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To Pao123:

You have to qualify first to be able to register players for the chapions league.

Therefore you have to register seperate times for the qualifiers, which means Pao who hasn't registered Togerle, Samartean, Basina at the moment could register them if they manage to outsceore Wisla.

Now the fact that only Torgele will only probalby be registered alongside the rest of the team is a different story of course.

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Speakin of transfers, i jst have to say the following and how i feel:

I belive that our defence is s%$#! period... Not only is it s%$#! but i also think its gonna cost us everything (League,cup,Europe) if nothing is done, i mean this year pao made good transfers (flavio, Nillson, Biscan, Torgelle, seric ect...) however because we didnt add anyone to our defence(we actually weakend it) all these good transfers could go down the toilet..... :(

What do u guys think, i honestly think our defence is a huge problem and in the next month or two everyone will see it...

P.S i hope not

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i have just returned from greece and i have to say this!

the reason we have not bought a defender is that we have some promising youngsters in our 1st team.

stathis-kokkolakis-tripotseri and we are also using andric(who could might as well turn out to be brilliant)

the 3 above should develope just fine under the guidance of goumas - kotsios and morris

dont forget we have just bought nilson a top-class allround defender!

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once again, nilsson was bought for RW and not DR!! we have Vyntra and morris for that so forget about Nilsson as a defender... he will only b used as backup...

i hope ur right about the youngsters....

nilson will not be used as a sub!

he is a top class defender! in the swedish national team he is used either as a left or right defender but he can also play center back.

and with the usually great scandinavian mentality he is very profesional and has not come to sit on the bench. trust me

he is getting ready for the derby and his main task will be to put djordjevic out of the game.

if u have seen euro 2004 u should have noticed him

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once again, nilsson was bought for RW and not DR!! we have Vyntra and morris for that so forget about Nilsson as a defender... he will only b used as backup...

i hope ur right about the youngsters....

nilson will not be used as a sub!

he is a top class defender! in the swedish national team he is used either as a left or right defender but he can also play center back.

and with the usually great scandinavian mentality he is very profesional and has not come to sit on the bench. trust me

he is getting ready for the derby and his main task will be to put djordjevic out of the game.

if u have seen euro 2004 u should have noticed him

i didnt mean he will be a sub, i meant that he will be our right winger rather then our right defender....

of course he will be starting in paos first 11 as a RW not a RD....

i meant he will only b used as a right defender when we lose vytra or morris and become thin, other then that he will always be our Right winger re slick

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once again, nilsson was bought for RW and not DR!! we have Vyntra and morris for that so forget about Nilsson as a defender... he will only b used as backup...

i hope ur right about the youngsters....

nilson will not be used as a sub!

he is a top class defender! in the swedish national team he is used either as a left or right defender but he can also play center back.

and with the usually great scandinavian mentality he is very profesional and has not come to sit on the bench. trust me

he is getting ready for the derby and his main task will be to put djordjevic out of the game.

if u have seen euro 2004 u should have noticed him

i didnt mean he will be a sub, i meant that he will be our right winger rather then our right defender....

of course he will be starting in paos first 11 as a RW not a RD....

i meant he will only b used as a right defender when we lose vytra or morris and become thin, other then that he will always be our Right winger re slick

im pretty sure he came to play both right winger and and defense....malesani will realize vyntra is not as good as nilson and put him there and wooter on the right mid.....

also i think the original plan was to play the 5-3-2..with that central attacking mid.thats what we were doing in preseason and practicing gettin Lucian ready but then there was a fallout because Lucian and Alberto are immature and the team suffered for it in our 3-1 loss because of last minute tactic changes.. ....when equi is available again it probably means:







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Just a reminder about why Foutsini was so desired by the managment and some of you in this forum was saying he sucks.

Paok with Sikabala and Foutsini today gave a small taste of what it is going to be to playing in Touba this season.

I wouldn't put too much stock into what Futchini did today. He had a good game, sure. But to say that PAO fans or any other team fan for that matter were way off in dismissing this guy might be jumping to conclusions.

He says that he wants to leave PAOK and that he has a team in England lined up....let's just wait and see what sort of team is before singing his praises.

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Dude ever since when we have to compare every black player with Epale and Debah ?

Not to mention that they were weren't given much of a chance to proove their worth. {I recon Epale made the big mistake to choose #10 which he couldn't live up to such a heavy # (especially at a team like Pao) and the fans for that judged him way too much. I would prefer Epale over Haralabidi any time.}

Why don't you mention the name of Olisadebe instead ?

Or why don't you wait to see Toure and Babakinda that Osfp got.

The bootom line is that Foutsini was the best right ex-treme in Greece last season.

If you dissagree

Name me a better right ex-treme from last season in Greece.

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Dude ever since when we have to compare every black player with Epale and Debah ?

Not to mention that they were weren't given much of a chance to proove their worth. {I recon Epale made the big mistake to choose #10 which he couldn't live up to such a heavy # (especially at a team like Pao) and the fans for that judged him way too much. I would prefer Epale over Haralabidi any time.}

Why don't you mention the name of Olisadebe instead ?

Or why don't you wait to see Toure and Babakinda that Osfp got.

The bootom line is that Foutsini was the best right ex-treme in Greece last season.

If you dissagree

Name me a better right ex-treme from last season in Greece.

Olisadebe, Babagida never played in Greece before. I am comparing Foutsini to players in a similar scenario like Debah, Epalle african players where they were big in a ethniki for teams outsdide the 3 and came to a big club and show they cant handle it.....

Deba , Epalloser were decent-good in the A ethniki then came to PAO and showed how truly wothless they are.....the transfers of Sila/Foutsini just sounded all too familiar to the crap half assed signings we were making before and a 29 year old cameroonian from PAOK that had a few good performances isnt really a good solution to a long term problem...

Epalle not given enough chances?? he got plenty of chances in his first season....he was undescribably terrible. I dont know about you but i think a player should no how to pass and control the ball just a little bit in order to play for this team. And play some good defense. Epalle did jack s%$#! he will only be remembered for his flips at the celebration of the double. and some players just play there best at lower level clubs....Epalle when he went to iraklis showed that...Foutsini is very likely the same....

Epalle over Bidis??? Bidis is crap but hes way better!!! Bidis actually made some assists last year! Epalle was just crap crap crap crap! I put no presure on him cuz of his number.....because he was simply awful!!!! You never saw Epalle play did you? We should have dropped Epalle and kept Mitu instead he was way better...

best right extreme? what the hell is this a damn pepsi commericial??? or deodorant?

I disagree.

name you a better right winger?? Deniz Baykara, EASILY. we were stupid not to go after him this year...great talent.....

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Deniz Baykara, EASILY.

why do not big four of both countries chase this young man? he should already have been picked up by either OSFP, PAO, AEK, PAOK or by GS, FB, BJK or Trabzonspor... The transfer committees of these clubs drive me mad sometimes...

:( :angry: <_< :o

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why do not big four of both countries chase this young man? he should already have been picked up by either OSFP, PAO, AEK, PAOK or by GS, FB, BJK or Trabzonspor... The transfer committees of these clubs drive me mad sometimes...

:( :angry: <_< :o

i have no idea why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously i was preying PAO would grab him already we really needed an attacking right mid.......he was practically perfect for us.....i think if PAO, AEK are blind yet another year he will end up with Galatasaray or maybe Trabzon/Gencler.....but i could see him in sarikirmizi shirt i just hope PAO beats you to him!

but maybe next season...and it seems that Turkish teams dont really like signing greek based players or greeks.....

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Actually just to be a prick and a smartass - LOL - epalle did do one good thing he played a good game against Rangers in Ibrox in the 3-1!

Apart from that the only good thing about him was the number 10, and even that didnt help him! :LOL:

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it seems that Turkish teams dont really like signing greek based players or greeks.....

Galatasaray came very close to signing Traianos Dellas last season and was seriously interested in Georgios Karagounis. Some papers also rumoured in July a bid made by Galatasaray for Basinas but that was never ratified by either parties. But the transfers about first two guys were close to be materialised last season. I don't think any Turkish team has such stupid bias about Greek players or vice-versa. Some papers wrote news for Olympiacos about chasing Necati Ates and John Carew this summer for example.

By the way, in an interview with a Turkish channel (NTV or CNN-TR, I think) Deniz said he was a die-hard fan of Galatasaray ever since he was led to know himself...

B) B) B) B) :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:

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Whatever you think Drakos. I don't thing that it is a pepsi commercial. I just think that Haralabidis wouldn't stand a chance for either Foutsini or Epale.

I just hope Foutsini stays at Paok this season just to show you how much of a factor he is.

As for Epale, we will surely see him at Irakli this season.

As for Haralabidi, I agree that he is a better assist provider, but Epale is much faster than him. Haralabidi is slower than a replay.

If you ask me, I thing it is more important for a winger to be fast.

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basinas have rejected a bid from feyenord!

they had agreed with pao for about 500k euros and was offering him 800k a year but he still(after so long) insist on getting atleast 1.2mil euro a year.

now he says he wants to stay until his contracts finishes with pao in december and then negotiate freely with any team!

he also stated that he will train with pao until this happends so he is fit for the national team?

without any important matches he really cant be serius about this! he could never play full 90min if he only trains with us.

he is making a fool out of himself with rejecting all the teams that are interested in him just like kyrgiakos who has rejected schalke and other top clubs

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