....

1st Basinas to Oly

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if we had just gotten dragutinovic, he could have played with kapsis. kostoulas is not bad either, i dont know why everyone hates him. anatolais is the one defender who stinks it up every time. if our back 4 were :


we would be fine in europe this year, but kokkalis never listens. ton anatolkai ton trome sthn mapa 7 hronia

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if we had just gotten dragutinovic, he could have played with kapsis. kostoulas is not bad either, i dont know why everyone hates him. anatolais is the one defender who stinks it up every time. if our back 4 were :


we would be fine in europe this year, but kokkalis never listens. ton anatolkai ton trome sthn mapa 7 hronia

for starters i think draguanovic is a Lb so i doubt he would be at rb

and he is 30 something if i am correct

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