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Refere help PAO win with WISLA


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It's 24 hours after the game and we in Poland still don't know why refere cancel second gol for Wisla in 85 minute.Greek defender hold polish player so should be penal or refere should not cancel second gol.

greek defender hold Kuzba (Wisla) t-shirt

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Kuzba (Wisla) was pushed away by two greek defenders

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Greek defender hit the ball to Penksa (Wisla)

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Penksa score second gol.Video show that Penska did not faul greek player and he did not hold greek player.

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guys give up u lost fair and square!

We lost and copped it on the chin in Poland - no whinging or nothing

u lost in Greece and u guys are crying :LOL:

Cant u be men and take the loss constructively?

Maybe u should be crying that there arnt enough english teachers in Poland cos clearly u guys cant spell :LOL:

Next time u bring a banner make sure it makes sense :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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U better tell MALEZANI to learn some english or greek :LOL:

Our coach speak perfect english

ur coach can speak english?

well tell him to teach ur fans!!!!

ur banner made no sense and u made fools of your selfs all over the world as people couldnt work out what ur poled asses were trying to say :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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I've looked at the replay of the second goal for Wisla and I really don't understand why the referee blew the whistle when in fact the goal was scored correctly! :tdown: (please, let it be known to you that I am not a Wisla supporter).

Yes, I've said it loud and clear - the second goal for Wisla was scored correctly and if you think otherwise, prove it!

Also, for all you PAO fans who agree with the referee, how do you explain the fact that after the whistle was blown the game did not resume from a free kick as it should have, but instead the goalkeeper took the ball out of the net and THREW IT to one of the PAO players who then initiated the goalscoring attack. I think this is outrageous and clearly a violation of the rules.

Please, let me hear your explanation as to what was wrong with the second goal for Wisla? Was it an offside? Was it a foul? If yes, then why wasn't there a freekick for PAO, but instead the referee allowed the goalkeeper to throw the ball when everyone else was stunned?

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There is another interesting thing.Even if it was offside or a faul commited by Kuzba (we know its bullshit) , referee should blow the whistle (thats what he did) and then the ball should be played from the ground as a free kick !! Instead of that Galinovic throws the ball by his hand to Pao's player (Gekas) and second later PAO scores the goal that shouldnt be allowed...

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Look I don't have the replay in front of me to answer you people whether it was a valid decision or not. Maybe the referee didn't see the keeper throwing the ball after he had given the foul. This is not an important "violation", as you say, of the rules. Big deal whether the keeper kicks or throws the ball!!!! In fact there is not even a point in discussing this since Panathinaikos was much better after 30', created a number of chances (30 shots on goal) and overall deserves to be in the group stage of CL. After all, the Wisla coach accepted that Panathinaiko's win was fair. STOP MOANING PLEASE

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hey maybe he did rob you guys of a goal, and maybe it is a scandal, but you know what....no one cares but you wisla fanss...anyway all is said and done,....get over it....Hey panatha fans... lets stop waisting are time answering the wisla fans, we have bigger and better things to do like watch the Cl draw tommorrow, thats right Champions League biatches.....So let the wisla poles talk in here by themselves......their not in the cl thus not on our level,.............

ante glipste ta my balls

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First the referee didn`t accept correctly scorred goal and then he made another unacceptable mistake and you`re saying it`s not a big deal ?!

This was the crucial moment of the game !!

As for the created chances,it doesnt matter whether you create 100 of them or just 1.The most important thing is to score the goal,a correct one.I`m pretty sure there wouldn`t be so many chances for PAO,couse at least half of them were created in extra time,while Wisla was playing with 10 man on the ground (actually 9 cos Frankowski was neutralize by the injury).

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Look I saw the game 3 time already and have it on tape. The ref called a hand ball. The Wisla player on that picture controlelled the ball with his palm. It wasn't clear but only from the riverse angle camera. Actually Fantomas from the last picture it is very clear that if you go back a couple of decimals of a second you will see him controling it with his left hand very clearly.

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ill answers the poles questions;

You know what pao did?? we figured out at half time we couldnt beat you so we gave 20 euros to flavio to give to the ref to help us win the second half because we all know how good of a team wisla (powerhouse team) is espeically haveing a 3-1 advantage lol that should never have been turned around... after we screwed u guys of the second goal the ref decided he wanted another 10 more euros to allow us to score the winner which was doubful according to ur forums...

And there you have it, Pao managed to pay the refs off in europe (something that oly cant achieve) to beat the power house team of wisla....

you guys need to get a life and hack the defeat, u guys got "poled" up the arse and through ur mouths...

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