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Hey guys,

I was just going through one of the PAO Gate 13 websites, the Peristeri one actually, and I found a multimedia section that contains many audio files of PAO chants.

Theres this one particular one, Ena Horto Magiko, I was wondering if anyone knows all the words to that chant, bc its hard to make out, plus my Greek isnt exactly the best,

if anyone can thanks!

Also, i suppose we can keep this topic open for multimedia with PAO fans etc and chants, or any future chants ppl come up with!!!! :gr:

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Innnnnn eeeeeeeennnnaaaaa horrrrrrrrtoooooo magikooooooooo,

ferte mou ligo gia na piooooooooo,

ton PAO mou na onirefto kai na fwnakso sto theo,

Panatha mou, se agapo, san iroini san skliro narkotiko,

san to hashish, to LSD me sena PAO mastouroni oli gi.

There is a "magic" grass,

give me a little to "smoke",

To dream of my PAO and to shout to God,

My Panatha, I love you, like heroin, like a hard drug,

just like hashish and LSD with you PAO the whole world gets "high".

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Since we are in the subject of songs...

here are some of the classic... ;)



There are subject matters that are NOT suitable for young readers. :nono:

Please do not censor.

These are NOT my songs.

For educational purposes only

The composers are using "poitikh adeia" (poetic freedom) :) :whistle:

Sorry, Greek reading knowledge required...

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