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1st off... i find it quite funny that Ziaka closed my ########## thread.... it wasnt harming any1 but their website.... therefore i find it quite ironic that u left the thread open for such a short amount of time.... when u leave Spiro's thread about the PAOK v Iraklis game still opened ( to which he is advertising his or gastone's site) :blink: anyhow.... i would like to say afew things....

If some of the things i have said wernt proof enough.... there were 3 major things our "team" were unable to answer...

1. When asked by many members to post the so-called email from the authorities... THEY WENT SILENT!!!!!

2. a quote from spiro:

While we were broadcasting the free games and everybody loved us, mk21 and I say it loud and clear, mk21 brought to our attention this site that was charging money for the same games that we were giving for free. We didn't say anything to the forums simply because we were giving what that site offers to you for free. And we told mk21 that people must be very stupid to pay money for something we were giving for free.

now... this is a MASSIVE LIE on Spiro's behalf... and when i produced proof

http://www.webstats4u.com/s?tab=1&link=1&id=3714470 (link found on the bottom of http://fihtia.tripod.com)

which shows that the 1st ever hits to that website where on the 17th of September....around the time gastone started sending pm's to every1 in these forums.... so if they knew about this website while they where doing there free streams on phantis... why are the 1st hits to the site on the 17th of Septemper????


3. Gastone's PM to god knows how many pll.......

ela re trifilara, Lepon akou carefully.

Den mporoume gia ligo kairo na dosoume Streams.

I noticed that you are helping the community as much as we do.

the problem is though that we are beeing watched and that we are a bit afraid.

An anevei greek stream public sto Sop tha mas pane mesa opote teliwsane ta pswmia mas.

Koita omos alternate solutions: http://fihtia.tripod.com, pou mou edwse kai o mk21. tous dokimasa simera kai eixane flawless stream sta 141kbs! Den kserw pou to vreikane oi p*****des.

They say they will show PAOK vs Iraklis tomorrow for free.

this may be one of the solutions. I am still a bit precautios, but since they have it for free I suppose we can give them a try.

Forward this to whoever you may trust in here. It's our only alternative at the moment.


It's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.

Numberous amounts of pll got THE EXACT SAME PM from gastone or someone else.... Why the exact same email?????


so i ask this.... isnt it obvious he is trying to ADVERTISE a website....Im not sure but isnt that against the forum rules Ziaka?????

anyhow... i think ive said my piece...

All along i never wanted to make this bad for any1.... but i cant sit here and watch them try to make money out of something they said they would provide for free.... WHEN THEIR INTENTIONS ALL ALONG WHERE TO MAKE A WEBSITE AND CHARGE PLL MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the bone im picking.... not becoz they made the website..... goodluck to them... but the fact they lie and their sneaky about it.... thats what pissed me off...

unfortunatly "team".... u left behind too many footprints!!!!!!!!

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i ask... if any of the "team" have the balls... to ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!

and something funny.... i find it quite hard to believe that someone making his so called $1.5milion a year would be thriving so desperatly to watch his team via his computer..... IF and i say a very big IF u made that much money.... wouldnt u just buy the biggest dish in the world.... chuck it on your roof na delioni h ipothesi....

apla afta yia mena einai koutamares.... sketa psemata!!!

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I think people following the relevant topics have a pretty good idea of what happened, and most of us a clear view of who wight be involved in the fihtia site. Probably the team decided not to answer to your posts because even if they are not involved there is no way they could prove it, similarly there is no way you or anyone else can prove that they were involved.

I suggest you don't spend anymore of your time with this because it's not important anymore.

What is important is that IT IS WRONG TO SELL THINGS THAT DON'T BELONG TO YOU and people should turn their back on the fihtia site and any other site that tries to make money in this way. I know that it is hard to have a possibility to watch your team playing in the champions league and stick to the radio but this is what people should do until UEFA decide to stream matches the way Olympiacos do.

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I think people following the relevant topics have a pretty good idea of what happened, and most of us a clear view of who wight be involved in the fihtia site. Probably the team decided not to answer to your posts because even if they are not involved there is no way they could prove it, similarly there is no way you or anyone else can prove that they were involved.

I suggest you don't spend anymore of your time with this because it's not important anymore.

What is important is that IT IS WRONG TO SELL THINGS THAT DON'T BELONG TO YOU and people should turn their back on the fihtia site and any other site that tries to make money in this way. I know that it is hard to have a possibility to watch your team playing in the champions league and stick to the radio but this is what people should do until UEFA decide to stream matches the way Olympiacos do.

well put manos..... very civilized and not bothering anoyone.... well put mate...
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Manos... i have showed more than enough proof!!! are u not reading???

THEY CANT ANSWER MY QUESTIONS.... becoz they are gutless.... and have no more lies to tell!!!!!

They contradicted themselves time and time again in their posts... and i proved that....

and its plain for every1 to see that the fihtia site belongs to gastone.... he was the 1 promoting through PM's... his other greek tv site was on tripod... ..... .... VERY similar style of website.... same instructions on how to connect to SopCast with configurations etc etc... the list goes on......

u dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out!!!

WHy should i stop tell me??? all im doing it starting a thread and lettting pll have their views on how some of our members tried to rip us off...

For me... i regret ever saying thankyou to the "team" for providing anything for free... i honestly do... because of their intentions BEHIND THE FREE STREAMS on here... they have lost all my respect!!!! How can u come across as doing something fantastic for the omogenia and then stab them in the back???? :nono:

so please dont tell me to stop or tell me i dont have proof.... its all there!!! if u chose not to believe it thats your decision... :whistle:

i wont stop until their site is shutdown... which im in the process of achieving as we speak.

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ela re mano...i see you are knew here and this is your third post....how come all of a sudden you decide to post in this topic, being knew and all why do you care.........and dont tell me you have been reading for a while and now decided to post....your probably some of the people who "leeched" on the streams and couldnt even register and you will probably dissapear soon anyway...if im wrong please let me know but its funny how a rookie three post member cares enough about this to put your two cents here..........it seems a lot of you rookies have decided to throw your two cents in here the last two days, and honestly i dont really care what you say...if i see that two months later you are still here then i apologize in advance...till then who cares what you think.......

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It might be obvious to you or to me that doesn't mean you have enough proof, the only thing I am saying is that this goes nowhere. I agree you shoudn’t stop trying to shutdown the site, and I think the best way to do it is to convince people not to use it, not because possibly somebody has followed the wrong marketing strategy but because it’s wrong to make money out of other people’s effort.


I understand why you don’t trust rookies and it’s your business whether you care about my opinion or not. All the times I connected to the team’s streams my upload was higher than my download and I felt I was contributing and didn’t need to register and thank the team.

I hope I will be around in two months time, if not I apologise.


Obviously you haven’t been to the army and you don’t know what “palios” means.

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It might be obvious to you or to me that doesn't mean you have enough proof, the only thing I am saying is that this goes nowhere.

file... how dont i have enough proof???? Are u reading a different thread????

but thats your opinion....... the 100's of emails ive recieved from members in here telling me i did a good thing starting the original thread think otherwise.... B)

and this actually does go somewhere... it closes the website they made :)

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I don’t agree with you, I read your posts and I haven’t seen a proof that the e-mail from the copyright agency does not exist, I would expect the people who received it to have posted it to the forums by now, the fact that they haven’t increases the probability that they haven’t received but it DOES NOT prove that they haven’t. I haven’t seen a proof that a member of the team set up the fihtia site, the fact that Gastone promoted it in his PMs and Spiro endorsed it in his Hraklhs-PAOK post implies that they are involved but DOES NOT prove it.

Why is the team-fihtia connection so important? If fihtia was set up by somebody else would you be happy to subscribe and allow people to make money broadcasting something that doesn’t belong to them?

Don’t be “xontrokefalos” people who don’t agree with you aren’t fools they just have a different opinion.

No need to edit your messages I am not offended.

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"Managing a $1.5M company" doesn't mean you are MAKING $1.5M. Xanalew, afta t'asxeta na min eleges kai tha s' eperna pio sovara.

Oso gia to "leeching" pou leei o billyda"greek" (emphasis on the quotes), re megale apo pote prepei na xanoume to xrono mas se forums me sena gia na doume ena free stream? Theopoieis kapious pou sou edinan free stream kai meta tous vrizeis. Kalytera na min eleges tipota apo tin arxi kai ola tha itan cool (opws oi "leechers"!!!).

An den to piases, na sto kanw pio liana: to sopcast doulevei kalutera otan exeis perissotera atoma me kalo upload. Me liga logia den xriazete na efxaristiseis KANENAN gia to free stream. Ftanei na dineis arketo bandwidth gia na vlepei enas akoma user.

Pou fthasame. Na milame se thread me kapion pou exei "da" sto nick tou.

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once again i will say it.... u dont have to agree with me...

but if ur scared to say i am right in hope they will give u free streams again... u are dreaming...

manos... yep ok thats ur opinion... sevasti... but your in the minority here file!!!

if u want the "teams" streams pll... goto there website... :LOL: oh yea... and pay them for all the HARD WORK they are doing :LOL: :LOL:

some pll are very narrow minded!!!


Why havent they showed us the email they recieved from the authories???? becoz its a lie and there was never a email.

Why did spiro lie about when he found out about the site??? becoz he didnt think pll could find out when the 1st hits on the site here... if he wasnt involved... why would he lie about something like that???

u say u are reading... but i dont think u are reading carefully enough..


"Managing a $1.5M company" doesn't mean you are MAKING $1.5M. Xanalew, afta t'asxeta na min eleges kai tha s' eperna pio sovara.

Spiro was the 1 who originally brought that up instead of answering anything i asked him... so dont pin that on me... HE decided to tell every1 that... sounds like a very modest guy!!!!

ohhh and im still waiting for a responce from any "team" member who has the balls to answer the questions i put forward in my original post in this thread.... where are they i wonder???? hiding under a rock???? :LOL:

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I just received a letter from the United States Copyright Office stating that they still monitor this forum closely and because their agents are sick of all this argument they demand Trifiliras stops posting about it. If he does not we are all going to be arrested and sent to Siberia where there is not going to be any football coverage other than the Siberian premier league. Trifilara we all have caravans, cats and hamsters to care about and we cannot jeopardise their future. Therefore please stop posting, it was good while it lasted.

Furthermore, they say that they are willing to grant us a special permission to stream football matches and offer Trifilaras a position in the US Supreme Court if:

-Trifilaras admits that he runs the fihtia site

-Trifilaras admits that Panagiotis Kone is worth as much as two Equis and two Flavios together

-Panathinaikos score at least twice in their next champions league match

Unfortunately the letter is encrypted and I cannot post it to this forum.

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Vre agori mou, plaka kanei o manos, have a sense of humor. Hmarton...

Pali den katalaves afto pou eipa prin. O spiros den eipe pws VGAZEI $1.5M. Eipe he MANAGES a $1.5M company. Do you see the difference? O spiros borei na vgazei $1 tin wra (leme twram don't take it literally again), it's irrelevant. To oti den to katalabeneis afto einai pou me kanei skeptiko gi'afta pou grafeis.

Sou xanalew bas kai to xapseis: Egw vlepw ta mats apo NOVA. Sta tetia mou an exo free stream 'h oxi. Ta 100kbps htan ok stin periptosi pou variomoun na paw sto magazi pou exei Nova- 'H stin periptosi pou epeze slow-motion podosfero o vazelos, opote pios m#$%!s tha plirwsei venzini kai tha xasei 2 wres apo tin zwh tou gia na paei na dei ton Van Geka (see what I did there?) na xanei gol me to tsouvali?

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to tell u the truth... sta @@ mou pios fgazei ti lefta!!!!

Thats not the issue... to thema edo eiani opos ipe kai o redgod7... h KOROI8IA!!!

"yia ta leftaaaaaaaa ta kaneis ollllllaaaa....." kapos etsi einai h istoria edo :blink:

the funny thing is... not only did they send pm's in the phantis forum... but they also went as far as to go on greeksoccer.com and try to advertise their crappy website via pm's!!!


ekipera xeris ti tous ekane o admin???? TOUS EKANE BAN AMESOS!!!!!

edo omos... ta admin KLINOUNE TOPICS otan kapios prospathi na 8ixei sta members ti tsoglania exoume se afta ta forums!!!

MANDEPSE!!!!!!!! :angry:

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Let's stop beating a dead horse.

Everyone had a chance to express their opinion in the other thread and in this one. If there is anything pressing for someone to say, they can always open a new topic. However I see no logic by running in cirles.

Everyone has a brain and they can make their own mind on the subject at hand. You (TRIFILARA) laid out your story and everyone had a chance to have their say. It's still out there for anyone to read. The only reason I closed it was that it was becoming tiresome by going in circles. File redgod7, koroidia tha itane if I deleted or edited the whole topic.

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so i ask this.... isnt it obvious he is trying to ADVERTISE a website....Im not sure but isnt that against the forum rules Ziaka?????

I am assuming you're talking about this. Here is your answer. Casual mentions of web sites are allowed. Systematic and constant mentions of a web site by the same poster is deemed to be an advertisement and will be addressed by the administrators on a case by case basis. In this case contact the administrators of Phantis and bring it to their attention.

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:nw: Poly kalo manos :nw:


Vre agori mou, plaka kanei o manos, have a sense of humor. Hmarton...

Kai egw pou nomiza oti oloi oi panathinaikoi exoun humor (me tetoia omada pou katebazoume einai APARAITITO).

Rookies of this forum unite...

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